311 research outputs found

    path-constrained network flows

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    This thesis focuses on approximation algorithms and complexity assessments concerning network flows. It deals with various network flow problems with path restrictions. These restrictions cover the number of paths that are used to route commodities as well as the amount of flow that is routed along a single path or the path's length. Concerning the first restriction we study the unsplittable flow problem-a generalization of the NP-hard edge-disjoint paths problem. Given a network with commodities that must be routed from their sources to their sinks, the unsplittable flow problem forbids each commodity to use more than one path. For this problem we prove a new lower bound on the performance guarantee of randomized rounding which so far belongs to the best approximation algorithms known for this problem. Further, we present an interesting relation between unsplittable flows and classical (splittable) multicommodity flows in the case that all commodities share a common source: Each single source multicommodity flow can be represented as a convex combination of unsplittable flows of congestion at most 2. Further, we combine different path restrictions from the ones mentioned above. In the k-splittable flow problem with path capacities, we study the NP-hard problem that each commodity may be sent along a limited number of paths while the flow value of each path is bounded. This yields a generalization of the unsplittable flow problem, but we show how one can obtain the same asymptotic approximation ratios. For the length-bounded k-splittable flow problem, we consider the single commodity case and develop a constant factor approximation algorithm. A crucial characteristic of network flows occurring in real-world applications is flow variation over time and the fact that flow does not travel instantaneously through a network but requires a certain amount of time to travel through each arc. Both characteristics are captured by "flows over time" which specify a flow rate for each arc and each point in time. We consider the quickest single commodity k-splittable flow problem and give a constant factor approximation algorithm for it. So far only results for k-splittable flows as well as for length-bounded flows and flows over time have been known, but nothing was known for combinations of them. Bounding the flow value of each path is also interesting in the classical maximum s-t-flow problem. We study the case that each path may carry at most one unit of flow and prove that this restriction makes the maximum s-t-flow problem strongly NP-hard. In contrast to the classical maximum s-t-flow problem, the fractional and the integral problem diverge strongly with the new restriction. For the integral problem, we even prove APX-hardness. We develop an FPTAS for the fractional problem and an O(log m)-approximation algorithm for the integral one. (Here, m is the number of arcs in the network under consideration.) Similar results emerge for the multicommodity case. For the objective to find a maximum integral multicommodity flow our asymptotic approximation ratio of O(m^{0.5}) is proven to be best possible, unless P = NP

    WiLiTV: A Low-Cost Wireless Framework for Live TV Services

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    With the evolution of HDTV and Ultra HDTV, the bandwidth requirement for IP-based TV content is rapidly increasing. Consumers demand uninterrupted service with a high Quality of Experience (QoE). Service providers are constantly trying to differentiate themselves by innovating new ways of distributing content more efficiently with lower cost and higher penetration. In this work, we propose a cost-efficient wireless framework (WiLiTV) for delivering live TV services, consisting of a mix of wireless access technologies (e.g. Satellite, WiFi and LTE overlay links). In the proposed architecture, live TV content is injected into the network at a few residential locations using satellite dishes. The content is then further distributed to other homes using a house-to-house WiFi network or via an overlay LTE network. Our problem is to construct an optimal TV distribution network with the minimum number of satellite injection points, while preserving the highest QoE, for different neighborhood densities. We evaluate the framework using realistic time-varying demand patterns and a diverse set of home location data. Our study demonstrates that the architecture requires 75 - 90% fewer satellite injection points, compared to traditional architectures. Furthermore, we show that most cost savings can be obtained using simple and practical relay routing solutions

    Optimizing Emergency Transportation through Multicommodity Quickest Paths

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    In transportation networks with limited capacities and travel times on the arcs, a class of problems attracting a growing scientific interest is represented by the optimal routing and scheduling of given amounts of flow to be transshipped from the origin points to the specific destinations in minimum time. Such problems are of particular concern to emergency transportation where evacuation plans seek to minimize the time evacuees need to clear the affected area and reach the safe zones. Flows over time approaches are among the most suitable mathematical tools to provide a modelling representation of these problems from a macroscopic point of view. Among them, the Quickest Path Problem (QPP), requires an origin-destination flow to be routed on a single path while taking into account inflow limits on the arcs and minimizing the makespan, namely, the time instant when the last unit of flow reaches its destination. In the context of emergency transport, the QPP represents a relevant modelling tool, since its solutions are based on unsplittable dynamic flows that can support the development of evacuation plans which are very easy to be correctly implemented, assigning one single evacuation path to a whole population. This way it is possible to prevent interferences, turbulence, and congestions that may affect the transportation process, worsening the overall clearing time. Nevertheless, the current state-of-the-art presents a lack of studies on multicommodity generalizations of the QPP, where network flows refer to various populations, possibly with different origins and destinations. In this paper we provide a contribution to fill this gap, by considering the Multicommodity Quickest Path Problem (MCQPP), where multiple commodities, each with its own origin, destination and demand, must be routed on a capacitated network with travel times on the arcs, while minimizing the overall makespan and allowing the flow associated to each commodity to be routed on a single path. For this optimization problem, we provide the first mathematical formulation in the scientific literature, based on mixed integer programming and encompassing specific features aimed at empowering the suitability of the arising solutions in real emergency transportation plans. A computational experience performed on a set of benchmark instances is then presented to provide a proof-of-concept for our original model and to evaluate the quality and suitability of the provided solutions together with the required computational effort. Most of the instances are solved at the optimum by a commercial MIP solver, fed with a lower bound deriving from the optimal makespan of a splittable-flow relaxation of the MCQPP

