6 research outputs found

    Approximation of discrete-time polling systems via structured Markov chains

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    We devise an approximation of the marginal queue length distribution in discrete-time polling systems with batch arrivals and fixed packet sizes. The polling server uses the Bernoulli service discipline and Markovian routing. The 1-limited and exhaustive service disciplines are special cases of the Bernoulli service discipline, and traditional cyclic routing is a special case of Markovian routing. The key step of our approximation is the translation of the polling system to a structured Markov chain, while truncating all but one queue. Numerical experiments show that the approximation is very accurate in general. Our study is motivated by networks on chips with multiple masters (e.g., processors) sharing a single slave (e.g., memory)

    Approximation of discrete-time polling systems via structured Markov chains

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    We devise an approximation of the marginal queue length distribution in discrete-time polling systems with batch arrivals and fixed packet sizes. The polling server uses the Bernoulli service discipline and Markovian routing. The 1-limited and exhaustive service disciplines are special cases of the Bernoulli service discipline, and traditional cyclic routing is a special case of Markovian routing. The key step of our approximation is the translation of the polling system to a structured Markov chain, while truncating all but one queue. Numerical experiments show that the approximation is very accurate in general. Our study is motivated by networks on chips with multiple masters (e.g., processors) sharing a single slave (e.g., memory)

    Approximation of discrete-time polling systems via structured Markov chains

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    We devise an approximation of the marginal queue length distribution in discrete-time polling systems with batch arrivals and fixed packet sizes. The polling server uses the Bernoulli service discipline and Markovian routing. The 1-limited and exhaustive service disciplines are special cases of the Bernoulli service discipline, and traditional cyclic routing is a special case of Markovian routing. The key step of our approximation is the translation of the polling system to a structured Markov chain, while truncating all but one queue. Numerical experiments show that the approximation is very accurate in general. Our study is motivated by networks on chips with multiple masters (e.g., processors) sharing a single slave (e.g., memory)

    Approximation of discrete-time polling systems via structured Markov chains

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    We devise an approximation of the marginal queue length distribution in discrete-time polling systems with batch arrivals and fixed packet sizes. The polling server uses the Bernoulli service discipline and Markovian routing. The 1-limited and exhaustive service disciplines are special cases of the Bernoulli service discipline, and traditional cyclic routing is a special case of Markovian routing. The key step of our approximation is the translation of the polling system to a structured Markov chain, while truncating all but one queue. Numerical experiments show that the approximation is very accurate in general. Our study is motivated by networks on chips with multiple masters (e.g., processors) sharing a single slave (e.g., memory)

    Discrete Time Analysis of Consolidated Transport Processes

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    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung zeitdiskreter Modelle zur Analyse von Transportbündelungen. Mit den entwickelten Modellen für Bestands- und Fahrzeugbündelungen, insbesondere Milkrun-Systeme, kann eine detaillierte Leistungsbewertung in kurzer Zeit durchgeführt werden. Darüber hinaus erlauben die Modelle die Analyse der Umschlagslagerbündelungen, beispielweise Hub-und-Spoke-Netzwerke, indem sie im Rahmen einer Netzwerkanalyse mit einander verknüpft werden

    Discrete Time Analysis of Multi-Queue Systems with Multiple Departure Streams in Material Handling and Production under Different Service Rules

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    In this work, we present a modelling approach in order to depict service rules holistically. The developed model is called multi-queue system with multiple departure streams (MQSMDS). The MQSMDS is modelled as a discrete time Markov chain. On the basis of a numerical study, the system characteristics are evaluated. The results of this work enable a rapid and low-cost analysis of material handling and production systems as well as a fast and easy identification of suitable service rules