10 research outputs found

    Global Research Report – South and East Asia

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    Global Research Report – South and East Asia by Jonathan Adams, David Pendlebury, Gordon Rogers & Martin Szomszor. Published by Institute for Scientific Information, Web of Science Group

    Measuring Growth and Impact of Neuroscience Researches in India: A Scientometric analysis based on Scopus

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    Present study focuses on growth of neuroscience research in India and its impact on scholarly world. Total 4812 data were collected from Scopus database for the period of 2004-2018. Analysis of the data revealed considerable increase in Annual Growth Rate in neuroscience research with 10.52% CAGR for the entire period. Relative Growth Rate (RGR) was increasing with minor fluctuations i.e. growth in Neuroscience research is not exponential ratio rather than it is arithmetic ratio and Doubling Time is similar to RGR. Trend (Least Square) of the neuroscience publications showed an increase trend during the study period. But the prediction of the trend up to the year 2023 has indicated the downward trend in the growth. Articles were the major form of publication followed by letters. Collaborative Index (CI) ranges from 4.22 to 5.02 with an average of 4.75 per joint authored papers. Degree of collaboration for total publications of the neuroscience was 0.93 i.e. team research, which is confirmed by the value of Collaboration coefficient. Mega-authored papers received highest 24657 (49.88%) citations, whereas single authored papers received lowest 861(1.74%) citations. Author Shukla, D. is the most productive author contributing 42 articles.1934 (40.19%) of total publications did not have any institutional collaboration, 1063 (22.09%) publications were co-authored with other institutes/universities/colleges of India, 764 (15.88%) were collaborated within their own organization/institute/university/college in which they are affiliated and 1051 (21.84%) publications were collaborated with foreign authors

    Changing Scholarly Trends of LIS Research in Asia: A Scientometric Study based on Scopus

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    Scientometric studies can be of great help not only for researchers and academicians but also for the government officials in setting funds for development as well as policy setting and decision making. Various scientometric studies are being done to assess the publication output of the researchers in the various disciplines, to know their collaboration as well as interdisciplinarity. This present study is furthering the level of the study by assessing the LIS research trend in the Asian countries, using AGR, RCI, CC and PEI etc. as indicators


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    Jonathan Adams, David Pendlebury, Gordon Rogers, Martin Szomszor. 全球研究报告——东南亚[J]. 科学观察, 2020, 15(3): 54-65

    Scientometric assessment of selected R&D priority areas in South Africa : a comparison with other BRICS countries

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    A scientometric analysis of selected research priority areas in South Africa was done using the Web of Science database for a period 2002 - 2012. The performance of the country in the areas of biotechnology, energy, astronomy and palaeontology in terms of the publication output in these areas is compared using two classic scientometric indicators, the activity and attractivity indices. These are important priority areas as highlighted in various government policy documents and the aim was to identify if outputs in these field are corresponding with government policy. The study also identifies leading institutions in the country in terms of publication output while the performance is also benchmarked against that of the other BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) group of countries as well as Egypt. It is found that the country is doing relatively well in research areas in which it enjoys geographical advantage such as astronomy and palaeontology and compares favourably with comparator countries in all areas reviewed. In terms of the institutional profile and based on publication outputs over the period considered, the University of Cape Town is a leader in biotechnology and energy, University of the Witwatersrand in palaeontology and the National Research Foundation in the area of astronomy.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rajs202017-06-30hb2016Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM

    Towards a repeatable model for fighting poverty at the community level.

