122,344 research outputs found

    Approximate Span Programs

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    Span programs are a model of computation that have been used to design quantum algorithms, mainly in the query model. For any decision problem, there exists a span program that leads to an algorithm with optimal quantum query complexity, but finding such an algorithm is generally challenging. We consider new ways of designing quantum algorithms using span programs. We show how any span program that decides a problem ff can also be used to decide "property testing" versions of ff, or more generally, approximate the span program witness size, a property of the input related to ff. For example, using our techniques, the span program for OR, which can be used to design an optimal algorithm for the OR function, can also be used to design optimal algorithms for: threshold functions, in which we want to decide if the Hamming weight of a string is above a threshold or far below, given the promise that one of these is true; and approximate counting, in which we want to estimate the Hamming weight of the input. We achieve these results by relaxing the requirement that 1-inputs hit some target exactly in the span program, which could make design of span programs easier. We also give an exposition of span program structure, which increases the understanding of this important model. One implication is alternative algorithms for estimating the witness size when the phase gap of a certain unitary can be lower bounded. We show how to lower bound this phase gap in some cases. As applications, we give the first upper bounds in the adjacency query model on the quantum time complexity of estimating the effective resistance between ss and tt, Rs,t(G)R_{s,t}(G), of O~(1ϵ3/2nRs,t(G))\tilde O(\frac{1}{\epsilon^{3/2}}n\sqrt{R_{s,t}(G)}), and, when μ\mu is a lower bound on λ2(G)\lambda_2(G), by our phase gap lower bound, we can obtain O~(1ϵnRs,t(G)/μ)\tilde O(\frac{1}{\epsilon}n\sqrt{R_{s,t}(G)/\mu}), both using O(logn)O(\log n) space

    Approximate span programs

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    Span programs are a model of computation that have been used to design quantum algorithms, mainly in the query model. It is known that for any decision problem, there exists a span program that leads to an algorithm with optimal quantum query complexity, however finding such an algorithm is generally challenging. We consider new ways of designing quantum algorithms using span programs. We show how any span program that decides a function f can also be used to decide “threshold” versions of the function f, or more generally, approximate a quantity called the span program witness size, which is some property of the input related to f. We achieve these results by relaxing the requirement tha

    Span Programs and Quantum Space Complexity

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    While quantum computers hold the promise of significant computational speedups, the limited size of early quantum machines motivates the study of space-bounded quantum computation. We relate the quantum space complexity of computing a function f with one-sided error to the logarithm of its span program size, a classical quantity that is well-studied in attempts to prove formula size lower bounds. In the more natural bounded error model, we show that the amount of space needed for a unitary quantum algorithm to compute f with bounded (two-sided) error is lower bounded by the logarithm of its approximate span program size. Approximate span programs were introduced in the field of quantum algorithms but not studied classically. However, the approximate span program size of a function is a natural generalization of its span program size. While no non-trivial lower bound is known on the span program size (or approximate span program size) of any concrete function, a number of lower bounds are known on the monotone span program size. We show that the approximate monotone span program size of f is a lower bound on the space needed by quantum algorithms of a particular form, called monotone phase estimation algorithms, to compute f. We then give the first non-trivial lower bound on the approximate span program size of an explicit function

    Span Programs and Quantum Space Complexity

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    While quantum computers hold the promise of significant computational speedups, the limited size of early quantum machines motivates the study of space-bounded quantum computation. We relate the quantum space complexity of computing a function f with one-sided error to the logarithm of its span program size, a classical quantity that is well-studied in attempts to prove formula size lower bounds. In the more natural bounded error model, we show that the amount of space needed for a unitary quantum algorithm to compute f with bounded (two-sided) error is lower bounded by the logarithm of its approximate span program size. Approximate span programs were introduced in the field of quantum algorithms but not studied classically. However, the approximate span program size of a function is a natural generalization of its span program size. While no non-trivial lower bound is known on the span program size (or approximate span program size) of any concrete function, a number of lower bounds are known on the monotone span program size. We show that the approximate monotone span program size of f is a lower bound on the space needed by quantum algorithms of a particular form, called monotone phase estimation algorithms, to compute f. We then give the first non-trivial lower bound on the app

    An investigation of dynamic-analysis methods for variable-geometry structures

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    Selected space structure configurations were reviewed in order to define dynamic analysis problems associated with variable geometry. The dynamics of a beam being constructed from a flexible base and the relocation of the completed beam by rotating the remote manipulator system about the shoulder joint were selected. Equations of motion were formulated in physical coordinates for both of these problems, and FORTRAN programs were developed to generate solutions by numerically integrating the equations. These solutions served as a standard of comparison to gauge the accuracy of approximate solution techniques that were developed and studied. Good control was achieved in both problems. Unstable control system coupling with the system flexibility did not occur. An approximate method was developed for each problem to enable the analyst to investigate variable geometry effects during a short time span using standard fixed geometry programs such as NASTRAN. The average angle and average length techniques are discussed

    Scaling Law for Recovering the Sparsest Element in a Subspace

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    We address the problem of recovering a sparse nn-vector within a given subspace. This problem is a subtask of some approaches to dictionary learning and sparse principal component analysis. Hence, if we can prove scaling laws for recovery of sparse vectors, it will be easier to derive and prove recovery results in these applications. In this paper, we present a scaling law for recovering the sparse vector from a subspace that is spanned by the sparse vector and kk random vectors. We prove that the sparse vector will be the output to one of nn linear programs with high probability if its support size ss satisfies sn/klogns \lesssim n/\sqrt{k \log n}. The scaling law still holds when the desired vector is approximately sparse. To get a single estimate for the sparse vector from the nn linear programs, we must select which output is the sparsest. This selection process can be based on any proxy for sparsity, and the specific proxy has the potential to improve or worsen the scaling law. If sparsity is interpreted in an 1/\ell_1/\ell_\infty sense, then the scaling law can not be better than sn/ks \lesssim n/\sqrt{k}. Computer simulations show that selecting the sparsest output in the 1/2\ell_1/\ell_2 or thresholded-0\ell_0 senses can lead to a larger parameter range for successful recovery than that given by the 1/\ell_1/\ell_\infty sense