115 research outputs found

    Parameterized Approximation Schemes using Graph Widths

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    Combining the techniques of approximation algorithms and parameterized complexity has long been considered a promising research area, but relatively few results are currently known. In this paper we study the parameterized approximability of a number of problems which are known to be hard to solve exactly when parameterized by treewidth or clique-width. Our main contribution is to present a natural randomized rounding technique that extends well-known ideas and can be used for both of these widths. Applying this very generic technique we obtain approximation schemes for a number of problems, evading both polynomial-time inapproximability and parameterized intractability bounds

    A Survey on Approximation in Parameterized Complexity: Hardness and Algorithms

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    Parameterization and approximation are two popular ways of coping with NP-hard problems. More recently, the two have also been combined to derive many interesting results. We survey developments in the area both from the algorithmic and hardness perspectives, with emphasis on new techniques and potential future research directions

    Constant-Factor FPT Approximation for Capacitated k-Median

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    Capacitated k-median is one of the few outstanding optimization problems for which the existence of a polynomial time constant factor approximation algorithm remains an open problem. In a series of recent papers algorithms producing solutions violating either the number of facilities or the capacity by a multiplicative factor were obtained. However, to produce solutions without violations appears to be hard and potentially requires different algorithmic techniques. Notably, if parameterized by the number of facilities k, the problem is also W[2] hard, making the existence of an exact FPT algorithm unlikely. In this work we provide an FPT-time constant factor approximation algorithm preserving both cardinality and capacity of the facilities. The algorithm runs in time 2^O(k log k) n^O(1) and achieves an approximation ratio of 7+epsilon

    FPT Approximation using Treewidth: Capacitated Vertex Cover, Target Set Selection and Vector Dominating Set

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    Treewidth is a useful tool in designing graph algorithms. Although many NP-hard graph problems can be solved in linear time when the input graphs have small treewidth, there are problems which remain hard on graphs of bounded treewidth. In this paper, we consider three vertex selection problems that are W[1]-hard when parameterized by the treewidth of the input graph, namely the capacitated vertex cover problem, the target set selection problem and the vector dominating set problem. We provide two new methods to obtain FPT approximation algorithms for these problems. For the capacitated vertex cover problem and the vector dominating set problem, we obtain (1+o(1))(1+o(1))-approximation FPT algorithms. For the target set selection problem, we give an FPT algorithm providing a tradeoff between its running time and the approximation ratio.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, accepted by ISAAC 202

    Covering Problems via Structural Approaches

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    The minimum set cover problem is, without question, among the most ubiquitous and well-studied problems in computer science. Its theoretical hardness has been fully characterized--logarithmic approximability has been established, and no sublogarithmic approximation exists unless P=NP. However, the gap between real-world instances and the theoretical worst case is often immense--many covering problems of practical relevance admit much better approximations, or even solvability in polynomial time. Simple combinatorial or geometric structure can often be exploited to obtain improved algorithms on a problem-by-problem basis, but there is no general method of determining the extent to which this is possible. In this thesis, we aim to shed light on the relationship between the structure and the hardness of covering problems. We discuss several measures of structural complexity of set cover instances and prove new algorithmic and hardness results linking the approximability of a set cover problem to its underlying structure. In particular, we provide: - An APX-hardness proof for a wide family of problems that encode a simple covering problem known as Special-3SC. - A class of polynomial dynamic programming algorithms for a group of weighted geometric set cover problems having simple structure. - A simplified quasi-uniform sampling algorithm that yields improved approximations for weighted covering problems having low cell complexity or geometric union complexity. - Applications of the above to various capacitated covering problems via linear programming strengthening and rounding. In total, we obtain new results for dozens of covering problems exhibiting geometric or combinatorial structure. We tabulate these problems and classify them according to their approximability

    Approximating max-min linear programs with local algorithms

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    A local algorithm is a distributed algorithm where each node must operate solely based on the information that was available at system startup within a constant-size neighbourhood of the node. We study the applicability of local algorithms to max-min LPs where the objective is to maximise minkvckvxv\min_k \sum_v c_{kv} x_v subject to vaivxv1\sum_v a_{iv} x_v \le 1 for each ii and xv0x_v \ge 0 for each vv. Here ckv0c_{kv} \ge 0, aiv0a_{iv} \ge 0, and the support sets Vi={v:aiv>0}V_i = \{v : a_{iv} > 0 \}, Vk={v:ckv>0}V_k = \{v : c_{kv}>0 \}, Iv={i:aiv>0}I_v = \{i : a_{iv} > 0 \} and Kv={k:ckv>0}K_v = \{k : c_{kv} > 0 \} have bounded size. In the distributed setting, each agent vv is responsible for choosing the value of xvx_v, and the communication network is a hypergraph H\mathcal{H} where the sets VkV_k and ViV_i constitute the hyperedges. We present inapproximability results for a wide range of structural assumptions; for example, even if Vi|V_i| and Vk|V_k| are bounded by some constants larger than 2, there is no local approximation scheme. To contrast the negative results, we present a local approximation algorithm which achieves good approximation ratios if we can bound the relative growth of the vertex neighbourhoods in H\mathcal{H}.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Capacitated Vehicle Routing with Non-Uniform Speeds

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    The capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) involves distributing (identical) items from a depot to a set of demand locations, using a single capacitated vehicle. We study a generalization of this problem to the setting of multiple vehicles having non-uniform speeds (that we call Heterogenous CVRP), and present a constant-factor approximation algorithm. The technical heart of our result lies in achieving a constant approximation to the following TSP variant (called Heterogenous TSP). Given a metric denoting distances between vertices, a depot r containing k vehicles with possibly different speeds, the goal is to find a tour for each vehicle (starting and ending at r), so that every vertex is covered in some tour and the maximum completion time is minimized. This problem is precisely Heterogenous CVRP when vehicles are uncapacitated. The presence of non-uniform speeds introduces difficulties for employing standard tour-splitting techniques. In order to get a better understanding of this technique in our context, we appeal to ideas from the 2-approximation for scheduling in parallel machine of Lenstra et al.. This motivates the introduction of a new approximate MST construction called Level-Prim, which is related to Light Approximate Shortest-path Trees. The last component of our algorithm involves partitioning the Level-Prim tree and matching the resulting parts to vehicles. This decomposition is more subtle than usual since now we need to enforce correlation between the size of the parts and their distances to the depot