2 research outputs found

    Dynamic virtual network traffic engineering with energy efficiency in multi-location data center networks

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)For cloud enterprise customers that require services on demand, data centers must allocate and partition data center resources in a dynamic fashion. We consider the problem in which a request from an enterprise customer is mapped to a virtual network (VN) that is allocated requiring both bandwidth and compute resources by connecting it from an entry point of a data center to one or more servers, should this data center be selected from multiple geographically distributed data centers. We present a dynamic traffic engineering framework, for which we develop an optimization model based on a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulation that a data center operator can use at each review point to optimally assign VN customers. Through a series of studies, we then present results on how different VN customers are treated in terms of request acceptance when each VN class has a different resource requirement. We found that a VN class with a low resource requirement has a low blocking even in heavy traffic, while the VN class with a high resource requirement faces a high service denial. On the other hand, cost for the VN with the highest resource requirement is not always the highest in the heavy traffic because of the significantly high service denial faced by this VN class.1017School of Graduate Studies Research Grant at the University of Missouri-Kansas CityNational Science Foundation [1526299]CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development), BrazilConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)28th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC)SEP 12-16, 2016Univ Wurzburg, Wurzburg, GERMAN

    Virtual network mapping onto substrate networks

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    Orientador: Nelson Luis Saldanha da FonsecaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A virtualização de redes é uma tecnologia promissora para ser utilizada como base na Internet do futuro, pois permite a introdução de novas funcionalidades nos elementos da rede a baixo custo. Uma das questões em virtualização de redes é como realizar o mapeamento eficiente de redes virtuais em substratos de redes, que é um problema de mapeamento é NP-Difícil. As soluções existentes na literatura ignoram várias características essenciais para ambientes reais a fim de que o problema possa ser resolvido em um intervalo de tempo razoável. Na presente dissertação, propõem-se oito algoritmos baseados em programação linear inteira 0-1 para resolver o problema de mapeamento que consideram diversas características realistas que não são incluídas em outras modelagens existentes. Seis dos algoritmos minimizam a largura de banda alocada e dois dos algoritmos minimizam o consumo de energia no substrato. Os algoritmos aproximativos propostos são capazes de determinar o mapeamento de redes virtuais em substratos de grande porte em poucos segundos e de encontrar soluções com qualidade, o que possibilita a adoção dos mesmos em mecanismos de controle de admissão em tempo realAbstract: Network virtualization is a promising technology to be employed in the future Internet, since it allows the introduction of new functionalities in network elements at low cost. One of the open questions in network virtualization is how to perform an efficient mapping of virtual networks in the substrate, which is NP-Hard problem. Existing solutions in the literature ignore several characteristics of real-world environments in order to solve the problem in a reasonable time frame. This paper introduces eight algorithms to solve the mapping problem that are based on 0-1 integer linear programming. One of the main contribution is the consideration of realistic assumptions to the problem that are not considered by others in the literature. Six algorithms minimize the allocated bandwidth and the two others minimize the power consumption in the substrate. The proposed approximative algorithms can map virtual networks in large substrates in few seconds and they find accurate solutions, which make them adequate to be employed in real-time admission controlMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã