78 research outputs found

    Mitigating Colluding Attacks in Online Social Networks and Crowdsourcing Platforms

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    Online Social Networks (OSNs) have created new ways for people to communicate, and for companies to engage their customers -- with these new avenues for communication come new vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers. This dissertation aims to investigate two attack models: Identity Clone Attacks (ICA) and Reconnaissance Attacks (RA). During an ICA, attackers impersonate users in a network and attempt to infiltrate social circles and extract confidential information. In an RA, attackers gather information on a target\u27s resources, employees, and relationships with other entities over public venues such as OSNs and company websites. This was made easier for the RA to be efficient because well-known social networks, such as Facebook, have a policy to force people to use their real identities for their accounts. The goal of our research is to provide mechanisms to defend against colluding attackers in the presence of ICA and RA collusion attacks. In this work, we consider a scenario not addressed by previous works, wherein multiple attackers collude against the network, and propose defense mechanisms for such an attack. We take into account the asymmetric nature of social networks and include the case where colluders could add or modify some attributes of their clones. We also consider the case where attackers send few friend requests to uncover their targets. To detect fake reviews and uncovering colluders in crowdsourcing, we propose a semantic similarity measurement between reviews and a community detection algorithm to overcome the non-adversarial attack. ICA in a colluding attack may become stronger and more sophisticated than in a single attack. We introduce a token-based comparison and a friend list structure-matching approach, resulting in stronger identifiers even in the presence of attackers who could add or modify some attributes on the clone. We also propose a stronger RA collusion mechanism in which colluders build their own legitimacy by considering asymmetric relationships among users and, while having partial information of the networks, avoid recreating social circles around their targets. Finally, we propose a defense mechanism against colluding RA which uses the weakest person (e.g., the potential victim willing to accept friend requests) to reach their target

    Combating Threats to the Quality of Information in Social Systems

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    Many large-scale social systems such as Web-based social networks, online social media sites and Web-scale crowdsourcing systems have been growing rapidly, enabling millions of human participants to generate, share and consume content on a massive scale. This reliance on users can lead to many positive effects, including large-scale growth in the size and content in the community, bottom-up discovery of “citizen-experts”, serendipitous discovery of new resources beyond the scope of the system designers, and new social-based information search and retrieval algorithms. But the relative openness and reliance on users coupled with the widespread interest and growth of these social systems carries risks and raises growing concerns over the quality of information in these systems. In this dissertation research, we focus on countering threats to the quality of information in self-managing social systems. Concretely, we identify three classes of threats to these systems: (i) content pollution by social spammers, (ii) coordinated campaigns for strategic manipulation, and (iii) threats to collective attention. To combat these threats, we propose three inter-related methods for detecting evidence of these threats, mitigating their impact, and improving the quality of information in social systems. We augment this three-fold defense with an exploration of their origins in “crowdturfing” – a sinister counterpart to the enormous positive opportunities of crowdsourcing. In particular, this dissertation research makes four unique contributions: • The first contribution of this dissertation research is a framework for detecting and filtering social spammers and content polluters in social systems. To detect and filter individual social spammers and content polluters, we propose and evaluate a novel social honeypot-based approach. • Second, we present a set of methods and algorithms for detecting coordinated campaigns in large-scale social systems. We propose and evaluate a content- driven framework for effectively linking free text posts with common “talking points” and extracting campaigns from large-scale social systems. • Third, we present a dual study of the robustness of social systems to collective attention threats through both a data-driven modeling approach and deploy- ment over a real system trace. We evaluate the effectiveness of countermeasures deployed based on the first moments of a bursting phenomenon in a real system. • Finally, we study the underlying ecosystem of crowdturfing for engaging in each of the three threat types. We present a framework for “pulling back the curtain” on crowdturfers to reveal their underlying ecosystem on both crowdsourcing sites and social media

