50 research outputs found

    Search Problems in Mission Planning and Navigation of Autonomous Aircraft

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    An architecture for the control of an autonomous aircraft is presented. The architecture is a hierarchical system representing an anthropomorphic breakdown of the control problem into planner, navigator, and pilot systems. The planner system determines high level global plans from overall mission objectives. This abstract mission planning is investigated by focusing on the Traveling Salesman Problem with variations on local and global constraints. Tree search techniques are applied including the breadth first, depth first, and best first algorithms. The minimum-column and row entries for the Traveling Salesman Problem cost matrix provides a powerful heuristic to guide these search techniques. Mission planning subgoals are directed from the planner to the navigator for planning routes in mountainous terrain with threats. Terrain/threat information is abstracted into a graph of possible paths for which graph searches are performed. It is shown that paths can be well represented by a search graph based on the Voronoi diagram of points representing the vertices of mountain boundaries. A comparison of Dijkstra's dynamic programming algorithm and the A* graph search algorithm from artificial intelligence/operations research is performed for several navigation path planning examples. These examples illustrate paths that minimize a combination of distance and exposure to threats. Finally, the pilot system synthesizes the flight trajectory by creating the control commands to fly the aircraft

    New Applications of Nearest-Neighbor Chains: Euclidean TSP and Motorcycle Graphs

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    We show new applications of the nearest-neighbor chain algorithm, a technique that originated in agglomerative hierarchical clustering. We use it to construct the greedy multi-fragment tour for Euclidean TSP in O(n log n) time in any fixed dimension and for Steiner TSP in planar graphs in O(n sqrt(n)log n) time; we compute motorcycle graphs, a central step in straight skeleton algorithms, in O(n^(4/3+epsilon)) time for any epsilon>0

    Near-Optimal Coverage Path Planning with Turn Costs

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    Coverage path planning is a fundamental challenge in robotics, with diverse applications in aerial surveillance, manufacturing, cleaning, inspection, agriculture, and more. The main objective is to devise a trajectory for an agent that efficiently covers a given area, while minimizing time or energy consumption. Existing practical approaches often lack a solid theoretical foundation, relying on purely heuristic methods, or overly abstracting the problem to a simple Traveling Salesman Problem in Grid Graphs. Moreover, the considered cost functions only rarely consider turn cost, prize-collecting variants for uneven cover demand, or arbitrary geometric regions. In this paper, we describe an array of systematic methods for handling arbitrary meshes derived from intricate, polygonal environments. This adaptation paves the way to compute efficient coverage paths with a robust theoretical foundation for real-world robotic applications. Through comprehensive evaluations, we demonstrate that the algorithm also exhibits low optimality gaps, while efficiently handling complex environments. Furthermore, we showcase its versatility in handling partial coverage and accommodating heterogeneous passage costs, offering the flexibility to trade off coverage quality and time efficiency

    Short Flip Sequences to Untangle Segments in the Plane

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    A (multi)set of segments in the plane may form a TSP tour, a matching, a tree, or any multigraph. If two segments cross, then we can reduce the total length with the following flip operation. We remove a pair of crossing segments, and insert a pair of non-crossing segments, while keeping the same vertex degrees. The goal of this paper is to devise efficient strategies to flip the segments in order to obtain crossing-free segments after a small number of flips. Linear and near-linear bounds on the number of flips were only known for segments with endpoints in convex position. We generalize these results, proving linear and near-linear bounds for cases with endpoints that are not in convex position. Our results are proved in a general setting that applies to multiple problems, using multigraphs and the distinction between removal and insertion choices when performing a flip.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    The Traveling Salesman Problem

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    This paper presents a self-contained introduction into algorithmic and computational aspects of the traveling salesman problem and of related problems, along with their theoretical prerequisites as seen from the point of view of an operations researcher who wants to solve practical problem instances. Extensive computational results are reported on most of the algorithms described. Optimal solutions are reported for instances with sizes up to several thousand nodes as well as heuristic solutions with provably very high quality for larger instances

    Tree-based decompositions of graphs on surfaces and applications to the traveling salesman problem

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    The tree-width and branch-width of a graph are two well-studied examples of parameters that measure how well a given graph can be decomposed into a tree structure. In this thesis we give several results and applications concerning these concepts, in particular if the graph is embedded on a surface. In the first part of this thesis we develop a geometric description of tangles in graphs embedded on a fixed surface (tangles are the obstructions for low branch-width), generalizing a result of Robertson and Seymour. We use this result to establish a relationship between the branch-width of an embedded graph and the carving-width of an associated graph, generalizing a result for the plane of Seymour and Thomas. We also discuss how these results relate to the polynomial-time algorithm to determine the branch-width of planar graphs of Seymour and Thomas, and explain why their method does not generalize to surfaces other than the sphere. We also prove a result concerning the class C_2k of minor-minimal graphs of branch-width 2k in the plane, for an integer k at least 2. We show that applying a certain construction to a class of graphs in the projective plane yields a subclass of C_2k, but also show that not all members of C_2k arise in this way if k is at least 3. The last part of the thesis is concerned with applications of graphs of bounded tree-width to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). We first show how one can solve the separation problem for comb inequalities (with an arbitrary number of teeth) in linear time if the tree-width is bounded. In the second part, we modify an algorithm of Letchford et al. using tree-decompositions to obtain a practical method for separating a different class of TSP inequalities, called simple DP constraints, and study their effectiveness for solving TSP instances.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Thomas, Robin; Committee Co-Chair: Cook, William J.; Committee Member: Dvorak, Zdenek; Committee Member: Parker, Robert G.; Committee Member: Yu, Xingxin