719 research outputs found

    Approximating minimum power covers of intersecting families and directed edge-connectivity problems

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    AbstractGiven a (directed) graph with costs on the edges, the power of a node is the maximum cost of an edge leaving it, and the power of the graph is the sum of the powers of its nodes. Let G=(V,E) be a graph with edge costs {c(e):e∈E} and let k be an integer. We consider problems that seek to find a min-power spanning subgraph G of G that satisfies a prescribed edge-connectivity property. In the Min-Powerk-Edge-Outconnected Subgraph problem we are given a root r∈V, and require that G contains k pairwise edge-disjoint rv-paths for all v∈V−r. In the Min-Powerk-Edge-Connected Subgraph problem G is required to be k-edge-connected. For k=1, these problems are at least as hard as the Set-Cover problem and thus have an Ω(ln|V|) approximation threshold. For k=Ω(nε), they are unlikely to admit a polylogarithmic approximation ratio [15]. We give approximation algorithms with ratio O(kln|V|). Our algorithms are based on a more general O(ln|V|)-approximation algorithm for the problem of finding a min-power directed edge-cover of an intersecting set-family; a set-family F is intersecting if X∩Y,X∪Y∈F for any intersecting X,Y∈F, and an edge set I covers F if for every X∈F there is an edge in I entering X

    On rooted kk-connectivity problems in quasi-bipartite digraphs

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    We consider the directed Rooted Subset kk-Edge-Connectivity problem: given a set TVT \subseteq V of terminals in a digraph G=(V+r,E)G=(V+r,E) with edge costs and an integer kk, find a min-cost subgraph of GG that contains kk edge disjoint rtrt-paths for all tTt \in T. The case when every edge of positive cost has head in TT admits a polynomial time algorithm due to Frank, and the case when all positive cost edges are incident to rr is equivalent to the kk-Multicover problem. Recently, [Chan et al. APPROX20] obtained ratio O(lnklnT)O(\ln k \ln |T|) for quasi-bipartite instances, when every edge in GG has an end in T+rT+r. We give a simple proof for the same ratio for a more general problem of covering an arbitrary TT-intersecting supermodular set function by a minimum cost edge set, and for the case when only every positive cost edge has an end in T+rT+r

    Polylogarithmic Approximation Algorithm for k-Connected Directed Steiner Tree on Quasi-Bipartite Graphs

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    In the k-Connected Directed Steiner Tree problem (k-DST), we are given a directed graph G = (V,E) with edge (or vertex) costs, a root vertex r, a set of q terminals T, and a connectivity requirement k > 0; the goal is to find a minimum-cost subgraph H of G such that H has k edge-disjoint paths from the root r to each terminal in T. The k-DST problem is a natural generalization of the classical Directed Steiner Tree problem (DST) in the fault-tolerant setting in which the solution subgraph is required to have an r,t-path, for every terminal t, even after removing k-1 vertices or edges. Despite being a classical problem, there are not many positive results on the problem, especially for the case k ? 3. In this paper, we present an O(log k log q)-approximation algorithm for k-DST when an input graph is quasi-bipartite, i.e., when there is no edge joining two non-terminal vertices. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the only known non-trivial approximation algorithm for k-DST, for k ? 3, that runs in polynomial-time Our algorithm is tight for every constant k, due to the hardness result inherited from the Set Cover problem

    A logarithmic approximation algorithm for the activation edge multicover problem

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    In the Activation Edge-Multicover problem we are given a multigraph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with activation costs {ceu,cev}\{c_{e}^u,c_{e}^v\} for every edge e=uvEe=uv \in E, and degree requirements r={rv:vV}r=\{r_v:v \in V\}. The goal is to find an edge subset JEJ \subseteq E of minimum activation cost vVmax{cuvv:uvJ}\sum_{v \in V}\max\{c_{uv}^v:uv \in J\},such that every vVv \in V has at least rvr_v neighbors in the graph (V,J)(V,J). Let k=maxvVrvk= \max_{v \in V} r_v be the maximum requirement and let θ=maxe=uvEmax{ceu,cev}min{ceu,cev}\theta=\max_{e=uv \in E} \frac{\max\{c_e^u,c_e^v\}}{\min\{c_e^u,c_e^v\}} be the maximum quotient between the two costs of an edge. For θ=1\theta=1 the problem admits approximation ratio O(logk)O(\log k). For k=1k=1 it generalizes the Set Cover problem (when θ=\theta=\infty), and admits a tight approximation ratio O(logn)O(\log n). This implies approximation ratio O(klogn)O(k \log n) for general kk and θ\theta, and no better approximation ratio was known. We obtain the first logarithmic approximation ratio O(logk+logmin{θ,n})O(\log k +\log\min\{\theta,n\}), that bridges between the two known ratios -- O(logk)O(\log k) for θ=1\theta=1 and O(logn)O(\log n) for k=1k=1. This implies approximation ratio O(logk+logmin{θ,n})+β(θ+1)O\left(\log k +\log\min\{\theta,n\}\right) +\beta \cdot (\theta+1) for the Activation kk-Connected Subgraph problem, where β\beta is the best known approximation ratio for the ordinary min-cost version of the problem

