3,856 research outputs found

    A structural approach to matching problems with preferences

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    This thesis is a study of a number of matching problems that seek to match together pairs or groups of agents subject to the preferences of some or all of the agents. We present a number of new algorithmic results for five specific problem domains. Each of these results is derived with the aid of some structural properties implicitly embedded in the problem. We begin by describing an approximation algorithm for the problem of finding a maximum stable matching for an instance of the stable marriage problem with ties and incomplete lists (MAX-SMTI). Our polynomial time approximation algorithm provides a performance guarantee of 3/2 for the general version of MAX-SMTI, improving upon the previous best approximation algorithm, which gave a performance guarantee of 5/3. Next, we study the sex-equal stable marriage problem (SESM). We show that SESM is W[1]-hard, even if the men's and women's preference lists are both of length at most three. This improves upon the previously known hardness results. We contrast this with an exact, low-order exponential time algorithm. This is the first non-trivial exponential time algorithm known for this problem, or indeed for any hard stable matching problem. Turning our attention to the hospitals / residents problem with couples (HRC), we show that HRC is NP-complete, even if very severe restrictions are placed on the input. By contrast, we give a linear-time algorithm to find a stable matching with couples (or report that none exists) when stability is defined in terms of the classical Gale-Shapley concept. This result represents the most general polynomial time solvable restriction of HRC that we are aware of. We then explore the three dimensional stable matching problem (3DSM), in which we seek to find stable matchings across three sets of agents, rather than two (as in the classical case). We show that under two natural definitions of stability, finding a stable matching for a 3DSM instance is NP-complete. These hardness results resolve some open questions in the literature. Finally, we study the popular matching problem (POP-M) in the context of matching a set of applicants to a set of posts. We provide a characterization of the set of popular matchings for an arbitrary POP-M instance in terms of a new structure called the switching graph exploited to yield efficient algorithms for a range of associated problems, extending and improving upon the previously best-known results for this problem

    Approximability results for stable marriage problems with ties

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    We consider instances of the classical stable marriage problem in which persons may include ties in their preference lists. We show that, in such a setting, strong lower bounds hold for the approximability of each of the problems of finding an egalitarian, minimum regret and sex-equal stable matching. We also consider stable marriage instances in which persons may express unacceptable partners in addition to ties. In this setting, we prove that there are constants delta, delta' such that each of the problems of approximating a maximum and minimum cardinality stable matching within factors of delta, delta' (respectively) is NP-hard, under strong restrictions. We also give an approximation algorithm for both problems that has a performance guarantee expressible in terms of the number of lists with ties. This significantly improves on the best-known previous performance guarantee, for the case that the ties are sparse. Our results have applications to large-scale centralized matching schemes

    Hard variants of stable marriage

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    The Stable Marriage Problem and its many variants have been widely studied in the literature (Gusfield and Irving, The Stable Marriage Problem: Structure and Algorithms, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1989; Roth and Sotomayor, Two-sided matching: a study in game-theoretic modeling and analysis, Econometric Society Monographs, vol. 18, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990; Knuth, Stable Marriage and its Relation to Other Combinatorial Problems, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, vol. 10, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1997), partly because of the inherent appeal of the problem, partly because of the elegance of the associated structures and algorithms, and partly because of important practical applications, such as the National Resident Matching Program (Roth, J. Political Economy 92(6) (1984) 991) and similar large-scale matching schemes. Here, we present the first comprehensive study of variants of the problem in which the preference lists of the participants are not necessarily complete and not necessarily totally ordered. We show that, under surprisingly restrictive assumptions, a number of these variants are hard, and hard to approximate. The key observation is that, in contrast to the case where preference lists are complete or strictly ordered (or both), a given problem instance may admit stable matchings of different sizes. In this setting, examples of problems that are hard are: finding a stable matching of maximum or minimum size, determining whether a given pair is stable––even if the indifference takes the form of ties on one side only, the ties are at the tails of lists, there is at most one tie per list, and each tie is of length 2; and finding, or approximating, both an `egalitarian' and a `minimum regret' stable matching. However, we give a 2-approximation algorithm for the problems of finding a stable matching of maximum or minimum size. We also discuss the significant implications of our results for practical matching schemes

