13 research outputs found

    Architecture internalisation in BIP

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    International audienceWe consider two approaches for building component-based systems, which we call respectively architecture-based and architecture-agnostic. The former consists in describing coordination constraints in a purely declarative manner through parametrizable glue operators; it provides higher abstraction level and, consequently, stronger correctness by construction. The latter uses simple fixed coordination primitives, which are spread across component behaviour; it is more error-prone, but allows performance optimisation. We study architecture internalisation leading from an architecture-based system to an equivalent architecture-agnostic one, focusing, in particular, on component-based systems described in BIP. BIP uses connectors for hierarchical composition of components. We study connector internalisation in three steps. 1) We introduce and study the properties of interaction expressions, which represent the combined information about all the effects of an interaction. We show that they are a very powerful tool for specifying and analysing structured interaction. 2) We formalize the connector semantics of BIP by using interaction expressions. The formalization proves to be mathematically rigorous and concise. 3) We introduce the T/B component model and provide a semantics preserving translation of BIP into this model. The translation is compositional that is, it preserves the structure of the source models. The results are illustrated by simple examples. A Java implementation is evaluated on two case studies

    A Note on the Expressiveness of BIP

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    We extend our previous algebraic formalisation of the notion of component-based framework in order to formally define two forms, strong and weak, of the notion of full expressiveness. Our earlier result shows that the BIP (Behaviour-Interaction-Priority) framework does not possess the strong full expressiveness. In this paper, we show that BIP has the weak form of this notion and provide results detailing weak and strong full expressiveness for classical BIP and several modifications, obtained by relaxing the constraints imposed on priority models.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2016, arXiv:1608.0269

    Relating BIP and Reo

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    Coordination languages simplify design and development of concurrent systems. Particularly, exogenous coordination languages, like BIP and Reo, enable system designers to express the interactions among components in a system explicitly. In this paper we establish a formal relation between BI(P) (i.e., BIP without the priority layer) and Reo, by defining transformations between their semantic models. We show that these transformations preserve all properties expressible in a common semantics. This formal relation comprises the basis for a solid comparison and consolidation of the fundamental coordination concepts behind these two languages. Moreover, this basis offers translations that enable users of either language to benefit from the toolchains of the other.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2015, arXiv:1508.0459

    Architectures: Design patterns for component-based systems

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    Architectures depict design principles, paradigms that can be understood by all, allow thinking on a higher plane and avoiding low-level mistakes. They provide means for ensuring correctness by construction by enforcing global properties characterizing the coordination between components. An architecture can be considered as an operator A that, applied to a set of components B, builds a composite component A(B) meeting a characteristic property P. A theory of architectures must address several fundamental questions: 1. How does one model the architectures? In many existing approaches, architecture description is limited to drawing the structure of the system by connecting boxes with lines. A rigorous theory requires a formal definition of their operational semantics. 2. How does one specify the architectures? Characteristic properties of architectures must be clearly stated, understandable and verifiable by engineers. Specifications must be sufficiently versatile for the architectures to be applicable to a variety of components. 3. How does one combine architectures? Composition of architectures must preserve their respective characteristic properties. 4. How does one efficiently implement architectures? The cost of raising the abstraction level is the coordination overhead entailed by any centralised framework imposing the operational semantics. This can be reduced by applying transformation techniques to internalise and distribute the coordination constraints. We propose a formal and general framework for studying architectures. In particular, composability is based on an associative, commutative and idempotent architecture composition operator. The main result is that if two architectures A1 and A2 enforce respectively state invariants P1 and P2 , the composed architecture enforces the state invariant P1 & P2, that is both invariants are preserved by architecture composition. We also discuss preservation of liveness properties and internalisation of architectures

    Automatic Fault Localization for BIP

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    Functional BIP: Embedding connectors in functional programming languages

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    This paper presents a theoretical foundation for functional language implementations of Behaviour–Interaction–Priority (BIP). We introduce a set of connector combinators describing synchronisation, data transfer, priorities and dynamicity in a principled way. A static type system ensures the soundness of connector semantics. Based on this foundation, we implemented BIP as an embedded domain specific language (DSL) in Haskell and Scala. The DSL embedding allows programmers to benefit from the full expressive power of high-level languages. The clear separation of behaviour and coordination inherited from BIP leads to systems that are arguably simpler to maintain and reason about, compared to other approaches

