562 research outputs found

    Distributed Enforcement of Service Choreographies

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    Modern service-oriented systems are often built by reusing, and composing together, existing services distributed over the Internet. Service choreography is a possible form of service composition whose goal is to specify the interactions among participant services from a global perspective. In this paper, we formalize a method for the distributed and automated enforcement of service choreographies, and prove its correctness with respect to the realization of the specified choreography. The formalized method is implemented as part of a model-based tool chain released to support the development of choreography-based systems within the EU CHOReOS project. We illustrate our method at work on a distributed social proximity network scenario.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2014, arXiv:1502.0315

    Dynamic Conditioning: Preparation of actors for the delivery of dynamic performance

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    This thesis represents an attempt to establish, and develop, a methodology for the preparation of actors for delivery of a physically and vocally dynamic performance, informed by the fact of theatrical immediacy. Specifically, this can be understood as a systematised collection of exercises and principles that are conducive to such an intent. The effectiveness of the conditioning exercises engaged in were tested through the preparation and staging of The Best Thing!, a full-length play, for public audience. A structural division has been made in this document between theoretical research and practical elements. In Chapter 1 can be discovered the progression of theory that informed the development of exercises engaged in, as well as stylistic intentions. The paradigmatic state of the modern theatre is discussed, in relation to the new performative mediums of film and television, concluding that a formal shift is required in theatre if it is to continue to be justified as a relevant artistic medium in contemporary culture. This is formed with reference to the prior work of a range of theatrical practitioners and theorists of the past century. In Chapter 2 the successive stages of practical research undertaken are discussed. Beginning with the training investigations, continuing into a discussion of rehearsal processes, and culminating with an analysis of The Best Thing! in this specific staged form, with attention given to its success with respect to the performance Dynamics identified in the research previously enacted. Documentary material, regarding investigative processes and theoretical development may be found within the Appendices. This includes a detailed dramaturgical analysis, a narrative deconstruction of The Best Thing!, and a complete elaboration of the activities and exercises engaged in during the research process. Several videos are also included, providing practical demonstration of events discussed

    Fault diagnosis in databases for business processes

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    Business processes involve data that can be modified or updated by various activities. These data must satisfy the business rules associated to the process. As the information treated in a business process tends to be extensive, data are normally stored in a relational database, and hence the database has to be analyzed to determine whether the business rules are satisfied and what values are incorrect. This paper proposes the use of model-based diagnosis in the business processes scenario. This scenario combines business processes, business rules, relational databases and where the faults are the instances of the variables introduced by the users. These considerations make it necessary to introduce a new way for representing the model, and the design of new algorithms to solve it. This model provides a means for the detection of incorrect tuples of different tables of the database by avoiding the analysis of the full database. Furthermore, in order to manage the current business rules, the use of a constraint paradigm is proposed and by using Max- CSPs to isolate incorrect values.Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-04095Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2009-1371

    I Stood Before the Source

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    ''Capitalism’s representations are ubiquitous; less so are representations of capitalism. I stood before the source traverses varied contemporary scenes of accumulation, from data centres to tar sands, airports, prisons, trading bots, factories, mobile communication, vacant offices inhabited by speculation, earth’s atmosphere, and beyond. The exhibition features work that maps tightly integrated circuits of global political-economic power; tracks vast accumulations of dead labour as technological infrastructure; listens in on the plunge of financial markets; choreographs divisions of labour in commodity production; descends into the open pits of the stock exchange; and stages injuries of accumulation as extinction.'' -- Publisher's websit

