12 research outputs found

    Robust Algorithms Under Adversarial Injections

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    In this paper, we study streaming and online algorithms in the context of randomness in the input. For several problems, a random order of the input sequence - as opposed to the worst-case order - appears to be a necessary evil in order to prove satisfying guarantees. However, algorithmic techniques that work under this assumption tend to be vulnerable to even small changes in the distribution. For this reason, we propose a new adversarial injections model, in which the input is ordered randomly, but an adversary may inject misleading elements at arbitrary positions. We believe that studying algorithms under this much weaker assumption can lead to new insights and, in particular, more robust algorithms. We investigate two classical combinatorial-optimization problems in this model: Maximum matching and cardinality constrained monotone submodular function maximization. Our main technical contribution is a novel streaming algorithm for the latter that computes a 0.55-approximation. While the algorithm itself is clean and simple, an involved analysis shows that it emulates a subdivision of the input stream which can be used to greatly limit the power of the adversary

    Separations for Estimating Large Frequency Moments on Data Streams

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    We study the classical problem of moment estimation of an underlying vector whose nn coordinates are implicitly defined through a series of updates in a data stream. We show that if the updates to the vector arrive in the random-order insertion-only model, then there exist space efficient algorithms with improved dependencies on the approximation parameter ε\varepsilon. In particular, for any real p>2p > 2, we first obtain an algorithm for FpF_p moment estimation using O~(1ε4/pn12/p)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}\left(\frac{1}{\varepsilon^{4/p}}\cdot n^{1-2/p}\right) bits of memory. Our techniques also give algorithms for FpF_p moment estimation with p>2p>2 on arbitrary order insertion-only and turnstile streams, using O~(1ε4/pn12/p)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}\left(\frac{1}{\varepsilon^{4/p}}\cdot n^{1-2/p}\right) bits of space and two passes, which is the first optimal multi-pass FpF_p estimation algorithm up to logn\log n factors. Finally, we give an improved lower bound of Ω(1ε2n12/p)\Omega\left(\frac{1}{\varepsilon^2}\cdot n^{1-2/p}\right) for one-pass insertion-only streams. Our results separate the complexity of this problem both between random and non-random orders, as well as one-pass and multi-pass streams.Comment: ICALP 202

    Efficient Indexing for Structured and Unstructured Data

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    The collection of digital data is growing at an exponential rate. Data originates from wide range of data sources such as text feeds, biological sequencers, internet traffic over routers, through sensors and many other sources. To mine intelligent information from these sources, users have to query the data. Indexing techniques aim to reduce the query time by preprocessing the data. Diversity of data sources in real world makes it imperative to develop application specific indexing solutions based on the data to be queried. Data can be structured i.e., relational tables or unstructured i.e., free text. Moreover, increasingly many applications need to seamlessly analyze both kinds of data making data integration a central issue. Integrating text with structured data needs to account for missing values, errors in the data etc. Probabilistic models have been proposed recently for this purpose. These models are also useful for applications where uncertainty is inherent in data e.g. sensor networks. This dissertation aims to propose efficient indexing solutions for several problems that lie at the intersection of database and information retrieval such as joining ranked inputs, full-text documents searching etc. Other well-known problems of ranked retrieval and pattern matching are also studied under probabilistic settings. For each problem, the worst-case theoretical bounds of the proposed solutions are established and/or their practicality is demonstrated by thorough experimentation

    Efficient Online Processing for Advanced Analytics

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    With the advent of emerging technologies and the Internet of Things, the importance of online data analytics has become more pronounced. Businesses and companies are adopting approaches that provide responsive analytics to stay competitive in the global marketplace. Online analytics allow data analysts to promptly react to patterns or to gain preliminary insights from early results that aid in research, decision making, and effective strategy planning. The growth of data-velocity in a variety of domains including, high-frequency trading, social networks, infrastructure monitoring, and advertising require adopting online engines that can efficiently process continuous streams of data. This thesis presents foundations, techniques, and systems' design that extend the state-of-the-art in online query processing to efficiently support relational joins with arbitrary join-predicates (beyond traditional equi-joins); and to support other data models (beyond relational) that target machine learning and graph computations. The thesis is divided into two parts: We first present a brief overview of Squall, our open-source online query processing engine that supports SQL-like queries on top of streams. Then, we focus on extending Squall to support efficient theta-join processing. Scalable distributed join processing requires a partitioning policy that evenly distributes the processing load while minimizing the size of maintained state and duplicated messages. Efficient load-balance demands apriori-statistics which are not available in the online setting. We propose a novel operator that continuously adjusts itself to the data dynamics, through adaptive dataflow routing and state repartitioning. It is also resilient to data-skew, maintains high throughput rates, avoids blocking during state repartitioning, and behaves as a black-box dataflow operator with provable performance guarantees. Our evaluation demonstrates that the proposed operator outperforms the state-of-the-art static partitioning schemes in resource utilization, throughput, and execution time up to 7x. In the second part, we present a novel framework that supports the Incremental View Maintenance (IVM) of workloads expressed as linear algebra programs. Linear algebra represents a concrete substrate for advanced analytical tasks including, machine learning, scientific computation, and graph algorithms. Previous works on relational calculus IVM are not applicable to matrix algebra workloads. This is because a single entry change to an input-matrix results in changes all over the intermediate views, rendering IVM useless in comparison to re-evaluation. We present Lago, a unified modular compiler framework that supports the IVM of a broad class of linear algebra programs. Lago automatically derives and optimizes incremental trigger programs of analytical computations, while freeing the user from erroneous manual derivations, low-level implementation details, and performance tuning. We present a novel technique that captures Δ\Delta changes as low-rank matrices. Low-rank matrices are representable in a compressed factored form that enables cheaper computations. Lago automatically propagates the factored representation across program statements to derive an efficient trigger program. Moreover, Lago extends its support to other domains that use different semi-ring configurations, e.g., graph applications. Our evaluation results demonstrate orders of magnitude (10x-1