    A polynomial time approximation algorithm for the two-commodity splittable flow problem

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    We consider a generalization of the unsplittable maximum two-commodity flow problem on undirected graphs where each commodity i{1,2}{i \in \{1, 2\}} can be split into a bounded number k i of equally-sized chunks that can be routed on different paths. We show that in contrast to the single-commodity case this problem is NP-hard, and hard to approximate to within a factor of α > 1/2. We present a polynomial time 1/2-approximation algorithm for the case of uniform chunk size over both commodities and show that for even k i and a mild cut condition it can be modified to yield an exact method. The uniform case can be used to derive a 1/4-approximation for the maximum concurrent (k 1, k 2)-splittable flow without chunk size restrictions for fixed demand ratio

    Brief Announcement: Minimizing Congestion in Hybrid Demand-Aware Network Topologies

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    Emerging reconfigurable optical communication technologies enable demand-aware networks: networks whose static topology can be enhanced with demand-aware links optimized towards the traffic pattern the network serves. This paper studies the algorithmic problem of how to jointly optimize the topology and the routing in such demand-aware networks, to minimize congestion. We investigate this problem along two dimensions: (1) whether flows are splittable or unsplittable, and (2) whether routing on the hybrid topology is segregated or not, i.e., whether or not flows either have to use exclusively either the static network or the demand-aware connections. For splittable and segregated routing, we show that the problem is 2-approximable in general, but APX-hard even for uniform demands induced by a bipartite demand graph. For unsplittable and segregated routing, we show an upper bound of O(log m/ log log m) and a lower bound of ?(log m/ log log m) for polynomial-time approximation algorithms, where m is the number of static links. Under splittable (resp., unsplittable) and non-segregated routing, even for demands of a single source (resp., destination), the problem cannot be approximated better than ?(c_{max}/c_{min}) unless P=NP, where c_{max} (resp., c_{min}) denotes the maximum (resp., minimum) capacity. It is still NP-hard for uniform capacities, but can be solved efficiently for a single commodity and uniform capacities

    On Routing Optimization in Networks with Embedded Computational Services

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    Modern communication networks are increasingly equipped with in-network computational capabilities and services. Routing in such networks is significantly more complicated than the traditional routing. A legitimate route for a flow not only needs to have enough communication and computation resources, but also has to conform to various application-specific routing constraints. This paper presents a comprehensive study on routing optimization problems in networks with embedded computational services. We develop a set of routing optimization models and derive low-complexity heuristic routing algorithms for diverse computation scenarios. For dynamic demands, we also develop an online routing algorithm with performance guarantees. Through evaluations over emerging applications on real topologies, we demonstrate that our models can be flexibly customized to meet the diverse routing requirements of different computation applications. Our proposed heuristic algorithms significantly outperform baseline algorithms and can achieve close-to-optimal performance in various scenarios.Comment: 16 figure

    On the Existence of Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria in Integer-Splittable Weighted Congestion Games

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    We study the existence of pure strategy Nash equilibria (PSNE) in integer–splittable weighted congestion games (ISWCGs), where agents can strategically assign different amounts of demand to different resources, but must distribute this demand in fixed-size parts. Such scenarios arise in a wide range of application domains, including job scheduling and network routing, where agents have to allocate multiple tasks and can assign a number of tasks to a particular selected resource. Specifically, in an ISWCG, an agent has a certain total demand (aka weight) that it needs to satisfy, and can do so by requesting one or more integer units of each resource from an element of a given collection of feasible subsets. Each resource is associated with a unit–cost function of its level of congestion; as such, the cost to an agent for using a particular resource is the product of the resource unit–cost and the number of units the agent requests.While general ISWCGs do not admit PSNE [(Rosenthal, 1973b)], the restricted subclass of these games with linear unit–cost functions has been shown to possess a potential function [(Meyers, 2006)], and hence, PSNE. However, the linearity of costs may not be necessary for the existence of equilibria in pure strategies. Thus, in this paper we prove that PSNE always exist for a larger class of convex and monotonically increasing unit–costs. On the other hand, our result is accompanied by a limiting assumption on the structure of agents’ strategy sets: specifically, each agent is associated with its set of accessible resources, and can distribute its demand across any subset of these resources.Importantly, we show that neither monotonicity nor convexity on its own guarantees this result. Moreover, we give a counterexample with monotone and semi–convex cost functions, thus distinguishing ISWCGs from the class of infinitely–splittable congestion games for which the conditions of monotonicity and semi–convexity have been shown to be sufficient for PSNE existence [(Rosen, 1965)]. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the finite improvement path property (FIP) does not hold for convex increasing ISWCGs. Thus, in contrast to the case with linear costs, a potential function argument cannot be used to prove our result. Instead, we provide a procedure that converges to an equilibrium from an arbitrary initial strategy profile, and in doing so show that ISWCGs with convex increasing unit–cost functions are weakly acyclic