39 research outputs found

    The Influence of Transformational Leadership Styles on Knowledge Management: The Moderating Role of Organizational Structure Among Administrators

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    The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between transformational leadership and its dimensions and knowledge management. The dimensions of transformational leadership are idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration. In this study intends to look at the moderating effect of organizational structure between transformational leadership styles and knowledge management. Furthermore, the study also to examine whether any differences in knowledge management level among administrators in UiTM based on level of education and length of services. Respondents of this study were 255 administrators of Grade 41 until Grade 54 who at UiTM Shah Alam, Perlis, Perak, Terengganu, Johor and Sarawak. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16 Windows. The tests conducted were Pearson’s Correlation, Multiple Regression, Hierarchical Regression and One-way ANOVA. The Pearson’s Correlation showed that transformational leadership, as well as each of its dimensions was correlated to knowledge management. However, multiple regression tests showed that idealized influence and individualized consideration were significant with knowledge management. On the other hand, the results showed that knowledge management significantly influenced by only two dimensions; idealized influence and individualized consideration.Besides that, the hierarchical regression was found that organizational structure was moderate the relationship between transformational leadership and knowledge management. The findings of the One-way ANOVA showed that there were no significant differences in respondents’ knowledge management level based on level of education and the length of services

    Overcoming Knowledge Integration Barriers in ERP Implementation Using Action Research Approach

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    This study focuses on documenting the barriers of knowledge integration between the organizational culture and the bestpractices supported by an ERP system using an Action Research approach. The findings contribute to the ERP literature because they provide managers with different knowledge integration barriers that appear during ERP implementation, and how authors, using an AR methodology, surpassed these problems. Moreover, this study offers a knowledge integration perspective to understand the ERP implementation as a whole process that involves internal and external stakeholders. In this regard, the training with a holistic vision is suggested to increase the likelihood of success of the ERP implementation project. Finally, some trends for future research are provided

    Knowledge Creation in Requirements Engineering – A Systematic Literature Review

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    Requirements engineering (RE) is crucial for software development, yet software requirements are often not properly identified or implemented. As the RE process thereby highly depends on human knowledge (explicit and tacit), this problem can in many cases be attributed to the lack of mutual understanding between customers and developers which is caused by diverging domain knowledge. To solve this problem, we conduct a systematic literature review to identify methods associated with Nonaka’s organizational knowledge creation theory. We map eight such methods on six common RE problems as we analyze to which extent the methods overcome the associated problems. Although it is not always obvious which problems apply to specific software projects, the identified methods provide an adequate first approach to reduce the risk of potential RE problems, thus making project failure less likely

    Efficiency of Knowledge Integration in Enterprise Systems Implementation

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    Recent literature has emphasized the pivotal role of knowledge integration in Enterprise Systems (ES) success. This research-in-progress paper, building upon Knowledge Based Theory of the firm (KBT), examines the efficiency of knowledge integration in the context of ES implementation and identifies the factors contributing to its enhancement. The proposed model in this paper suggests that the efficiency of knowledge integration in an ES implementation process depends upon the level of common knowledge and the level of coordination in the ES adopting organization. It further suggests that the level of common knowledge can be enhanced by proper training, improving ES users’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and business process modeling and the level of coordination can be improved by articulating a clear unified organizational goal for the ES adoption in the organization, forming a competent ES team, enhancing interdepartmental communication and the cross-functionality in the organization structure

    Defining the Role of the Smart-City Manager: An Analysis of Responsibilities and Skills

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    Purpose: The objective of this paper is to theoretically explore the role of the Smart City (SC) Manager in public organisations and municipalities and to analyse their main responsibilities, competences and required skills. Methodology: Based on an empirical questionnaire administered to a number of public employees, a Responsibility Index (RI) is defined in order to identify the SC domains that are opportune to be included under the responsibility of the newly introduced role of a SC Manager. The questionnaire is also an opportunity for understanding the main required competences and skills through a factor analysis and qualitative investigation of the responses. Findings: The analysis reveals that the SC Manager has to deal with both the hard and soft domains of the SC management task, thus configuring a horizontal role with limited budget responsibility. Moreover, the SC Manager is required to have city planning capabilities, legal competences, soft management skill abilities, and knowledge of economics and finance, besides some basic management curriculum requirements. Finally, she is required to be politically honest. Originality: The increasing social problems are challenging public administrations to adopt new strategies and actions in order to create smarter cities. With this regard, some cities have created a dedicated organisational unit focused on planning and implementation of SC projects, led by a SC Manager. However, academic and professional studies in this arena are still scarce. Indeed, since now, the research on SC has been hosted primarily in architecture and social sciences journals and in engineering and computer science ones, while only few authors have explored the issue under the lens of the managerial theories

    Beyond Knowledge Integration Barriers in ERP Implementations: An Institutional Approach

