170 research outputs found

    Approximating Semi-Matchings in Streaming and in Two-Party Communication

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    We study the communication complexity and streaming complexity of approximating unweighted semi-matchings. A semi-matching in a bipartite graph G = (A, B, E), with n = |A|, is a subset of edges S that matches all A vertices to B vertices with the goal usually being to do this as fairly as possible. While the term 'semi-matching' was coined in 2003 by Harvey et al. [WADS 2003], the problem had already previously been studied in the scheduling literature under different names. We present a deterministic one-pass streaming algorithm that for any 0 <= \epsilon <= 1 uses space O(n^{1+\epsilon}) and computes an O(n^{(1-\epsilon)/2})-approximation to the semi-matching problem. Furthermore, with O(log n) passes it is possible to compute an O(log n)-approximation with space O(n). In the one-way two-party communication setting, we show that for every \epsilon > 0, deterministic communication protocols for computing an O(n^{1/((1+\epsilon)c + 1)})-approximation require a message of size more than cn bits. We present two deterministic protocols communicating n and 2n edges that compute an O(sqrt(n)) and an O(n^{1/3})-approximation respectively. Finally, we improve on results of Harvey et al. [Journal of Algorithms 2006] and prove new links between semi-matchings and matchings. While it was known that an optimal semi-matching contains a maximum matching, we show that there is a hierarchical decomposition of an optimal semi-matching into maximum matchings. A similar result holds for semi-matchings that do not admit length-two degree-minimizing paths.Comment: This is the long version including all proves of the ICALP 2013 pape

    Approximating Semi-matchings in Streaming and in Two-Party Communication

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    We study the streaming complexity and communication complexity of approximating unweighted semi-matchings. A semi-matching in a bipartite graph G = ( A , B , E ) with n = | A | is a subset of edges S ⊆ E that matches all A vertices to B vertices with the goal usually being to do this as fairly as possible. While the term semi-matching was coined in 2003 by Harvey et al. [2003], the problem had already previously been studied in the scheduling literature under different names. We present a deterministic one-pass streaming algorithm that for any 0 ⩽ ϵ ⩽ 1 uses space Õ( n 1+ϵ and computes an O( n (1−ϵ)/2 )-approximation to the semi-matching problem. Furthermore, with O(log n ) passes it is possible to compute an O(log n )-approximation with space Õ( n ). In the one-way two-party communication setting, we show that for every ϵ &gt; 0, deterministic communication protocols for computing an O( n 1/(1+ϵ) c +1) -approximation require a message of size more than cn bits. We present two deterministic protocols communicating n and 2 n edges that compute an O√ n and an O(n 1/3 )-approximation, respectively. Finally, we improve on the results of Harvey et al. [2003] and prove new links between semi-matchings and matchings. While it was known that an optimal semi-matching contains a maximum matching, we show that there is a hierarchical decomposition of an optimal semi-matching into maximum matchings. A similar result holds for semi-matchings that do not admit length-two degree-minimizing paths.</jats:p

    Maximum Matching in Turnstile Streams

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    We consider the unweighted bipartite maximum matching problem in the one-pass turnstile streaming model where the input stream consists of edge insertions and deletions. In the insertion-only model, a one-pass 22-approximation streaming algorithm can be easily obtained with space O(nlogn)O(n \log n), where nn denotes the number of vertices of the input graph. We show that no such result is possible if edge deletions are allowed, even if space O(n3/2δ)O(n^{3/2-\delta}) is granted, for every δ>0\delta > 0. Specifically, for every 0ϵ10 \le \epsilon \le 1, we show that in the one-pass turnstile streaming model, in order to compute a O(nϵ)O(n^{\epsilon})-approximation, space Ω(n3/24ϵ)\Omega(n^{3/2 - 4\epsilon}) is required for constant error randomized algorithms, and, up to logarithmic factors, space O(n22ϵ)O( n^{2-2\epsilon} ) is sufficient. Our lower bound result is proved in the simultaneous message model of communication and may be of independent interest

    Streaming Verification of Graph Properties

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    Streaming interactive proofs (SIPs) are a framework for outsourced computation. A computationally limited streaming client (the verifier) hands over a large data set to an untrusted server (the prover) in the cloud and the two parties run a protocol to confirm the correctness of result with high probability. SIPs are particularly interesting for problems that are hard to solve (or even approximate) well in a streaming setting. The most notable of these problems is finding maximum matchings, which has received intense interest in recent years but has strong lower bounds even for constant factor approximations. In this paper, we present efficient streaming interactive proofs that can verify maximum matchings exactly. Our results cover all flavors of matchings (bipartite/non-bipartite and weighted). In addition, we also present streaming verifiers for approximate metric TSP. In particular, these are the first efficient results for weighted matchings and for metric TSP in any streaming verification model.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure, 1 tabl

    Coresets Meet EDCS: Algorithms for Matching and Vertex Cover on Massive Graphs

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    As massive graphs become more prevalent, there is a rapidly growing need for scalable algorithms that solve classical graph problems, such as maximum matching and minimum vertex cover, on large datasets. For massive inputs, several different computational models have been introduced, including the streaming model, the distributed communication model, and the massively parallel computation (MPC) model that is a common abstraction of MapReduce-style computation. In each model, algorithms are analyzed in terms of resources such as space used or rounds of communication needed, in addition to the more traditional approximation ratio. In this paper, we give a single unified approach that yields better approximation algorithms for matching and vertex cover in all these models. The highlights include: * The first one pass, significantly-better-than-2-approximation for matching in random arrival streams that uses subquadratic space, namely a (1.5+ϵ)(1.5+\epsilon)-approximation streaming algorithm that uses O(n1.5)O(n^{1.5}) space for constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. * The first 2-round, better-than-2-approximation for matching in the MPC model that uses subquadratic space per machine, namely a (1.5+ϵ)(1.5+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm with O(mn+n)O(\sqrt{mn} + n) memory per machine for constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. By building on our unified approach, we further develop parallel algorithms in the MPC model that give a (1+ϵ)(1 + \epsilon)-approximation to matching and an O(1)O(1)-approximation to vertex cover in only O(loglogn)O(\log\log{n}) MPC rounds and O(n/polylog(n))O(n/poly\log{(n)}) memory per machine. These results settle multiple open questions posed in the recent paper of Czumaj~et.al. [STOC 2018]