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    In recent years, entrepreneurship has been presented as one of many potential weapons in the fight against poverty - capable of acting as a vehicle for individuals and communities to create a long-lasting solution to their situation. However, the conditions of poor communities around the globe exhibit a heterogeneity that make it difficult to create repeatable solutions that might work across multiple sites. This thesis looks at previous research on the relationship between poverty and entrepreneurship; and uses qualitative data at the case-level in order to identify common themes among communities that leverage entrepreneurship in some form to eradicate poverty. It then utilises interpretive phenomenological analysis to better comprehend organic barriers to new-business creation among the poor in specific regions of Indonesia and Colombia - with a view to highlight endogenous innovations that may bring expedited value to other communities wishing to combat poverty. The result is an account of potentially repeatable components of an ecosystem; as seen through the optic of contemporary entrepreneurship literature - ready to be tested, adapted and built upon by new communities or researchers attempting to create an entrepreneurship ecosystem to fight poverty from the bottom up. The components will be further explained during the final sections of the thesis, and they include: 1. A distinctive degree of poverty based on access to basic infrastructure and the local environment 2. General patterns of behaviour by endogenous and endogenous actors, according to extent of poverty present. These include incubation, fostering and enabling entrepreneurial activity 3. Distinctive roles played by endogenous and exogenous actors - split between leaders and feeders 4. Clear and overt influence upon local business activity by the local environment and social norms, or culture 5. A participative and cross-disciplinary effort that targets different aspects of the poverty cycle, while relying on empowerment of the beneficiaries 6. Innovative traits and strategic action displayed by actors in their utilisation of resources at their disposal 7. Moderate risk-taking and exploration of an array of channels as revenue streams for sustainable business activit

    Scientometric assessment of R&D priority areas in South Africa : a comparison with other BRICS countries

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    The study aimed to look at the priority areas of South African terms of technology development and the impact thereof. In terms of publications, a bibliometric analysis of selected research priority areas in South Africa was done using the Web of Science database for the period 2001 - 2015. The performance of the country in the areas of biotechnology, energy, astronomy and palaeontology in terms of the publication output in these areas is compared using two classic scientometric indicators, the activity and attractivity indices. These are important priority areas as highlighted in various government policy documents and the aim was to identify if outputs in these fields are corresponding with government policy. The study also identifies leading institutions in the country in terms of publication output, while the performance is also benchmarked against that of the other BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) group of countries, as well as Egypt. It is found that South Africa has a relatively high output in research areas in which it enjoys geographical advantage, such as astronomy and palaeontology, and compares favourably with comparator countries in all areas reviewed. In terms of the institutional profile, and based on publication outputs over the period considered, the University of Cape Town is a leader in energy, the University of Stellenbosch in biotechnology, the University of the Witwatersrand in palaeontology, and the National Research Foundation in the area of astronomy. The study then evaluated the priority areas in terms of patents. It was found that South Africa is the most prolific producer of patents in the African continent. This study assessed the inventive activity through patents registered by South African researchers worldwide, using the WIPO database. The focus of the study was on research priority areas documented in the South African government policy documents. The research priority areas considered were ICT, nanotechnology, biotechnology, climate change, energy and health. Patents in the areas were compared with the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries and Egypt. The comparison was done using the revealed technological advantage, sometimes referred to as the specialisation index. It was found that two African countries have not increased their patent share significantly and are yet to find their specialisation. It was found that while South Africa is doing well in terms of patenting in general, with patents showing an upward trend, the profile of inventions being patented are not necessarily aligned with the priority areas as documented in government policy. Another question that remained was how South Africa is progressing in developing emerging technologies, with nanotechnology and nanoscience as a case study. This is one of the country’s priorities and a fast-growing scientific research area internationally, and is classified as an important emerging research area. In response to this, South African researchers and institutions have also increased their efforts in this area. A bibliometric study of articles, as indexed in the Web of Science, considered the development in this field, including the growth in literature, collaboration profile and the research areas that are more within the country’s context. It also looked at public institutions that are more active in this arena, including government policy considerations as guided by the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Strategy launched in 2005. The study found that the number of nanotechnology publications have shown remarkable growth ever since. The articles are spread through many journals with Electrochimica acta having the most articles, followed by Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. These publications fall within the traditional domains of chemistry and physics. In terms of the institutional profile and based on publication outputs over the period reviewed, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research is a leading producer of publications in nanotechnology, followed by the University of Witwatersrand - both institutions are based in Gauteng Province. There is a high level of international collaboration with different countries within this field, the most productive of which is with India, then USA, and thirdly, China, as measured through co-authorship. Finally, R&D efficiency, as expressed by the publication and patent outputs in scientific fields compared with the overall investment in R&D, was studied. The study focussed on the two important fields in South Africa; nanotechnology and biotechnology. In addition to this, South Africa’s R&D efficiency in all scientific fields was compared to that of the other BRICS countries. Data on R&D expenditure was used as input in the R&D process to achieve this comparison. The study found that, within South Africa, nanotechnology has been doing well on both patent and publications produced per US dollar spent on research development. The efficiency in terms of publications in this field started to fall slightly in 2013, to be equivalent to that of biotechnology. In context of the BRICS countries, it was found that South Africa has the highest R&D efficiency as measured by both patents and publications. This may offer some lessons to its bigger BRICS partners in terms of best practice in keeping the cost low and productivity high despite a relatively small science system. Relevant literature reviewed in this research includes the use of bibliometrics methods for science and technology studies. The priority areas and the country-specific issues are also discussed, with particular emphasis to challenges in developing countries. While the study focussed on developing countries, the BRICS grouping, mainstream literature provided a useful background, especially with respect to designing the methodologies for the data collection. The conceptual models discussed in this study – the TENs and the Triple helix – all emphasise the multi-agency approach to innovation, with the government being just one of the actors in the innovation ecosystem. The low level of industrial involvement in development of the priority areas, as indicated in patenting and publication trends, indicates that this one important player is missing in the system that should include all the players, which are the academia, industry and government. Strategies should be put in place to incentivise private sector R&D investment to raise the GERD that is currently very low when compared to other countries.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2018.Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM)PhdUnrestricte

