5 research outputs found

    A multi-layered software architecture model for building software solutions in an urbanized information system

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    The concept of Information Systems urbanization has been proposed since the late 1990’s in order to help organizations building agile information systems. Nevertheless, despite the advantages of this concept, it remains too descriptive and presents many weaknesses. In particular, there is a lack of useful architecture models dedicated to defining software solutions compliant with information systems urbanization principles and rules. Moreover, well-known software architecture models do not provide sufficient resources to address the requirements and constraints of urbanized information systems. In this paper, we draw on the “information city” framework to propose a model of software architecture - called the 5+1 Software Architecture Model - which is compliant with information systems urbanization principles and helps organizations building urbanized software solutions. This framework improves the well-established software architecture models and allows the integration of new architectural paradigms. Furthermore, the proposed model contributes to the implementation of information systems urbanization in several ways. On the one hand, this model devotes a specific layer to applications integration and software reuse. On the other hand, it contributes to the information system agility and scalability due to its conformity to the separation of concerns principle

    A multi-layered software architecture model for building software solutions in an urbanized information system

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    The concept of Information Systems urbanization has been proposed since the late 1990’s in order to help organizations building agile information systems. Nevertheless, despite the advantages of this concept, it remains too descriptive and presents many weaknesses. In particular, there is a lack of useful architecture models dedicated to defining software solutions compliant with information systems urbanization principles and rules. Moreover, well-known software architecture models do not provide sufficient resources to address the requirements and constraints of urbanized information systems. In this paper, we draw on the “information city” framework to propose a model of software architecture - called the 5+1 Software Architecture Model - which is compliant with information systems urbanization principles and helps organizations building urbanized software solutions. This framework improves the well-established software architecture models and allows the integration of new architectural paradigms. Furthermore, the proposed model contributes to the implementation of information systems urbanization in several ways. On the one hand, this model devotes a specific layer to applications integration and software reuse. On the other hand, it contributes to the information system agility and scalability due to its conformity to the separation of concerns principle

    Guía de recomendaciones para diseño de software centrado en el usuario

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    En este libro se aborda toda la temática relacionada con las interfaces del usuario y su proceso de desarrollo. Se profundiza sobre la etapa de diseño de interfaces específicas, brindando una serie de recomendaciones que permitan alcanzar la calidad de uso del producto. El libro presenta una organización que consiste en seis capítulos, acompañados por ejercitación, casos de estudio y referencias específicas a cada uno. En el capítulo 1 se introducen los conceptos básicos de la Interacción Hombre-Computadora. Se incluye una breve referencia a su evolución, se aborda el paradigma de independencia de diálogo y métricas de evaluación de una interfaz. El capítulo 2 abarca el proceso de diseño de la interfaz de usuario, haciendo hincapié en las características más importantes, el ciclo de vida de la interfaz de usuario y la prototipación como metodología de desarrollo de una interfaz de usuario. Desde el capítulo 3 al 5, el libro se adentra en recomendaciones de diseño para interfaces específicas como interfaces visuales, icónicas e interfaces para la Web. En el capítulo 6 y último se introducen los conceptos de accesibilidad y las normas internacionales para construir interfaces accesibles. Al finalizar cada capítulo, se dispone de un conjunto de ejercicios prácticos y un caso de estudio relacionado con la temática. En general, versan sobre la aplicación de las recomendaciones a versiones prototípicas de sistemas desarrollados por los alumnos durante la cursada de la materia. Se han seleccionado para estos casos las mejores entregas de las distintas cohortes del dictado de la materia de Diseño Centrado en el Usuario. Se incluye también un anexo con el glosario de términos y la resolución de las ejercitaciones planteadas en cada capitulo.Facultad de Informátic

    GENESIS, un environnement pour la création musicale à l'aide de modèles physiques particulaires

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    In the context of Computer Music, physical modeling is usually viewed as an approach to sound synthesis which offers particularly interesting sounds and dynamic behaviors. This is a reducing point of view, since the physical modeling allows also to work at the macro-structural level of the musical composition. Additionally, there is a lack of tools enabling musicians (composers) to embrace physical modeling (the design of their own models) as part of their to processes.GENESIS is an environment for creating music by means of CORDIS-ANIMA mass-interaction models. In GENESIS, physical models (or 'objects') can be fully considered as the basic symbols of a whole new musical language. The user will develop a new conceptual approach, an "intuitive physical thought”.As a first step, we expose the specificities of the approach compared with others for creating music with computers. The working processes we want to support are described. Finally, we present the features and interfaces we designed in order to allow and help theses processes.Les 'modèles physiques' sont de plus en plus utilisés en Informatique Musicale. Ils sont souvent envisagés comme de nouveaux modèles de synthèse de son venant étendre les techniques plus traditionnelles. C'est une position réductrice dans la mesure où ils permettent aussi d’aborder la création de la macro-structure musicale. De plus, le musicien est rarement invité à s’emparer de la modélisation physique elle-même – de la réalisation de ses propres modèles – dans le cadre de ses processus de création.L'environnement informatique GENESIS basé sur les modèles particulaires (ou masses-interactions) CORDIS-ANIMA fait des modèles physiques un véritable langage d'écriture musicale, dont les symboles sont des objets physiques virtuels. Avec lui, l'utilisateur est invité à développer une démarche conceptuelle nouvelle, une « pensée physique » intuitive.Dans un premier temps l'approche est caractérisée en regard d'autres démarches de création avec l'ordinateur, puis les processus de création attenants sont spécifiés.Dans un second temps, on introduit les fonctionnalités et l’ergonomie qui permettent et soutiennent ces processus et on présente leur mise en œuvre au sein de l’environnement complet pour la création musicale GENESIS