167 research outputs found

    Approximation Algorithms for Generalized MST and TSP in Grid Clusters

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    We consider a special case of the generalized minimum spanning tree problem (GMST) and the generalized travelling salesman problem (GTSP) where we are given a set of points inside the integer grid (in Euclidean plane) where each grid cell is 1×11 \times 1. In the MST version of the problem, the goal is to find a minimum tree that contains exactly one point from each non-empty grid cell (cluster). Similarly, in the TSP version of the problem, the goal is to find a minimum weight cycle containing one point from each non-empty grid cell. We give a (1+42+Ï”)(1+4\sqrt{2}+\epsilon) and (1.5+82+Ï”)(1.5+8\sqrt{2}+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm for these two problems in the described setting, respectively. Our motivation is based on the problem posed in [7] for a constant approximation algorithm. The authors designed a PTAS for the more special case of the GMST where non-empty cells are connected end dense enough. However, their algorithm heavily relies on this connectivity restriction and is unpractical. Our results develop the topic further

    Network Optimization on Partitioned Pairs of Points

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    Given n pairs of points, S = {{p_1, q_1}, {p_2, q_2}, ..., {p_n, q_n}}, in some metric space, we study the problem of two-coloring the points within each pair, red and blue, to optimize the cost of a pair of node-disjoint networks, one over the red points and one over the blue points. In this paper we consider our network structures to be spanning trees, traveling salesman tours or matchings. We consider several different weight functions computed over the network structures induced, as well as several different objective functions. We show that some of these problems are NP-hard, and provide constant factor approximation algorithms in all cases

    Engineering an Approximation Scheme for Traveling Salesman in Planar Graphs

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    We present an implementation of a linear-time approximation scheme for the traveling salesman problem on planar graphs with edge weights. We observe that the theoretical algorithm involves constants that are too large for practical use. Our implementation, which is not subject to the theoretical algorithm\u27s guarantee, can quickly find good tours in very large planar graphs

    Exploration autonome et efficiente de chantiers miniers souterrains inconnus avec un drone filaire