    State, Ideology and Development Cooperation: The Symbolic Politics of Indonesia's South-South Cooperation

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    The changing landscape of foreign aid has both stimulated and acknowledged the re-emergence of Southern countries as donors and providers of aid and knowledge in global development cooperation. This research explored how Indonesia, as a Southern state, has constructed the idea of 'giving' in South-South Cooperation (SSC) within the globalised world of foreign aid. It argues that Southern cooperation has two structures: the symbolic narratives of partnership and solidarity, and the state institutional framework. This thesis used contemporary development studies, related social theories and the symbolic structures of giving to examine and analyse the concepts of giving and sharing in the social relations of SSC. The histories and roles of Indonesia in SSC were mapped to explore its evolution from the origin of giving, the Bandung Conference 1955 to the current politics of SSC. A qualitative research approach was applied to answer the research question specifically within the context of Indonesia's SSC. To maintain its Southern cooperation legacies, Indonesia shaped its SSC based on its ideology and ritualised symbols of the Asian-African Conference. Based on fieldwork in Indonesia and Myanmar, the meanings and interpretations of Southern cooperation policy were explored to determine how it is practised and implemented. Perceptions of and motivation for the reciprocal process of Southern cooperation were analysed to understand the process of giving and sharing as captured in Indonesia-Myanmar Cooperation. When Indonesia institutionalised SSC, its government played significant roles in shaping the national model of cooperation and projecting the country's international position in development cooperation. Further, this study theorises the politics of giving in SSC by examining how Indonesia has maintained the state's symbolic narratives to distinguish its development relations and construct institutions to build better partnerships and cooperation. This structure distinguishes the debates surrounding global development cooperation between North and South, which have become more interlinked in recent years

    Impacto de las políticas brasileñas de Ciencia y Tecnología en la actividad investigadora de las universidades federales: Un estudio cienciométrico del período 2003-2015

