378 research outputs found

    Content Distribution by Multiple Multicast Trees and Intersession Cooperation: Optimal Algorithms and Approximations

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    In traditional massive content distribution with multiple sessions, the sessions form separate overlay networks and operate independently, where some sessions may suffer from insufficient resources even though other sessions have excessive resources. To cope with this problem, we consider the universal swarming approach, which allows multiple sessions to cooperate with each other. We formulate the problem of finding the optimal resource allocation to maximize the sum of the session utilities and present a subgradient algorithm which converges to the optimal solution in the time-average sense. The solution involves an NP-hard subproblem of finding a minimum-cost Steiner tree. We cope with this difficulty by using a column generation method, which reduces the number of Steiner-tree computations. Furthermore, we allow the use of approximate solutions to the Steiner-tree subproblem. We show that the approximation ratio to the overall problem turns out to be no less than the reciprocal of the approximation ratio to the Steiner-tree subproblem. Simulation results demonstrate that universal swarming improves the performance of resource-poor sessions with negligible impact to resource-rich sessions. The proposed approach and algorithm are expected to be useful for infrastructure-based content distribution networks with long-lasting sessions and relatively stable network environment

    Study of architecture and protocols for reliable multicasting in packet switching networks

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    Group multicast protocols have been challenged to provide scalable solutions that meet the following requirements: (i) reliable delivery from different sources to all destinations within a multicast group; (ii) congestion control among multiple asynchronous sources. Although it is mainly a transport layer task, reliable group multicasting depends on routing architectures as well. This dissertation covers issues of both network and transport layers. Two routing architectures, tree and ring, are surveyed with a comparative study of their routing costs and impact to upper layer performances. Correspondingly, two generic transport protocol models are established for performance study. The tree-based protocol is rate-based and uses negative acknowledgment mechanisms for reliability control, while the ring-based protocol uses window-based flow control and positive acknowledgment schemes. The major performance measures observed in the study are network cost, multicast delay, throughput and efficiency. The results suggest that the tree architecture costs less at network layer than the ring, and helps to minimize latency under light network load. Meanwhile, heavy load reliable group multicasting can benefit from ring architecture, which facilitates window-based flow and congestion control. Based on the comparative study, a new two-hierarchy hybrid architecture, Rings Interconnected with Tree Architecture (RITA), is presented. Here, a multicast group is partitioned into multiple clusters with the ring as the intra-cluster architecture, and the tree as backbone architecture that implements inter-cluster multicasting. To compromise between performance measures such as delay and through put, reliability and congestion controls are accomplished at the transport layer with a hybrid use of rate and window-based protocols, which are based on either negative or positive feedback mechanisms respectively. Performances are compared with simulations against tree- and ring-based approaches. Results are encouraging because RITA achieves similar throughput performance as the ring-based protocol, but with significantly lowered delay. Finally, the multicast tree packing problem is discussed. In a network accommodating multiple concurrent multicast sessions, routing for an individual session can be optimized to minimize the competition with other sessions, rather than to minimize cost or delay. Packing lower bound and a heuristic are investigated. Simulation show that congestion can be reduced effectively with limited cost increase of routings

    On distributed scheduling in wireless networks exploiting broadcast and network coding

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    In this paper, we consider cross-layer optimization in wireless networks with wireless broadcast advantage, focusing on the problem of distributed scheduling of broadcast links. The wireless broadcast advantage is most useful in multicast scenarios. As such, we include network coding in our design to exploit the throughput gain brought in by network coding for multicasting. We derive a subgradient algorithm for joint rate control, network coding and scheduling, which however requires centralized link scheduling. Under the primary interference model, link scheduling problem is equivalent to a maximum weighted hypergraph matching problem that is NP-complete. To solve the scheduling problem distributedly, locally greedy and randomized approximation algorithms are proposed and shown to have bounded worst-case performance. With random network coding, we obtain a fully distributed cross-layer design. Numerical results show promising throughput gain using the proposed algorithms, and surprisingly, in some cases even with less complexity than cross-layer design without broadcast advantage

    Cost minimization for unstable concurrent products in multi-stage production line using queueing analysis

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    This research and resulting contribution are results of Assumption University of Thailand. The university partially supports financially the publication.Purpose: The paper copes with the queueing theory for evaluating a muti-stage production line process with concurrent goods. The intention of this article is to evaluate the efficiency of products assembly in the production line. Design/Methodology/Approach: To elevate the efficiency of the assembly line it is required to control the performance of individual stations. The arrival process of concurrent products is piled up before flowing to each station. All experiments are based on queueing network analysis. Findings: The performance analysis for unstable concurrent sub-items in the production line is discussed. The proposed analysis is based on the improvement of the total sub-production time by lessening the queue time in each station. Practical implications: The collected data are number of workers, incoming and outgoing sub-products, throughput rate, and individual station processing time. The front loading place unpacks product items into concurrent sub-items by an operator and automatically sorts them by RFID tag or bar code identifiers. Experiments of the work based on simulation are compared and validated with results from real approximation. Originality/Value: It is an alternative improvement to increase the efficiency of the operation in each station with minimum costs.peer-reviewe

    Distributed Connectivity Decomposition

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    We present time-efficient distributed algorithms for decomposing graphs with large edge or vertex connectivity into multiple spanning or dominating trees, respectively. As their primary applications, these decompositions allow us to achieve information flow with size close to the connectivity by parallelizing it along the trees. More specifically, our distributed decomposition algorithms are as follows: (I) A decomposition of each undirected graph with vertex-connectivity kk into (fractionally) vertex-disjoint weighted dominating trees with total weight Ω(klogn)\Omega(\frac{k}{\log n}), in O~(D+n)\widetilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n}) rounds. (II) A decomposition of each undirected graph with edge-connectivity λ\lambda into (fractionally) edge-disjoint weighted spanning trees with total weight λ12(1ε)\lceil\frac{\lambda-1}{2}\rceil(1-\varepsilon), in O~(D+nλ)\widetilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n\lambda}) rounds. We also show round complexity lower bounds of Ω~(D+nk)\tilde{\Omega}(D+\sqrt{\frac{n}{k}}) and Ω~(D+nλ)\tilde{\Omega}(D+\sqrt{\frac{n}{\lambda}}) for the above two decompositions, using techniques of [Das Sarma et al., STOC'11]. Moreover, our vertex-connectivity decomposition extends to centralized algorithms and improves the time complexity of [Censor-Hillel et al., SODA'14] from O(n3)O(n^3) to near-optimal O~(m)\tilde{O}(m). As corollaries, we also get distributed oblivious routing broadcast with O(1)O(1)-competitive edge-congestion and O(logn)O(\log n)-competitive vertex-congestion. Furthermore, the vertex connectivity decomposition leads to near-time-optimal O(logn)O(\log n)-approximation of vertex connectivity: centralized O~(m)\widetilde{O}(m) and distributed O~(D+n)\tilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n}). The former moves toward the 1974 conjecture of Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman postulating an O(m)O(m) centralized exact algorithm while the latter is the first distributed vertex connectivity approximation

    Broadcast CONGEST Algorithms Against Eavesdroppers

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