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    Abstract: Underground mining stopes are often mapped using a sensor located at the end of a pole that the operator introduces into the stope from a secure area. The sensor emits laser beams that provide the distance to a detected wall, thus creating a 3D map. This produces shadow zones and a low point density on the distant walls. To address these challenges, a research team from the UniversitĂ© de Sherbrooke is designing a tethered drone equipped with a rotating LiDAR for this mission, thus benefiting from several points of view. The wired transmission allows for unlimited flight time, shared computing, and real-time communication. For compatibility with the movement of the drone after tether entanglements, the excess length is integrated into an onboard spool, contributing to the drone payload. During manual piloting, the human factor causes problems in the perception and comprehension of a virtual 3D environment, as well as the execution of an optimal mission. This thesis focuses on autonomous navigation in two aspects: path planning and exploration. The system must compute a trajectory that maps the entire environment, minimizing the mission time and respecting the maximum onboard tether length. Path planning using a Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) quickly finds a feasible path, but the optimization is computationally expensive and the performance is variable and unpredictable. Exploration by the frontier method is representative of the space to be explored and the path can be optimized by solving a Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) but existing techniques for a tethered drone only consider the 2D case and do not optimize the global path. To meet these challenges, this thesis presents two new algorithms. The first one, RRT-Rope, produces an equal or shorter path than existing algorithms in a significantly shorter computation time, up to 70% faster than the next best algorithm in a representative environment. A modified version of RRT-connect computes a feasible path, shortened with a deterministic technique that takes advantage of previously added intermediate nodes. The second algorithm, TAPE, is the first 3D cavity exploration method that focuses on minimizing mission time and unwound tether length. On average, the overall path is 4% longer than the method that solves the TSP, but the tether remains under the allowed length in 100% of the simulated cases, compared to 53% with the initial method. The approach uses a 2-level hierarchical architecture: global planning solves a TSP after frontier extraction, and local planning minimizes the path cost and tether length via a decision function. The integration of these two tools in the NetherDrone produces an intelligent system for autonomous exploration, with semi-autonomous features for operator interaction. This work opens the door to new navigation approaches in the field of inspection, mapping, and Search and Rescue missions.La cartographie des chantiers miniers souterrains est souvent rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  l’aide d’un capteur situĂ© au bout d’une perche que l’opĂ©rateur introduit dans le chantier, depuis une zone sĂ©curisĂ©e. Le capteur Ă©met des faisceaux laser qui fournissent la distance Ă  un mur dĂ©tectĂ©, crĂ©ant ainsi une carte en 3D. Ceci produit des zones d’ombres et une faible densitĂ© de points sur les parois Ă©loignĂ©es. Pour relever ces dĂ©fis, une Ă©quipe de recherche de l’UniversitĂ© de Sherbrooke conçoit un drone filaire Ă©quipĂ© d’un LiDAR rotatif pour cette mission, bĂ©nĂ©ficiant ainsi de plusieurs points de vue. La transmission filaire permet un temps de vol illimitĂ©, un partage de calcul et une communication en temps rĂ©el. Pour une compatibilitĂ© avec le mouvement du drone lors des coincements du fil, la longueur excĂ©dante est intĂ©grĂ©e dans une bobine embarquĂ©e, qui contribue Ă  la charge utile du drone. Lors d’un pilotage manuel, le facteur humain entraĂźne des problĂšmes de perception et comprĂ©hension d’un environnement 3D virtuel, et d’exĂ©cution d’une mission optimale. Cette thĂšse se concentre sur la navigation autonome sous deux aspects : la planification de trajectoire et l’exploration. Le systĂšme doit calculer une trajectoire qui cartographie l’environnement complet, en minimisant le temps de mission et en respectant la longueur maximale de fil embarquĂ©e. La planification de trajectoire Ă  l’aide d’un Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) trouve rapidement un chemin rĂ©alisable, mais l’optimisation est coĂ»teuse en calcul et la performance est variable et imprĂ©visible. L’exploration par la mĂ©thode des frontiĂšres est reprĂ©sentative de l’espace Ă  explorer et le chemin peut ĂȘtre optimisĂ© en rĂ©solvant un Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), mais les techniques existantes pour un drone filaire ne considĂšrent que le cas 2D et n’optimisent pas le chemin global. Pour relever ces dĂ©fis, cette thĂšse prĂ©sente deux nouveaux algorithmes. Le premier, RRT-Rope, produit un chemin Ă©gal ou plus court que les algorithmes existants en un temps de calcul jusqu’à 70% plus court que le deuxiĂšme meilleur algorithme dans un environnement reprĂ©sentatif. Une version modifiĂ©e de RRT-connect calcule un chemin rĂ©alisable, raccourci avec une technique dĂ©terministe qui tire profit des noeuds intermĂ©diaires prĂ©alablement ajoutĂ©s. Le deuxiĂšme algorithme, TAPE, est la premiĂšre mĂ©thode d’exploration de cavitĂ©s en 3D qui minimise le temps de mission et la longueur du fil dĂ©roulĂ©. En moyenne, le trajet global est 4% plus long que la mĂ©thode qui rĂ©sout le TSP, mais le fil reste sous la longueur autorisĂ©e dans 100% des cas simulĂ©s, contre 53% avec la mĂ©thode initiale. L’approche utilise une architecture hiĂ©rarchique Ă  2 niveaux : la planification globale rĂ©sout un TSP aprĂšs extraction des frontiĂšres, et la planification locale minimise le coĂ»t du chemin et la longueur de fil via une fonction de dĂ©cision. L’intĂ©gration de ces deux outils dans le NetherDrone produit un systĂšme intelligent pour l’exploration autonome, dotĂ© de fonctionnalitĂ©s semi-autonomes pour une interaction avec l’opĂ©rateur. Les travaux rĂ©alisĂ©s ouvrent la porte Ă  de nouvelles approches de navigation dans le domaine des missions d’inspection, de cartographie et de recherche et sauvetage

    Approximation theory in combinatorial optimization. Application to the generalized minimum spanning tree problem

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    We present an overview of the approximation theory in combinatorial optimization. As an application we consider the Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree (GMST) problem which is defined on an undirected complete graph with the nodes partitioned into clusters and non-negative costs are associated to the edges. This problem is NP-hard and it is known that a polynomial approximation algorithm cannot exist. We present an in-approximability result for the GMST problem and under special assumptions: cost function satisfying the triangle inequality and with cluster sizes bounded by ρ\rho, we give an approximation algorithm with ratio 2ρ2 \rho

    Statistical physics of subgraph identification problem

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