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    En las últimas décadas Brasil se ha convertido en un país que a pesar de sus carencias supo salir adelante y hacer uso de sus recursos para expandirse y acrecentar su presencia en la esfera internacional. Por su dimensión geográfica, población y el peso de su economía, juega un papel fundamental especialmente en la región de América del Sur. Desde que se considera parte del grupo de países BRICS al ser una potencia emergente, ya se han ofrecido diversos marcos teóricos que buscan explicar este fenómeno. Han sido largos años de definición de programas y estrategias orientadas a transformar el país, para que hoy en día sea posible decir que ha logrado captar y retener el interés de la comunidad internacional. El delineamiento de sus políticas públicas para la ciencia, tecnología e innovación han influido sobre todo en la promoción de la investigación científica, en el desarrollo tecnológico y en los procesos de democratización de acceso y de internacionalización de la educación superior brasileña. En este contexto, la presente tesis doctoral se presenta como un estudio cienciométrico cuyo objetivo es analizar el impacto de tres de estas políticas públicas (Programa de Apoyo a los Planes de Reestructuración y Expansión de las universidades Federales, Programa Ciencia sin Fronteras y la Ley de la Innovación Tecnológica de 2004) en la actividad investigadora del sistema universitario brasileño, entre los años 2003-2015. Por ser un sistema heterogéneo, diversificado y segmentado, se profundiza en el caso de las 63 universidades federales. Para desarrollar el estudio se han analizado las políticas mencionadas para identificar sus objetivos y definir sus puntos comunes. Seguidamente se ha elaborado un marco analítico que permitió delimitar tres dimensiones: CRECIMIENTO, CALIDAD e INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN de la actividad científica, para cuya operacionalización se ha construido una matriz de indicadores de inputs y de outputs. Utilizando fuentes de información oficiales y bases de datos bibliográficas, en cada una de las dimensiones abordadas se han identificado las variables más relevantes utilizando test estadísticos descriptivos y multivariantes. Si bien el mayor aporte de la presente tesis es el desarrollo conceptual y metodológico, los resultados obtenidos permiten observar que el crecimiento y la intensidad de la actividad de las universidades federales, durante el período estudiado, ha sido exponencial (en términos de número de alumnos, becas de investigación, profesorado, instituciones creadas), al igual que su producción científica y tecnológica (publicaciones y patentes). En cuanto a la calidad, esta es creciente especialmente en la formación de recursos humanos, pero no tanto en su producción. Por su parte, el notable impulso a la internacionalización, también ha tenido resultados positivos en diferentes aspectos como la colaboración científica junto a centros extranjeros. Estos resultados evidencian que Brasil, y especialmente las universidades federales, han hecho un esfuerzo importante en pos de la mejora y actualización del sistema universitario que está empezando a dar sus frutos. Como conclusiones se puede apreciar que la expansión del sistema universitario brasileño y su entrada en la comunidad internacional ya se han producido, pero queda aún por dar un paso más hacia la mejora de la calidad.In recent decades, Brazil has become a country that, despite its shortcomings, has managed to move forward and make use of its resources to expand and increase its presence in the international sphere. Due to its geographical dimension, population and the weight of its economy, it plays a fundamental role especially in the South American region. Since it is considered part of the group of BRICS countries to be an emerging power, various theoretical frameworks that seek to explain this phenomenon have already been developed. There were long years of defining programs and strategies aimed at transforming the country, so that today it is possible to say that it has managed to capture and retain the interest of the international community. The delineation of its public policies for science, technology and innovation influenced, above all, the promotion of scientific research, technological development and the processes of democratization of access and internationalization of Brazilian higher education. In this context, the present doctoral thesis is presented as a scientometric study whose objective is to analyze the impact of three of these public policies (Program to Support the Restructuring and Expansion Plans of the Federal Universities, Science Without Borders Program and the Law of Technological Innovation of 2004) in the research activity of the Brazilian university system, between the years 2003-2015. As it is a heterogeneous, diversified and segmented system, the case of the 63 federal universities is detailed. The aforementioned policies were analyzed to identify their objectives and define their common points. Next, an analytical framework was elaborated that allowed to delimit three dimensions of the scientific activity: GROWTH, QUALITY and INTERNATIONALIZATION. A matrix of indicators of inputs and outputs was built. Using official information sources and bibliographic databases, in each of the dimensions the most relevant variables were identified using descriptive and multivariate statistical tests. Although the main contribution of this thesis is the conceptual and methodological development, the results obtained allow us to observe that the growth and intensity of the activity of the federal universities, during the period studied, was exponential (in terms of the number of students, research grants, teaching staff, institutions created), as well as its scientific and technological production (publications and patents). In terms of quality, this is growing especially in the training of human resources but not so much in their scientific production. The remarkable impulse to internationalization also had positive results in different aspects such as scientific collaboration with foreign research centers. These results show that Brazil, and especially the federal universities, made an important effort in order to improve and update the university system that is starting to give results. As conclusions can be seen that the expansion of the Brazilian university system and its entry into the international community have already occurred, but there is still one more step towards improving quality.Nas últimas décadas, o Brasil tornou-se um país que, apesar de suas deficiências, conseguiu avançar e fazer uso de seus recursos para expandir e aumentar sua presença na esfera internacional. Dada sua dimensão geográfica, população e peso da sua economia, esse país desempenha um papel fundamental, especialmente na região sul-americana. Desde que foi considerado parte do grupo BRICS de países emergentes, vários quadros teóricos já surgiram para explicar esse fenômeno. Foram longos anos de definição de programas e estratégias voltadas para a transformação do país de modo que, atualmente, é possível dizer que conseguiu-se capturar e reter o interesse da comunidade internacional. O delineamento de suas políticas públicas de ciência, tecnologia e inovação tem influenciado, sobretudo, a promoção da pesquisa científica, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e os processos de democratização do acesso e internacionalização da educação superior brasileira. Nesse contexto, a presente tese de doutorado apresenta-se como um estudo cientométrico cujo objetivo é analisar o impacto de três dessas políticas públicas (Programa de Apoio aos Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais, Programa Ciência sem Fronteiras e Lei de Inovação Tecnológica de 2004) na atividade de pesquisa do sistema universitário brasileiro, entre os anos 2003-2015. Por se tratar de um sistema heterogêneo, diversificado e segmentado, detalha-se no caso das 63 universidades federais. Para desenvolver o estudo, as políticas mencionadas foram analisadas para identificar seus objetivos e definir seus pontos comuns. Em seguida, elaborou-se um quadro analítico que permitiu delimitar três dimensões da atividade científica: CRESCIMENTO, QUALIDADE e INTERNACIONALIZAÇÃO. Para operacionalização, construiu-se uma matriz de indicadores de entradas (inputs) e saídas (outputs). Utilizando fontes de informação oficiais e bases de dados bibliográficas, em cada uma das dimensões abordadas, as variáveis mais relevantes foram identificadas por meio de testes estatísticos descritivos e multivariados. Embora a principal contribuição desta tese seja o desenvolvimento conceitual e metodológico, os resultados permitem observar que o crescimento e a intensidade da atividade das universidades federais, no período estudado, tem sido exponencial (em termos de número de alunos , bolsas de pesquisa, corpo docente, novas instituições criadas), bem como sua produção científica e tecnológica (publicações e patentes). Quanto à qualidade, observou-se que está crescendo, especialmente em quanto à formação de recursos humanos, mas não tanto na produção cientifica. Por outro lado, o notável impulso à internacionalização também teve resultados positivos em diferentes aspectos, como na colaboração científica com centros estrangeiros. Esses resultados mostram que o Brasil, e especialmente as universidades federais, fizeram um esforço importante para melhorar e atualizar o sistema universitário que está começando a dar frutos. Em conclusão, ressalta-se que a expansão do sistema universitário brasileiro e sua entrada na comunidade internacional já ocorreram, mas ainda faltam dar alguns passos no sentido de melhorar a qualidade.Esta investigación no habría podido concretarse sin la financiación de la beca de doctorado en el exterior otorgado por la agencia CAPES de Brasil (proceso n. 0846-13-9), y a la beca Iberoamérica Santander investigación 2016/2017.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Documentación: Archivos y Bibliotecas en el Entorno DigitalPresidente: José Carlos García Zorita.- Secretario: Carlos A. Suárez Balseiro.- Vocal: Leilah Santiago Bufre