    Search Rank Fraud Prevention in Online Systems

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    The survival of products in online services such as Google Play, Yelp, Facebook and Amazon, is contingent on their search rank. This, along with the social impact of such services, has also turned them into a lucrative medium for fraudulently influencing public opinion. Motivated by the need to aggressively promote products, communities that specialize in social network fraud (e.g., fake opinions and reviews, likes, followers, app installs) have emerged, to create a black market for fraudulent search optimization. Fraudulent product developers exploit these communities to hire teams of workers willing and able to commit fraud collectively, emulating realistic, spontaneous activities from unrelated people. We call this behavior “search rank fraud”. In this dissertation, we argue that fraud needs to be proactively discouraged and prevented, instead of only reactively detected and filtered. We introduce two novel approaches to discourage search rank fraud in online systems. First, we detect fraud in real-time, when it is posted, and impose resource consuming penalties on the devices that post activities. We introduce and leverage several novel concepts that include (i) stateless, verifiable computational puzzles that impose minimal performance overhead, but enable the efficient verification of their authenticity, (ii) a real-time, graph based solution to assign fraud scores to user activities, and (iii) mechanisms to dynamically adjust puzzle difficulty levels based on fraud scores and the computational capabilities of devices. In a second approach, we introduce the problem of fraud de-anonymization: reveal the crowdsourcing site accounts of the people who post large amounts of fraud, thus their bank accounts, and provide compelling evidence of fraud to the users of products that they promote. We investigate the ability of our solutions to ensure that fraud does not pay off

    Measuring, Characterizing, and Detecting Facebook Like Farms

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    Social networks offer convenient ways to seamlessly reach out to large audiences. In particular, Facebook pages are increasingly used by businesses, brands, and organizations to connect with multitudes of users worldwide. As the number of likes of a page has become a de-facto measure of its popularity and profitability, an underground market of services artificially inflating page likes, aka like farms, has emerged alongside Facebook's official targeted advertising platform. Nonetheless, there is little work that systematically analyzes Facebook pages' promotion methods. Aiming to fill this gap, we present a honeypot-based comparative measurement study of page likes garnered via Facebook advertising and from popular like farms. First, we analyze likes based on demographic, temporal, and social characteristics, and find that some farms seem to be operated by bots and do not really try to hide the nature of their operations, while others follow a stealthier approach, mimicking regular users' behavior. Next, we look at fraud detection algorithms currently deployed by Facebook and show that they do not work well to detect stealthy farms which spread likes over longer timespans and like popular pages to mimic regular users. To overcome their limitations, we investigate the feasibility of timeline-based detection of like farm accounts, focusing on characterizing content generated by Facebook accounts on their timelines as an indicator of genuine versus fake social activity. We analyze a range of features, grouped into two main categories: lexical and non-lexical. We find that like farm accounts tend to re-share content, use fewer words and poorer vocabulary, and more often generate duplicate comments and likes compared to normal users. Using relevant lexical and non-lexical features, we build a classifier to detect like farms accounts that achieves precision higher than 99% and 93% recall.Comment: To appear in ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS

    Modeling Visual Rhetoric and Semantics in Multimedia

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    Recent advances in machine learning have enabled computer vision algorithms to model complicated visual phenomena with accuracies unthinkable a mere decade ago. Their high-performance on a plethora of vision-related tasks has enabled computer vision researchers to begin to move beyond traditional visual recognition problems to tasks requiring higher-level image understanding. However, most computer vision research still focuses on describing what images, text, or other media literally portrays. In contrast, in this dissertation we focus on learning how and why such content is portrayed. Rather than viewing media for its content, we recast the problem as understanding visual communication and visual rhetoric. For example, the same content may be portrayed in different ways in order to present the story the author wishes to convey. We thus seek to model not only the content of the media, but its authorial intent and latent messaging. Understanding how and why visual content is portrayed a certain way requires understanding higher level abstract semantic concepts which are themselves latent within visual media. By latent, we mean the concept is not readily visually accessible within a single image (e.g. right vs left political bias), in contrast to explicit visual semantic concepts such as objects. Specifically, we study the problems of modeling photographic style (how professional photographers portray their subjects), understanding visual persuasion in image advertisements, modeling political bias in multimedia (image and text) news articles, and learning cross-modal semantic representations. While most past research in vision and natural language processing studies the case where visual content and paired text are highly aligned (as in the case of image captions), we target the case where each modality conveys complementary information to tell a larger story. We particularly focus on the problem of learning cross-modal representations from multimedia exhibiting weak alignment between the image and text modalities. A variety of techniques are presented which improve modeling of multimedia rhetoric in real-world data and enable more robust artificially intelligent systems