    Sequential Relational Decomposition

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    The concept of decomposition in computer science and engineering is considered a fundamental component of computational thinking and is prevalent in design of algorithms, software construction, hardware design, and more. We propose a simple and natural formalization of sequential decomposition, in which a task is decomposed into two sequential sub-tasks, with the first sub-task to be executed before the second sub-task is executed. These tasks are specified by means of input/output relations. We define and study decomposition problems, which is to decide whether a given specification can be sequentially decomposed. Our main result is that decomposition itself is a difficult computational problem. More specifically, we study decomposition problems in three settings: where the input task is specified explicitly, by means of Boolean circuits, and by means of automatic relations. We show that in the first setting decomposition is NP-complete, in the second setting it is NEXPTIME-complete, and in the third setting there is evidence to suggest that it is undecidable. Our results indicate that the intuitive idea of decomposition as a system-design approach requires further investigation. In particular, we show that adding a human to the loop by asking for a decomposition hint lowers the complexity of decomposition problems considerably

    Introducing dynamicity in JavaBIP

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    The JavaBIP framework allows the coordination of software components in an exogenous manner, while clearly separating the functional and coordination aspects of the system behaviour. JavaBIP implements the principles of the BIP component framework rooted in rigorous operational semantics. The recent work both on BIP and JavaBIP has concentrated on the coordination of static components defined prior to the system deployment, i.e., the architecture of the coordinated system is fixed in terms of its component instances. Nevertheless, modern software systems, often make use of components that can register and unregister dynamically during the system execution. This thesis, presents an extension of the JavaBIP framework than can handle this type of dynamicity. We use first-order interaction logic to define architecture constraints based on component types. Additionally, we use directed graphs with colouring edges to model dependencies among components that determine the validity of an online system. We present the software architecture of our implementation; provide and discuss performance evaluation results

    A Theory Agenda for Component-Based Design

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    The aim of the paper is to present a theory agenda for component-based design based on results that motivated the development of the BIP component framework, to identify open problems and discuss further research directions. The focus is on proposing a semantically sound theoretical and general framework for modelling component-based systems and their properties both behavioural and architectural as well for achieving correctness by using scalable specific techniques. We discuss the problem of composing components by proposing the concept of glue as a set of stateless composition operators defined by a certain type of operational semantics rules. We provide an overview of results about glue expressiveness and minimality. We show how interactions and associated transfer of data can be described by using connectors and in particular, how dynamic connectors can be defined as an extension of static connectors. We present two approaches for achieving correctness for component-based systems. One is by compositional inference of global properties of a composite component from properties of its constituents and interaction constraints implied by composition operators. The other is by using and composing architectures that enforce specific coordination properties. Finally, we discuss recent results on architecture specification by studying two types of logics: 1) interaction logics for the specification of sets of allowed interactions; 2) configuration logics for the characterisation of architecture styles

    Sequential Relational Decomposition

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    The concept of decomposition in computer science and engineering is considered a fundamental component of computational thinking and is prevalent in design of algorithms, software construction, hardware design, and more. We propose a simple and natural formalization of sequential decomposition, in which a task is decomposed into two sequential sub-tasks, with the first sub-task to be executed before the second sub-task is executed. These tasks are specified by means of input/output relations. We define and study decomposition problems, which is to decide whether a given specification can be sequentially decomposed. Our main result is that decomposition itself is a difficult computational problem. More specifically, we study decomposition problems in three settings: where the input task is specified explicitly, by means of Boolean circuits, and by means of automatic relations. We show that in the first setting decomposition is NP-complete, in the second setting it is NEXPTIME-complete, and in the third setting there is evidence to suggest that it is undecidable. Our results indicate that the intuitive idea of decomposition as a system-design approach requires further investigation. In particular, we show that adding a human to the loop by asking for a decomposition hint lowers the complexity of decomposition problems considerably