    Strata: A Geophotographic Fiction

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    What if any relevance does Robert Smithson’s conceptual writing have in provoking an ontological discussion to expand conceptual thinking on artistic representations in contemporary art? I hope to open up creative geopolitical imaginaries to expand on processes of understanding, through the creation of a recent archival history of materiality. I would propose an elaboration of Smithson’s idea of ‘speculative geology’ referred to in his project, ‘Strata: a Geophotographic Fiction, (1970), as setting the parameter for my archive. ‘Strata’ is described as a homage to the artistic imagination of geological time and the inevitable accumulation of entropy and decay. I was struck by the artist’s statement that his materials were of the earth but his subject was the immensity of geologic time. Additionally, the paradigmatic potential of art to provide shorthand access to the subject of representation of the Anthropocene is discussed by K. Robertson in her article titled, ‘Plastiglomerate’. The on-going archive which I am in the process of compiling will situate itself in ‘Land Art’ pieces such as the work of Robert Smithson, to ‘Plastiglomerates’, as well as create a methodology for adding to the archive through the analysis of materiality, using Kent International airport as a prototype. Through my research vehicle ARCA I recorded the now decommissioned Kent International Airport, specifically the 2749m runway built during the Second World War; too costly to dig up, sitting on a substrate of a depth of 3 to 5 metres. As proposals for its future are debated, the question arises as to how the nature of the materiality of the site and a consideration for its place in a geological time span, might influence a proposal for its future use? My own methodology, which would add to the documentation, draws on forensic mapping techniques, thereby creating an empirical build-up of knowledge through methods used in archaeological digs, computational photography & Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI). These techniques are more commonly used in the field of forensic science, for example in imaging footprint and tyre mark. I will build up a taxonomy of objects which are read and analysed as relational to their environment, thereby situated in the material, but relational to a more expanded field thereby addressing the transcalar

    Analysis and Verification of Service Contracts

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    On Reenactment: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools.

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    This book brings together dance and visual arts scholars to investigate the key methodological and theoretical issues concerning reenactment. Along with becoming an effective and widespread contemporary artistic strategy, reenactment is taking shape as a new anti-positivist approach to the history of dance and art, undermining the notion of linear time and suggesting new temporal encounters between past, present, and future. As such, reenactment has contributed to a move towards different forms of historical thinking and understanding that embrace cultural studies – especially intertwining gender, postcolonial, and environmental issues – in the redefinition of knowledge, historical discourses, and memory. This approach also involves questioning canons and genealogies by destabilising authorship and challenging both institutional and direct forms of transmission. The structure of the book playfully recalls that of a theatrical performance, with both an overture and prelude, to provide space for a series of theoretical and practice-based insights – the solos – and conversations – the duets – by artists, critics, curators, and theorists who have dealt with reenactment. The main purpose of this book is to demonstrate how reenactment as a strategy of appropriation, circulation, translation, and transmission can contribute to understanding history both in its perpetual becoming and as a process of reinvention, renarration, and resignification from an interdisciplinary perspective

    Actes des Cinquièmes journées nationales du Groupement De Recherche CNRS du Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel

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    National audienceCe document contient les actes des Cinquièmes journées nationales du Groupement De Recherche CNRS du Gé}nie de la Programmation et du Logiciel (GDR GPL) s'étant déroulées à Nancy du 3 au 5 avril 2013. Les contributions présentées dans ce document ont été sélectionnées par les différents groupes de travail du GDR. Il s'agit de résumés, de nouvelles versions, de posters et de démonstrations qui correspondent à des travaux qui ont déjà été validés par les comités de programmes d'autres conférences et revues et dont les droits appartiennent exclusivement à leurs auteurs

    What are political parties doing on TikTok? The Spanish case

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    TikTok, already widely used before the pandemic, boomed during the quarantine that locked down large parts of the world, reaching 2 billion downloads and 800 million monthly active users worldwide by the end of 2020. Of these 800 million users, 41% are aged between 16 and 24 years. This social network, widely known for its entertainment videos, is increasingly becoming a place for political discussion and therefore a unique opportunity for political actors to (re)connect with young people. Acknowledging that the political uses of TikTok are still understudied, this paper aims to explore whether and how Spanish political parties are including TikTok as part of their communication strategy. Through an affordance-centered content analysis of all the posts published by the five most important Spanish political parties (PP, PSOE, Ciudadanos, Podemos, and Vox), the current results show that, although all Spanish political parties have adopted this platform, their usage is unequal. From a quantitative perspective, PP was the first party to open a TikTok account, but its usage has been discontinuous; Podemos and Ciudadanos are the parties that publish the most and most constantly, while Vox has only published nine posts and the PSOE one. Nonetheless, from a qualitative perspective, Podemos and Vox generate more engagement and seem to understand and exploit TikTok's specific affordances better. The findings allow it to be concluded that, although globally Spanish political parties do not fully exploit the platform's affordances and tend to use it as a unilateral tool for promotion, the most engaging posts are those favoring interaction and geared toward politainment