    Edge Learning for 6G-enabled Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Survey of Vulnerabilities, Datasets, and Defenses

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    The ongoing deployment of the fifth generation (5G) wireless networks constantly reveals limitations concerning its original concept as a key driver of Internet of Everything (IoE) applications. These 5G challenges are behind worldwide efforts to enable future networks, such as sixth generation (6G) networks, to efficiently support sophisticated applications ranging from autonomous driving capabilities to the Metaverse. Edge learning is a new and powerful approach to training models across distributed clients while protecting the privacy of their data. This approach is expected to be embedded within future network infrastructures, including 6G, to solve challenging problems such as resource management and behavior prediction. This survey article provides a holistic review of the most recent research focused on edge learning vulnerabilities and defenses for 6G-enabled IoT. We summarize the existing surveys on machine learning for 6G IoT security and machine learning-associated threats in three different learning modes: centralized, federated, and distributed. Then, we provide an overview of enabling emerging technologies for 6G IoT intelligence. Moreover, we provide a holistic survey of existing research on attacks against machine learning and classify threat models into eight categories, including backdoor attacks, adversarial examples, combined attacks, poisoning attacks, Sybil attacks, byzantine attacks, inference attacks, and dropping attacks. In addition, we provide a comprehensive and detailed taxonomy and a side-by-side comparison of the state-of-the-art defense methods against edge learning vulnerabilities. Finally, as new attacks and defense technologies are realized, new research and future overall prospects for 6G-enabled IoT are discussed

    Security and Privacy Preservation in Mobile Crowdsensing

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    Mobile crowdsensing (MCS) is a compelling paradigm that enables a crowd of individuals to cooperatively collect and share data to measure phenomena or record events of common interest using their mobile devices. Pairing with inherent mobility and intelligence, mobile users can collect, produce and upload large amounts of data to service providers based on crowdsensing tasks released by customers, ranging from general information, such as temperature, air quality and traffic condition, to more specialized data, such as recommended places, health condition and voting intentions. Compared with traditional sensor networks, MCS can support large-scale sensing applications, improve sensing data trustworthiness and reduce the cost on deploying expensive hardware or software to acquire high-quality data. Despite the appealing benefits, however, MCS is also confronted with a variety of security and privacy threats, which would impede its rapid development. Due to their own incentives and vulnerabilities of service providers, data security and user privacy are being put at risk. The corruption of sensing reports may directly affect crowdsensing results, and thereby mislead customers to make irrational decisions. Moreover, the content of crowdsensing tasks may expose the intention of customers, and the sensing reports might inadvertently reveal sensitive information about mobile users. Data encryption and anonymization techniques can provide straightforward solutions for data security and user privacy, but there are several issues, which are of significantly importance to make MCS practical. First of all, to enhance data trustworthiness, service providers need to recruit mobile users based on their personal information, such as preferences, mobility pattern and reputation, resulting in the privacy exposure to service providers. Secondly, it is inevitable to have replicate data in crowdsensing reports, which may possess large communication bandwidth, but traditional data encryption makes replicate data detection and deletion challenging. Thirdly, crowdsensed data analysis is essential to generate crowdsensing reports in MCS, but the correctness of crowdsensing results in the absence of malicious mobile users and service providers become a huge concern for customers. Finally yet importantly, even if user privacy is preserved during task allocation and data collection, it may still be exposed during reward distribution. It further discourage mobile users from task participation. In this thesis, we explore the approaches to resolve these challenges in MCS. Based on the architecture of MCS, we conduct our research with the focus on security and privacy protection without sacrificing data quality and users' enthusiasm. Specifically, the main contributions are, i) to enable privacy preservation and task allocation, we propose SPOON, a strong privacy-preserving mobile crowdsensing scheme supporting accurate task allocation. In SPOON, the service provider recruits mobile users based on their locations, and selects proper sensing reports according to their trust levels without invading user privacy. By utilizing the blind signature, sensing tasks are protected and reports are anonymized. In addition, a privacy-preserving credit management mechanism is introduced to achieve decentralized trust management and secure credit proof for mobile users; ii) to improve communication efficiency while guaranteeing data confidentiality, we propose a fog-assisted secure data deduplication scheme, in which a BLS-oblivious pseudo-random function is developed to enable fog nodes to detect and delete replicate data in sensing reports without exposing the content of reports. Considering the privacy leakages of mobile users who report the same data, the blind signature is utilized to hide users' identities, and chameleon hash function is leveraged to achieve contribution claim and reward retrieval for anonymous greedy mobile users; iii) to achieve data statistics with privacy preservation, we propose a privacy-preserving data statistics scheme to achieve end-to-end security and integrity protection, while enabling the aggregation of the collected data from multiple sources. The correctness verification is supported to prevent the corruption of the aggregate results during data transmission based on the homomorphic authenticator and the proxy re-signature. A privacy-preserving verifiable linear statistics mechanism is developed to realize the linear aggregation of multiple crowdsensed data from a same device and the verification on the correctness of aggregate results; and iv) to encourage mobile users to participating in sensing tasks, we propose a dual-anonymous reward distribution scheme to offer the incentive for mobile users and privacy protection for both customers and mobile users in MCS. Based on the dividable cash, a new reward sharing incentive mechanism is developed to encourage mobile users to participating in sensing tasks, and the randomization technique is leveraged to protect the identities of customers and mobile users during reward claim, distribution and deposit

