438 research outputs found

    Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2020, which was planned to be held during June 8-12, 2020, at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference was postponed until an undetermined date. XP is the premier agile software development conference combining research and practice. It is a hybrid forum where agile researchers, academics, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers get together to present and discuss their most recent innovations, research results, experiences, concerns, challenges, and trends. Following this history, for both researchers and seasoned practitioners XP 2020 provided an informal environment to network, share, and discover trends in Agile for the next 20 years. The 14 full and 2 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 37 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: agile adoption; agile practices; large-scale agile; the business of agile; and agile and testing

    Spartan Daily, May 2, 2019

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    Volume 152, Issue 40https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartan_daily_2019/1039/thumbnail.jp

    Broadening the Scope of Security Usability from the Individual to the Organizational : Participation and Interaction for Effective, Efficient, and Agile Authorization

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    Restrictions and permissions in information systems -- Authorization -- can cause problems for those interacting with the systems. Often, the problems materialize as an interference with the primary tasks, for example, when restrictions prevent the efficient completing of work and cause frustration. Conversely, the effectiveness can also be impacted when staff is forced to circumvent the measure to complete work -- typically sharing passwords among each other. This is the perspective of functional staff and the organization. There are further perspectives involved in the administration and development of the authorization measure. For instance, functional staff need to interact with policy makers who decide on the granting of additional permissions, and policy makers, in turn, interact with policy authors who actually implement changes. This thesis analyzes the diverse contexts in which authorization occurs, and systematically examines the problems that surround the different perspectives on authorization in organizational settings. Based on prior research and original research in secure agile development, eight principles to address the authorization problems are identified and explored through practical artifacts

    Strategically Managing the Value Creation and Productivity Paradox of Artificial Intelligence : The General Purpose Technology View

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    ABSTRACT This doctoral dissertation explores the strategic management of artificial intelligence as a general purpose technology and its value creation in the context of multiple industries. I study what makes AI-based value creation challenging from the management and organization perspective despite the high technological performance of AI. I analyze this through five sub-research questions, and by applying grounded theory. Empirically, I turn to 34 AI solution developers from 18 different industries who have both technical and business understanding of using AI. The AI solution developers suit this study because of their skills, capabilities, and power position to shape the present and future through the combined use of machine learning (ML) and other AI related technologies that are already impacting our daily lives in and out of work context. The extant literature on AI in premium outlets on general management and organizational studies can be typified into five AI use phases: 1) antecedents of AI use, 2) AI use, 3) (empirical) impacts of AI use, 4) expected (cumulative) impacts of AI, and 5) AI-related paradigm shift. The five sub-research questions of this doctoral dissertation explore the definition of AI and the use phases 1-4 by approaching AI as the subject of study. The fifth AI use phase is excluded from this study as it would require using AI also as the research method. The main contributions of this doctoral thesis include giving an overview of AI in management and organization, and pre-theoretically identifying the technical and socially constructed decision-making criteria for AI investments, six AI use types, how empirical AI impacts have been measured, what temporal dimensions are expected to be impacted by AI, and what AI strategies organizations have already adopted to create AI-based value and overcome its productivity paradox. KEYWORDS: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, strategic management, value creation, automation, augmentation, hybrid intelligence, conjoined agencyTIIVISTELMÄ Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy tekoälypohjaisen arvonluonnin strategiseen johtamiseen yli teollisuudenalarajojen. Lähestyn tekoälyä korkean suorituskyvyn omaavana yleiskäyttöisenä teknologiana ja analysoin ilmiö- ja aineistopohjaisesti sitä, mikä tekee tekoälypohjaisesta arvonluonnista silti haastavaa johtamisen ja organisoinnin näkökulmasta viiden alatutkimuskysymyksen avulla. Haastattelin tätä työtä varten 34 tekoälyratkaisuja 18 eri teollisuudenalalla kehittävää asiantuntijaa. He sopivat haastateltaviksi, koska heillä on alan osaamista sekä teknisestä että käytännön sovellusten näkökulmasta, ja koska heillä on valta-asema kehittää koneoppimiseen ja muihin tekoälyteknologoihin pohjautuvia ratkaisuja, jotka jo vaikuttavat päivittäiseen elämäämme työelämässä ja sen ulkopuolella. Yleisen johtamisen ja organisaatiotutkimuksen huippujulkaisuista kerätty kirjallisuus voidaan jakaa viiteen tekoälyn käyttövaiheeseen: 1) tekoälyn käyttöä edeltävät tekijät, 2) tekoälyn käyttö, 3) tekoälyn (empiiriset) vaikutukset, 4) odotettavissa olevat tekoälyn (kumulatiiviset) vaikutukset, sekä 5) tekoälyyn liittyvät paradigman muutokset. Tämän väitöskirjan viisi alatutkimuskysymystä keskittyvät tekoälyn määritelmään sekä tekoälyn käyttövaiheisiin 1-4. Viides tekoälyn käyttövaihe on jätetty tämän tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle, koska se vaatisi tekoälyn käyttöä myös tutkimusmetodina. Tämän tutkimuksen päätuotokset luovat yleiskuvan tekoälystä johtamisen ja organisoinnin kirjallisuudessa. Empiiriset tulokset tyypittelevät investointi-päätöksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä, sekä kuusi erilaista tekoälyn käyttötapausta. Analysoin, miten tekoälyn vaikutuksia on mitattu, mihin aikaan liittyviin tekijöihin tekoälyn odotetaan vaikuttavan, ja mitä tekoälystrategioita organisaatiot ovat jo omaksuneet luodakseen arvoa ja ylittääkseen tekoälyn tuottavuusparadoksin. ASIASANAT: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, strategic management, value creation, automation, augmentation, hybrid intelligence, conjoined agenc