    Congress UPV Proceedings of the 21ST International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators

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    This is the book of proceedings of the 21st Science and Technology Indicators Conference that took place in València (Spain) from 14th to 16th of September 2016. The conference theme for this year, ‘Peripheries, frontiers and beyond’ aimed to study the development and use of Science, Technology and Innovation indicators in spaces that have not been the focus of current indicator development, for example, in the Global South, or the Social Sciences and Humanities. The exploration to the margins and beyond proposed by the theme has brought to the STI Conference an interesting array of new contributors from a variety of fields and geographies. This year’s conference had a record 382 registered participants from 40 different countries, including 23 European, 9 American, 4 Asia-Pacific, 4 Africa and Near East. About 26% of participants came from outside of Europe. There were also many participants (17%) from organisations outside academia including governments (8%), businesses (5%), foundations (2%) and international organisations (2%). This is particularly important in a field that is practice-oriented. The chapters of the proceedings attest to the breadth of issues discussed. Infrastructure, benchmarking and use of innovation indicators, societal impact and mission oriented-research, mobility and careers, social sciences and the humanities, participation and culture, gender, and altmetrics, among others. We hope that the diversity of this Conference has fostered productive dialogues and synergistic ideas and made a contribution, small as it may be, to the development and use of indicators that, being more inclusive, will foster a more inclusive and fair world