29 research outputs found

    SentiALG: Automated Corpus Annotation for Algerian Sentiment Analysis

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    Data annotation is an important but time-consuming and costly procedure. To sort a text into two classes, the very first thing we need is a good annotation guideline, establishing what is required to qualify for each class. In the literature, the difficulties associated with an appropriate data annotation has been underestimated. In this paper, we present a novel approach to automatically construct an annotated sentiment corpus for Algerian dialect (a Maghrebi Arabic dialect). The construction of this corpus is based on an Algerian sentiment lexicon that is also constructed automatically. The presented work deals with the two widely used scripts on Arabic social media: Arabic and Arabizi. The proposed approach automatically constructs a sentiment corpus containing 8000 messages (where 4000 are dedicated to Arabic and 4000 to Arabizi). The achieved F1-score is up to 72% and 78% for an Arabic and Arabizi test sets, respectively. Ongoing work is aimed at integrating transliteration process for Arabizi messages to further improve the obtained results.Comment: To appear in the 9th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS 2018

    SenZi: A Sentiment Analysis Lexicon for the Latinised Arabic (Arabizi)

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    Arabizi is an informal written form of dialectal Arabic transcribed in Latin alphanumeric characters. It has a proven popularity on chat platforms and social media, yet it suffers from a severe lack of natural language processing (NLP) resources. As such, texts written in Arabizi are often disregarded in sentiment analysis tasks for Arabic. In this paper we describe the creation of a sentiment lexicon for Arabizi that was enriched with word embeddings. The result is a new Arabizi lexicon consisting of 11.3K positive and 13.3K negative words. We evaluated this lexicon by classifying the sentiment of Arabizi tweets achieving an F1-score of 0.72. We provide a detailed error analysis to present the challenges that impact the sentiment analysis of Arabizi

    Atar: Attention-based LSTM for Arabizi transliteration

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    A non-standard romanization of Arabic script, known as Arbizi, is widely used in Arabic online and SMS/chat communities. However, since state-of-the-art tools and applications for Arabic NLP expects Arabic to be written in Arabic script, handling contents written in Arabizi requires a special attention either by building customized tools or by transliterating them into Arabic script. The latter approach is the more common one and this work presents two significant contributions in this direction. The first one is to collect and publicly release the first large-scale “Arabizi to Arabic script” parallel corpus focusing on the Jordanian dialect and consisting of more than 25 k pairs carefully created and inspected by native speakers to ensure highest quality. Second, we present Atar, an attention-based encoder-decoder model for Arabizi transliteration. Training and testing this model on our dataset yields impressive accuracy (79%) and BLEU score (88.49)

    A semi-supervised approach for sentiment analysis of arab (ic+ izi) messages: Application to the algerian dialect

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    In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised approach for sentiment analysis of Arabic and its dialects. This approach is based on a sentiment corpus, constructed automatically and reviewed manually by Algerian dialect native speakers. This approach consists of constructing and applying a set of deep learning algorithms to classify the sentiment of Arabic messages as positive or negative. It was applied on Facebook messages written in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) as well as in Algerian dialect (DALG, which is a low resourced-dialect, spoken by more than 40 million people) with both scripts Arabic and Arabizi. To handle Arabizi, we consider both options: transliteration (largely used in the research literature for handling Arabizi) and translation (never used in the research literature for handling Arabizi). For highlighting the effectiveness of a semi-supervised approach, we carried out different experiments using both corpora for the training (i.e. the corpus constructed automatically and the one that was reviewed manually). The experiments were done on many test corpora dedicated to MSA/DALG, which were proposed and evaluated in the research literature. Both classifiers are used, shallow and deep learning classifiers such as Random Forest (RF), Logistic Regression(LR) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long short-term memory (LSTM). These classifiers are combined with word embedding models such as Word2vec and fastText that were used for sentiment classification. Experimental results (F1 score up to 95% for intrinsic experiments and up to 89% for extrinsic experiments) showed that the proposed system outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methodologies (the best improvement is up to 25%)

    TArC: Incrementally and Semi-Automatically Collecting a Tunisian Arabish Corpus

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    This article describes the constitution process of the first morpho-syntactically annotated Tunisian Arabish Corpus (TArC). Arabish, also known as Arabizi, is a spontaneous coding of Arabic dialects in Latin characters and arithmographs (numbers used as letters). This code-system was developed by Arabic-speaking users of social media in order to facilitate the writing in the Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and text messaging informal frameworks. There is variety in the realization of Arabish amongst dialects, and each Arabish code-system is under-resourced, in the same way as most of the Arabic dialects. In the last few years, the focus on Arabic dialects in the NLP field has considerably increased. Taking this into consideration, TArC will be a useful support for different types of analyses, computational and linguistic, as well as for NLP tools training. In this article we will describe preliminary work on the TArC semi-automatic construction process and some of the first analyses we developed on TArC. In addition, in order to provide a complete overview of the challenges faced during the building process, we will present the main Tunisian dialect characteristics and their encoding in Tunisian Arabish.Comment: Paper accepted at the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) 202

    TArC: Incrementally and semi-automatically collecting a Tunisian arabish corpus

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    This article describes the constitution process of the first morpho-syntactically annotated Tunisian Arabish Corpus (TArC). Arabish, also known as Arabizi, is a spontaneous coding of Arabic dialects in Latin characters and arithmographs (numbers used as letters). This code-system was developed by Arabic-speaking users of social media in order to facilitate the writing in the Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and text messaging informal frameworks. There is variety in the realization of Arabish amongst dialects, and each Arabish code-system is under-resourced, in the same way as most of the Arabic dialects. In the last few years, the focus on Arabic dialects in the NLP field has considerably increased. Taking this into consideration, TArC will be a useful support for different types of analyses, computational and linguistic, as well as for NLP tools training. In this article we will describe preliminary work on the TArC semi-automatic construction process and some of the first analyses we developed on TArC. In addition, in order to provide a complete overview of the challenges faced during the building process, we will present the main Tunisian dialect characteristics and their encoding in Tunisian Arabish

    Multi-Task sequence prediction for Tunisian Arabizi multi-level annotation

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    In this paper we propose a multi-task sequence prediction system, based on recurrent neural networks and used to annotate on multiple levels an Arabizi Tunisian corpus. The annotation performed are text classification, tokenization, PoS tagging and encoding of Tunisian Arabizi into CODA* Arabic orthography. The system is learned to predict all the annotation levels in cascade, starting from Arabizi input. We evaluate the system on the TIGER German corpus, suitably converting data to have a multi-task problem, in order to show the effectiveness of our neural architecture. We show also how we used the system in order to annotate a Tunisian Arabizi corpus, which has been afterwards manually corrected and used to further evaluate sequence models on Tunisian data. Our system is developed for the Fairseq framework, which allows for a fast and easy use for any other sequence prediction problem