14 research outputs found

    Arabic Speaker-Independent Continuous Automatic Speech Recognition Based on a Phonetically Rich and Balanced Speech Corpus

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    This paper describes and proposes an efficient and effective framework for the design and development of a speaker-independent continuous automatic Arabic speech recognition system based on a phonetically rich and balanced speech corpus. The speech corpus contains a total of 415 sentences recorded by 40 (20 male and 20 female) Arabic native speakers from 11 different Arab countries representing the three major regions (Levant, Gulf, and Africa) in the Arab world. The proposed Arabic speech recognition system is based on the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Sphinx tools, and the Cambridge HTK tools were also used at some testing stages. The speech engine uses 3-emitting state Hidden Markov Models (HMM) for tri-phone based acoustic models. Based on experimental analysis of about 7 hours of training speech data, the acoustic model is best using continuous observation’s probability model of 16 Gaussian mixture distributions and the state distributions were tied to 500 senones. The language model contains both bi-grams and tri-grams. For similar speakers but different sentences, the system obtained a word recognition accuracy of 92.67% and 93.88% and a Word Error Rate (WER) of 11.27% and 10.07% with and without diacritical marks respectively. For different speakers with similar sentences, the system obtained a word recognition accuracy of 95.92% and 96.29% and a WER of 5.78% and 5.45% with and without diacritical marks respectively. Whereas different speakers and different sentences, the system obtained a word recognition accuracy of 89.08% and 90.23% and a WER of 15.59% and 14.44% with and without diacritical marks respectively

    Arabic Continuous Speech Recognition System using Sphinx-4

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    Speech is the most natural form of human communication and speech processing has been one of the most exciting areas of the signal processing. Speech recognition technology has made it possible for computer to follow human voice commands and understand human languages. The main goal of speech recognition area is to develop techniques and systems for speech input to machine and treat this speech to be used in many applications. As Arabic is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Statistics show that it is the first language (mother-tongue) of 206 million native speakers ranked as fourth after Mandarin, Spanish and English. In spite of its importance, research effort on Arabic Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is unfortunately still inadequate[7]. This thesis proposes and describes an efficient and effective framework for designing and developing a speaker-independent continuous automatic Arabic speech recognition system based on a phonetically rich and balanced speech corpus. The developing Arabic speech recognition system is based on the Carnegie Mellon university Sphinx tools. To build the system, we develop three basic components. The dictionary which contains all possible phonetic pronunciations of any word in the domain vocabulary. The second one is the language model such a model tries to capture the properties of a sequence of words by means of a probability distribution, and to predict the next word in a speech sequence. The last one is the acoustic model which will be created by taking audio recordings of speech, and their text transcriptions, and using software to create statistical representations of the sounds that make up each word. The system use the rich and balanced database that contains 367 sentences, a total of 14232 words. The phonetic dictionary contains about 23,841 definitions corresponding to the database words. And the language model contains14233 mono-gram and 32813 bi-grams and 37771 tri-grams. The engine uses 3-emmiting states Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) for tri-phone-based acoustic models