    A survey on opinion spam detection methods

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    Since the past decade, fake Reviews also known as Opinion spam has plagued the e-commerce sector around the world. Opinion spam is considered extremely harmful as it can be used to control the sentiment of a product or service, which in turn can be used to damage the sales and reputation of a company. Throughout the years, extensive research has used Natural language processing for extracting textual features and use them with various machine learning algorithms for opinion spam detection. Majority of the reviewed literature has focused on supervised learning techniques using artificially crafted datasets. The purpose of this paper is twofold: to analyze the various machine learning techniques that have been proposed in the extant literature for detecting opinion spam and compare their accuracies, to provide further insights for future researchers in the field of opinion spam detection. This survey has concluded that semi-supervised techniques using multi-aspect features of reviews, reviewers, and products can provide a better result in spam detection. Furthermore, the lack of accurately labeled datasets presents a major challenge in the field of Fake review detection

    Detecting Political Framing Shifts and the Adversarial Phrases within\\ Rival Factions and Ranking Temporal Snapshot Contents in Social Media

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    abstract: Social Computing is an area of computer science concerned with dynamics of communities and cultures, created through computer-mediated social interaction. Various social media platforms, such as social network services and microblogging, enable users to come together and create social movements expressing their opinions on diverse sets of issues, events, complaints, grievances, and goals. Methods for monitoring and summarizing these types of sociopolitical trends, its leaders and followers, messages, and dynamics are needed. In this dissertation, a framework comprising of community and content-based computational methods is presented to provide insights for multilingual and noisy political social media content. First, a model is developed to predict the emergence of viral hashtag breakouts, using network features. Next, another model is developed to detect and compare individual and organizational accounts, by using a set of domain and language-independent features. The third model exposes contentious issues, driving reactionary dynamics between opposing camps. The fourth model develops community detection and visualization methods to reveal underlying dynamics and key messages that drive dynamics. The final model presents a use case methodology for detecting and monitoring foreign influence, wherein a state actor and news media under its control attempt to shift public opinion by framing information to support multiple adversarial narratives that facilitate their goals. In each case, a discussion of novel aspects and contributions of the models is presented, as well as quantitative and qualitative evaluations. An analysis of multiple conflict situations will be conducted, covering areas in the UK, Bangladesh, Libya and the Ukraine where adversarial framing lead to polarization, declines in social cohesion, social unrest, and even civil wars (e.g., Libya and the Ukraine).Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201
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