1,171 research outputs found

    Dynamic Graph Stream Algorithms in o(n)o(n) Space

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    In this paper we study graph problems in dynamic streaming model, where the input is defined by a sequence of edge insertions and deletions. As many natural problems require Ω(n)\Omega(n) space, where nn is the number of vertices, existing works mainly focused on designing O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) space algorithms. Although sublinear in the number of edges for dense graphs, it could still be too large for many applications (e.g. nn is huge or the graph is sparse). In this work, we give single-pass algorithms beating this space barrier for two classes of problems. We present o(n)o(n) space algorithms for estimating the number of connected components with additive error εn\varepsilon n and (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximating the weight of minimum spanning tree, for any small constant ε>0\varepsilon>0. The latter improves previous O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) space algorithm given by Ahn et al. (SODA 2012) for connected graphs with bounded edge weights. We initiate the study of approximate graph property testing in the dynamic streaming model, where we want to distinguish graphs satisfying the property from graphs that are ε\varepsilon-far from having the property. We consider the problem of testing kk-edge connectivity, kk-vertex connectivity, cycle-freeness and bipartiteness (of planar graphs), for which, we provide algorithms using roughly O~(n1ε)\tilde{O}(n^{1-\varepsilon}) space, which is o(n)o(n) for any constant ε\varepsilon. To complement our algorithms, we present Ω(n1O(ε))\Omega(n^{1-O(\varepsilon)}) space lower bounds for these problems, which show that such a dependence on ε\varepsilon is necessary.Comment: ICALP 201

    Fully Dynamic Algorithms for Minimum Weight Cycle and Related Problems

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    We consider the directed minimum weight cycle problem in the fully dynamic setting. To the best of our knowledge, so far no fully dynamic algorithms have been designed specifically for the minimum weight cycle problem in general digraphs. One can achieve O~(n2)\tilde{O}(n^2) amortized update time by simply invoking the fully dynamic APSP algorithm of Demetrescu and Italiano [J. ACM'04]. This bound, however, yields no improvement over the trivial recompute-from-scratch algorithm for sparse graphs. Our first contribution is a very simple deterministic (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate algorithm supporting vertex updates (i.e., changing all edges incident to a specified vertex) in conditionally near-optimal O~(mlog(W)/ϵ)\tilde{O}(m\log{(W)}/\epsilon) amortized time for digraphs with real edge weights in [1,W][1,W]. Using known techniques, the algorithm can be implemented on planar graphs and also gives some new sublinear fully dynamic algorithms maintaining approximate cuts and flows in planar digraphs. Additionally, we show a Monte Carlo randomized exact fully dynamic minimum weight cycle algorithm with O~(mn2/3)\tilde{O}(mn^{2/3}) worst-case update that works for real edge weights. To this end, we generalize the exact fully dynamic APSP data structure of Abraham et al. [SODA'17] to solve the ``multiple-pairs shortest paths problem'', where one is interested in computing distances for some kk (instead of all n2n^2) fixed source-target pairs after each update. We show that in such a scenario, O~((m+k)n2/3)\tilde{O}((m+k)n^{2/3}) worst-case update time is possible.Comment: Full version of an ICALP 2021 pape

    Sorting genomes with rearrangements and segmental duplications through trajectory graphs

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    We study the problem of sorting genomes under an evolutionary model that includes genomic rearrangements and segmental duplications. We propose an iterative algorithm to improve any initial evolutionary trajectory between two genomes in terms of parsimony. Our algorithm is based on a new graphical model, the trajectory graph, which models not only the final states of two genomes but also an existing evolutionary trajectory between them. We show that redundant rearrangements in the trajectory correspond to certain cycles in the trajectory graph, and prove that our algorithm converges to an optimal trajectory for any initial trajectory involving only rearrangements

    Convex Graph Invariant Relaxations For Graph Edit Distance

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    The edit distance between two graphs is a widely used measure of similarity that evaluates the smallest number of vertex and edge deletions/insertions required to transform one graph to another. It is NP-hard to compute in general, and a large number of heuristics have been proposed for approximating this quantity. With few exceptions, these methods generally provide upper bounds on the edit distance between two graphs. In this paper, we propose a new family of computationally tractable convex relaxations for obtaining lower bounds on graph edit distance. These relaxations can be tailored to the structural properties of the particular graphs via convex graph invariants. Specific examples that we highlight in this paper include constraints on the graph spectrum as well as (tractable approximations of) the stability number and the maximum-cut values of graphs. We prove under suitable conditions that our relaxations are tight (i.e., exactly compute the graph edit distance) when one of the graphs consists of few eigenvalues. We also validate the utility of our framework on synthetic problems as well as real applications involving molecular structure comparison problems in chemistry.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Conformal Blocks Beyond the Semi-Classical Limit

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    Black hole microstates and their approximate thermodynamic properties can be studied using heavy-light correlation functions in AdS/CFT. Universal features of these correlators can be extracted from the Virasoro conformal blocks in CFT2, which encapsulate quantum gravitational effects in AdS3. At infinite central charge c, the Virasoro vacuum block provides an avatar of the black hole information paradox in the form of periodic Euclidean-time singularities that must be resolved at finite c. We compute Virasoro blocks in the heavy-light, large c limit, extending our previous results by determining perturbative 1/c corrections. We obtain explicit closed-form expressions for both the `semi-classical' hL2/c2h_L^2 / c^2 and `quantum' hL/c2h_L / c^2 corrections to the vacuum block, and we provide integral formulas for general Virasoro blocks. We comment on the interpretation of our results for thermodynamics, discussing how monodromies in Euclidean time can arise from AdS calculations using `geodesic Witten diagrams'. We expect that only non-perturbative corrections in 1/c can resolve the singularities associated with the information paradox.Comment: 24+7 pages, 5 figures; v2 fixed typo in eq 2.22, added refs; v3 fixed typo