    Approximating minimum-power edge-multicovers

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    Given a graph with edge costs, the {\em power} of a node is themaximum cost of an edge incident to it, and the power of a graph is the sum of the powers of its nodes. Motivated by applications in wireless networks, we consider the following fundamental problem in wireless network design. Given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with edge costs and degree bounds {r(v):vV}\{r(v):v \in V\}, the {\sf Minimum-Power Edge-Multi-Cover} ({\sf MPEMC}) problem is to find a minimum-power subgraph JJ of GG such that the degree of every node vv in JJ is at least r(v)r(v). We give two approximation algorithms for {\sf MPEMC}, with ratios O(logk)O(\log k) and k+1/2k+1/2, where k=maxvVr(v)k=\max_{v \in V} r(v) is the maximum degree bound. This improves the previous ratios O(logn)O(\log n) and k+1k+1, and implies ratios O(logk)O(\log k) for the {\sf Minimum-Power kk-Outconnected Subgraph} and O(logklognnk)O(\log k \log \frac{n}{n-k}) for the {\sf Minimum-Power kk-Connected Subgraph} problems; the latter is the currently best known ratio for the min-cost version of the problem

    A 1.5-pproximation algorithms for activating 2 disjoint stst-paths

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    In the ActivationActivation kk DisjointDisjoint stst-PathsPaths (ActivationActivation kk-DPDP) problem we are given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with activation costs {cuvu,cuvv}\{c_{uv}^u,c_{uv}^v\} for every edge uvEuv \in E, a source-sink pair s,tVs,t \in V, and an integer kk. The goal is to compute an edge set FEF \subseteq E of kk internally node disjoint stst-paths of minimum activation cost vVmaxuvEcuvv\displaystyle \sum_{v \in V}\max_{uv \in E}c_{uv}^v. The problem admits an easy 22-approximation algorithm. Alqahtani and Erlebach [CIAC, pages 1-12, 2013] claimed that Activation 2-DP admits a 1.51.5-approximation algorithm. Their proof has an error, and we will show that the approximation ratio of their algorithm is at least 22. We will then give a different algorithm with approximation ratio 1.51.5

    From the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm to a Quantum Alternating Operator Ansatz

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    The next few years will be exciting as prototype universal quantum processors emerge, enabling implementation of a wider variety of algorithms. Of particular interest are quantum heuristics, which require experimentation on quantum hardware for their evaluation, and which have the potential to significantly expand the breadth of quantum computing applications. A leading candidate is Farhi et al.'s Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm, which alternates between applying a cost-function-based Hamiltonian and a mixing Hamiltonian. Here, we extend this framework to allow alternation between more general families of operators. The essence of this extension, the Quantum Alternating Operator Ansatz, is the consideration of general parametrized families of unitaries rather than only those corresponding to the time-evolution under a fixed local Hamiltonian for a time specified by the parameter. This ansatz supports the representation of a larger, and potentially more useful, set of states than the original formulation, with potential long-term impact on a broad array of application areas. For cases that call for mixing only within a desired subspace, refocusing on unitaries rather than Hamiltonians enables more efficiently implementable mixers than was possible in the original framework. Such mixers are particularly useful for optimization problems with hard constraints that must always be satisfied, defining a feasible subspace, and soft constraints whose violation we wish to minimize. More efficient implementation enables earlier experimental exploration of an alternating operator approach to a wide variety of approximate optimization, exact optimization, and sampling problems. Here, we introduce the Quantum Alternating Operator Ansatz, lay out design criteria for mixing operators, detail mappings for eight problems, and provide brief descriptions of mappings for diverse problems.Comment: 51 pages, 2 figures. Revised to match journal pape

    Approximation Algorithms for (S,T)-Connectivity Problems

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    We study a directed network design problem called the kk-(S,T)(S,T)-connectivity problem; we design and analyze approximation algorithms and give hardness results. For each positive integer kk, the minimum cost kk-vertex connected spanning subgraph problem is a special case of the kk-(S,T)(S,T)-connectivity problem. We defer precise statements of the problem and of our results to the introduction. For k=1k=1, we call the problem the (S,T)(S,T)-connectivity problem. We study three variants of the problem: the standard (S,T)(S,T)-connectivity problem, the relaxed (S,T)(S,T)-connectivity problem, and the unrestricted (S,T)(S,T)-connectivity problem. We give hardness results for these three variants. We design a 22-approximation algorithm for the standard (S,T)(S,T)-connectivity problem. We design tight approximation algorithms for the relaxed (S,T)(S,T)-connectivity problem and one of its special cases. For any kk, we give an O(logklogn)O(\log k\log n)-approximation algorithm, where nn denotes the number of vertices. The approximation guarantee almost matches the best approximation guarantee known for the minimum cost kk-vertex connected spanning subgraph problem which is O(logklognnk)O(\log k\log\frac{n}{n-k}) due to Nutov in 2009