    Methods for developing secure software and environments for small and medium enterprises

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science by Research at the University of BedfordshireInformation Security covers activity concerned with the protection of data to ensure that information remains available, to those with rightful access, in the condition that it was originally stored or transmitted. The push to interact via electronic data is constantly increasing. Businesses are demanding that software designers find novel ways of facilitating electronic commerce, creating new business models that have only become possible with the development of the Internet. With the increase of traffic in information across the Internet, the risks associated with data have multiplied, matching the global growth in connectivity. Web application security deals with the measures taken to secure software built to promote e-commerce. Because it is necessary to accept user input across the Internet these applications carry a particular set of vulnerabilities that require a more technical approach to their mitigation. The applications themselves are usually composed of modules that interact across trust boundaries which all require hardening. Information Security governance controls how a company secures its data and that of its clients. While there are laws and standards that address the security requirement, applying them to all magnitude of businesses is difficult because the policies are biased towards large organisations in their assumptions of resources. This thesis investigates an international standard that can be used by small businesses to achieve legal compliance and a reasonable level of security. The thesis brings together a method for producing secure web applications and a checklist procedure for improving a company's data protection practices. Both offerings apply to small software production houses where there may be some overlap in role function and the pressure to meet software production deadlines can sometimes lead to a culture where security is seen as an avoidable expense

    Sowing New Ideas: An investigation of anthropology’s contribution to rural development in S.E. Sri Lanka

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    This thesis is a study of rural development resulting from ethnographic research carried out in the villages of Mediriya, Therrapahuwa and Walamatiara in Moneragala, Sri Lanka. As rural villages are being drawn into increasingly complex relations governed by forces of globalisation, this study develops an understanding of the significance of these interactions within the context of development. In Sri Lanka, current (worldwide) concerns for 'sustainable’ development based on 'participation' in order to alleviate 'poverty' and 'empower' local people, must be examined against a historical backdrop in order to appreciate the significance of rural intervention today. I examine issues of knowledge and power emphasising how a variety of stakeholders negotiate, manipulate and form relationships in order to gain access to resources. This thesis tackles development issues on multiple levels. As part of a DFID (Department for International Development) funded natural resources project, focussing on the high density intercropping of banana with rubber, my role was to provide an in-depth study of livelihood strategies and factors influencing farmer decision-making within home gardens and smallholdings. I reflect on the advantages of Indigenous Knowledge Research, which provides a greater insight into how local people identify and tackle problems than previous 'top- down' efforts. However, the fine line between involving local people in development and 'extraction' are also highlighted. My experiences of working within a multidisciplinary team prompted me to reflect on the whole context surrounding the research process and consider the role of anthropology in development. It is argued here that while the involvement of anthropologists in development is not without its dilemmas, anthropology can usefully contribute using a holistic approach to examine the processes of development, placing natural resources research within a wider social and political context and highlighting the difficulties involved in trying to understand something about Others

    National CPE Curriculum: a pathway to excellence

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    Organizational Behavior

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    Organizational Behavior bridges the gap between theory and practice with a distinct experiential approach. On average, a worker in the USA will change jobs 10 times in 20 years. In order to succeed in this type of career situation, individuals need to be armed with the tools necessary to be life-long learners. To that end, this book is not be about giving students all the answers to every situation they may encounter when they start their first job or as they continue up the career ladder. Instead, this book gives students the vocabulary, framework, and critical thinking skills necessary to diagnose situations, ask tough questions, evaluate the answers received, and to act in an effective and ethical manner regardless of situational characteristics. Often, students taking OB either do not understand how important knowledge of OB can be to their professional careers, or they DO understand and they want to put that knowledge into practice. Organizational Behavior takes a more experiential angle to the material to meet both of those needs. The experiential approach can be incorporated in the classroom primarily through the OB Toolbox. This feature brings life to the concepts and allows students to not only see how the OB theories unfold, but to practice them, as well