    Stable marriage with ties and bounded length preference lists

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    We consider variants of the classical stable marriage problem in which preference lists may contain ties, and may be of bounded length. Such restrictions arise naturally in practical applications, such as centralised matching schemes that assign graduating medical students to their first hospital posts. In such a setting, weak stability is the most common solution concept, and it is known that weakly stable matchings can have different sizes. This motivates the problem of finding a maximum cardinality weakly stable matching, which is known to be NP-hard in general. We show that this problem is solvable in polynomial time if each man's list is of length at most 2 (even for women's lists that are of unbounded length). However if each man's list is of length at most 3, we show that the problem becomes NP-hard (even if each women's list is of length at most 3) and not approximable within some δ>1 (even if each woman's list is of length at most 4)

    Fast distributed almost stable marriages

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    In their seminal work on the Stable Marriage Problem, Gale and Shapley describe an algorithm which finds a stable matching in O(n2)O(n^2) communication rounds. Their algorithm has a natural interpretation as a distributed algorithm where each player is represented by a single processor. In this distributed model, Floreen, Kaski, Polishchuk, and Suomela recently showed that for bounded preference lists, terminating the Gale-Shapley algorithm after a constant number of rounds results in an almost stable matching. In this paper, we describe a new deterministic distributed algorithm which finds an almost stable matching in O(log5n)O(\log^5 n) communication rounds for arbitrary preferences. We also present a faster randomized variant which requires O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) rounds. This run-time can be improved to O(1)O(1) rounds for "almost regular" (and in particular complete) preferences. To our knowledge, these are the first sub-polynomial round distributed algorithms for any variant of the stable marriage problem with unbounded preferences.Comment: Various improvements in version 2: algorithms for general (not just "almost regular") preferences; deterministic variant of the algorithm; streamlined proof of approximation guarante

    Stable Marriage with Ties and Bounded Length Preference Lists

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    We consider variants of the classical stable marriage problem in which preference lists may contain ties, and may be of bounded length. Such restrictions arise naturally in practical applications, such as centralised matching schemes that assign graduating medical students to their first hospital posts. In such a setting, weak stability is the most common solution concept, and it is known that weakly stable matchings can have different sizes. This motivates the problem of finding a maximum cardinality weakly stable matching, which is known to be NP-hard in general. We show that this problem is solvable in polynomial time if each man's list is of length at most 2 (even for women's lists that are of unbounded length). However if each man's list is of length at most 3, we show that the problem becomes NP-hard and not approximable within some d > 1, even if each woman's list is of length at most 4

    Solving stable matching problems using answer set programming

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    Since the introduction of the stable marriage problem (SMP) by Gale and Shapley (1962), several variants and extensions have been investigated. While this variety is useful to widen the application potential, each variant requires a new algorithm for finding the stable matchings. To address this issue, we propose an encoding of the SMP using answer set programming (ASP), which can straightforwardly be adapted and extended to suit the needs of specific applications. The use of ASP also means that we can take advantage of highly efficient off-the-shelf solvers. To illustrate the flexibility of our approach, we show how our ASP encoding naturally allows us to select optimal stable matchings, i.e. matchings that are optimal according to some user-specified criterion. To the best of our knowledge, our encoding offers the first exact implementation to find sex-equal, minimum regret, egalitarian or maximum cardinality stable matchings for SMP instances in which individuals may designate unacceptable partners and ties between preferences are allowed. This paper is under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1302.725

    An 8/5 approximation algorithm for a hard variant of stable marriage

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    When ties and incomplete preference lists are permitted in the Stable Marriage problem, stable matchings can have different sizes. The problem of finding a maximum cardinality stable matching in this context is NP-hard, even under very severe restrictions on the number, size and position of ties. In this paper, we describe a polynomial-time 8/5-approximation algorithm for a variant in which ties are on one side only and at the end of the preference lists. This variant is motivated by important applications in large scale centralized matching schemes