5,700 research outputs found

    Versatile, low-cost, computer-controlled, sample positioning system for vacuum applications

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    A versatile, low-cost, easy to implement, microprocessor-based motorized positioning system (MPS) suitable for accurate sample manipulation in a Second Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) system, and for other ultra-high vacuum (UHV) applications was designed and built at NASA LeRC. The system can be operated manually or under computer control. In the latter case, local, as well as remote operation is possible via the IEEE-488 bus. The position of the sample can be controlled in three linear orthogonal and one angular coordinates

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationAdvancements in process technology and circuit techniques have enabled the creation of small chemical microsystems for use in a wide variety of biomedical and sensing applications. For applications requiring a small microsystem, many components can be integrated onto a single chip. This dissertation presents many low-power circuits, digital and analog, integrated onto a single chip called the Utah Microcontroller. To guide the design decisions for each of these components, two specific microsystems have been selected as target applications: a Smart Intravaginal Ring (S-IVR) and an NO releasing catheter. Both of these applications share the challenging requirements of integrating a large variety of low-power mixed-signal circuitry onto a single chip. These applications represent the requirements of a broad variety of small low-power sensing systems. In the course of the development of the Utah Microcontroller, several unique and significant contributions were made. A central component of the Utah Microcontroller is the WIMS Microprocessor, which incorporates a low-power feature called a scratchpad memory. For the first time, an analysis of scaling trends projected that scratchpad memories will continue to save power for the foreseeable future. This conclusion was bolstered by measured data from a fabricated microcontroller. In a 32 nm version of the WIMS Microprocessor, the scratchpad memory is projected to save ~10-30% of memory access energy depending upon the characteristics of the embedded program. Close examination of application requirements informed the design of an analog-to-digital converter, and a unique single-opamp buffered charge scaling DAC was developed to minimize power consumption. The opamp was designed to simultaneously meet the varied demands of many chip components to maximize circuit reuse. Each of these components are functional, have been integrated, fabricated, and tested. This dissertation successfully demonstrates that the needs of emerging small low-power microsystems can be met in advanced process nodes with the incorporation of low-power circuit techniques and design choices driven by application requirements

    Advanced flight control system study

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    The architecture, requirements, and system elements of an ultrareliable, advanced flight control system are described. The basic criteria are functional reliability of 10 to the minus 10 power/hour of flight and only 6 month scheduled maintenance. A distributed system architecture is described, including a multiplexed communication system, reliable bus controller, the use of skewed sensor arrays, and actuator interfaces. Test bed and flight evaluation program are proposed

    Avionics architecture studies for the entry research vehicle

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    This report is the culmination of a year-long investigation of the avionics architecture for NASA's Entry Research Vehicle (ERV). The Entry Research Vehicle is conceived to be an unmanned, autonomous spacecraft to be deployed from the Shuttle. It will perform various aerodynamic and propulsive maneuvers in orbit and land at Edwards AFB after a 5 to 10 hour mission. The design and analysis of the vehicle's avionics architecture are detailed here. The architecture consists of a central triply redundant ultra-reliable fault tolerant processor attached to three replicated and distributed MIL-STD-1553 buses for input and output. The reliability analysis is detailed here. The architecture was found to be sufficiently reliable for the ERV mission plan

    CMOS Vision Sensors: Embedding Computer Vision at Imaging Front-Ends

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    CMOS Image Sensors (CIS) are key for imaging technol-ogies. These chips are conceived for capturing opticalscenes focused on their surface, and for delivering elec-trical images, commonly in digital format. CISs may incor-porate intelligence; however, their smartness basicallyconcerns calibration, error correction and other similartasks. The term CVISs (CMOS VIsion Sensors) definesother class of sensor front-ends which are aimed at per-forming vision tasks right at the focal plane. They havebeen running under names such as computational imagesensors, vision sensors and silicon retinas, among others. CVIS and CISs are similar regarding physical imple-mentation. However, while inputs of both CIS and CVISare images captured by photo-sensors placed at thefocal-plane, CVISs primary outputs may not be imagesbut either image features or even decisions based on thespatial-temporal analysis of the scenes. We may hencestate that CVISs are more “intelligent” than CISs as theyfocus on information instead of on raw data. Actually,CVIS architectures capable of extracting and interpretingthe information contained in images, and prompting reac-tion commands thereof, have been explored for years inacademia, and industrial applications are recently ramp-ing up.One of the challenges of CVISs architects is incorporat-ing computer vision concepts into the design flow. Theendeavor is ambitious because imaging and computervision communities are rather disjoint groups talking dif-ferent languages. The Cellular Nonlinear Network Univer-sal Machine (CNNUM) paradigm, proposed by Profs.Chua and Roska, defined an adequate framework forsuch conciliation as it is particularly well suited for hard-ware-software co-design [1]-[4]. This paper overviewsCVISs chips that were conceived and prototyped at IMSEVision Lab over the past twenty years. Some of them fitthe CNNUM paradigm while others are tangential to it. Allthem employ per-pixel mixed-signal processing circuitryto achieve sensor-processing concurrency in the quest offast operation with reduced energy budget.Junta de Andalucía TIC 2012-2338Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC 2015-66878-C3-1-R y TEC 2015-66878-C3-3-

    Advanced flight control system study

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    A fly by wire flight control system architecture designed for high reliability includes spare sensor and computer elements to permit safe dispatch with failed elements, thereby reducing unscheduled maintenance. A methodology capable of demonstrating that the architecture does achieve the predicted performance characteristics consists of a hierarchy of activities ranging from analytical calculations of system reliability and formal methods of software verification to iron bird testing followed by flight evaluation. Interfacing this architecture to the Lockheed S-3A aircraft for flight test is discussed. This testbed vehicle can be expanded to support flight experiments in advanced aerodynamics, electromechanical actuators, secondary power systems, flight management, new displays, and air traffic control concepts

    Microprocessor Design with Dynamic Clock Source and Multi-Width Instructions

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    This paper introduces a novel 32-bit microprocessor, based on the RISC-V instruction set architecture, is designed,utilising a dynamic clock source to achieve high efficiency, overcoming the limitations of hardware delays. In addition, the microprocessor is also aimed to operate with both base (32-bit) instructions and 16-bit compressed instructions. The testing of the design is carried out using ModelSim with an ideal result

    Hybrid receiver study

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    The results are presented of a 4 month study to design a hybrid analog/digital receiver for outer planet mission probe communication links. The scope of this study includes functional design of the receiver; comparisons between analog and digital processing; hardware tradeoffs for key components including frequency generators, A/D converters, and digital processors; development and simulation of the processing algorithms for acquisition, tracking, and demodulation; and detailed design of the receiver in order to determine its size, weight, power, reliability, and radiation hardness. In addition, an evaluation was made of the receiver's capabilities to perform accurate measurement of signal strength and frequency for radio science missions