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    The objective of the article is to go beyond the knowledge integration barriers in ERP implementations by analyzing structural, technological, intellectual and socioemotional barriers that appear during an ERP implementation project. Using an action research methodology, the article provides some hints highlighting the knowledge integration process, and proposing an Institutional Model of ERP Knowledge Integration where ERP “best-practices” affect and are affected by institutional logics through legitimacy and isomorphism mechanisms, showing two processes of institutionalization: (1) processes that challenge knowledge integration barriers by embedding ERP “best-practices” in the expected formal functioning of the organization as well as in the routines and habits of employees; and (2) processes that operate as drivers of evolution and change by embedding the institutional logics and new requirements within ERP “best-practices”

    Interplay between performance measurement and management, employee engagement and performance

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    Purpose - The literature recognises the importance of the interplay between performance measurement, performance management, employee engagement and performance. However, the nature of this phenomenon is not well understood. Analysis of the literature reveals two dimensions of organisational control, technical and social, that are used to develop a conceptual framework for studying this phenomenon. Methodology - We conducted explorative action research involving pilot and control groups from two departments of a UK bank. Our Findings show that an intervention on the social controls has led to changes in technical controls of the performance measurement system resulting in significant improvement in employee engagement and performance. Limitations - The research was undertaken with two cases from a single organisation. Further fine-grained, longitudinal research is required to fully understand, in a wider range of contexts, the interplay between performance measurement, performance management, employee engagement and performance. Practical implications - Our work contributes to the wider theory on performance measures and gives practical guidance on how organisations might design their performance measurement systems to enhance employee engagement and performance. Originality - Our study makes three main contributions. First, we introduce a new theoretical framework based the organisational control theory that provides a robust theoretical basis for future research. Second, through nine propositions we establish a clear causal relationship between performance measurement, performance management, employee engagement and performance. Third, we identify a gap in knowledge concerning design of organisational controls in the context of the process that is being managed

    Principles of Integrated Marketing Communications : A Malaysia Casebook

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    This book is written primarily as an introductory textbook aimed for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of all institutions of higher learning in the areas of marketing communication, advertising and promotion. It is packed with comprehensive discussion on the essential aspects of integrated marketing communication (IMC) covering on the topics on the conceptualisation, tools, process of implementation, related models and theories, and IMC's measurement of effect. Readers will also learn practical IMC experience through award winning case studies provided by member agencies of the Association of Accredited Advertising Agents Malaysia (4As) and other cutting-edge companies and brands such as Maxis, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad, KFC, Langkawi Development Authority, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Wipro Unza. For both students and practitioners in the areas of marketing communication, advertising and promotion, Principles of Integrated Marketing Communication: A Malaysia Casebook is an essential guide towards unified and seamless IMC experience

    Sallan matkailualueen turvallisuuden kehittäminen

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena on Sallan matkailualueen turvallisuussuunnitelma. Tavoitteena on edistää Sallan matkailualueen turvallisuutta ja alueen yhteistyötä toimijoiden kesken. Opinnäytetyömme toimeksiantajana on Euroopan sosiaalirahaston (ESR) rahoittama Lapin matkailun turvallisuusjärjestelmä -hanke, joka on yksi Matkailualan tutkimus- ja koulutusinstituutin hankekokonaisuuksista. Opinnäytetyön teoriatausta pohjautuu matkailualueen turvallisuuteen ja sen suunnitteluun. Teoriataustassa käsitellään myös turvallisuusjohtamista, verkostoa, ennakointia, kriisinhallintaa ja riskienhallintaa. Aineistona käytettiin monipuolisesti kirja- ja internetlähteitä. Menetelmänä käytimme puolistrukturoitua haastattelua. Teimme eri haastattelulomakkeet viranomaisille, elinkeinolle, matkailualan oppilaitoksille ja rajayhteistyön toimijoille. Haastattelimme yhdeksää Sallan matkailun keskeistä toimijaa. Aineistona käytimme haastatteluista saatuja vastauksia. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytimme sisällönanalyysi-menetelmää. Haastatteluiden perusteella Sallan matkailualueen toimijat pitävät alueellista turvallisuussuunnitelmaa hyödyllisenä ja tarpeellisena. Suunnitelman pitää olla yhtenäinen ja kaikkien toimijoiden tiedossa, jotta matkailijoiden turvallisuus on taattu. Turvallisuussuunnitelmassa on oltava esimerkiksi alueellinen kriisiviestintäsuunnitelma, riskikartoitus, resurssikartoitus ja kuvaus alueen verkostosta. Haastatteluista saatujen vastausten avulla alueellisen turvallisuussuunnitelman runko saatiin muodostettua. Lapin matkailun turvallisuusjärjestelmä -hanke jatkaa turvallisuussuunnitelman rakentamista Sallan matkailualueella yhdessä toimijoiden kanssa.The subject of this thesis is creating a regional tourism safety plan for Salla. The aim was to improve tourism safety and security in the region of Salla and also to develop the co-operation between regional organizations and authorities. This thesis is commissioned by Tourism Safety and Security System in Lapland which is funded by European Social Fund (ESF). Safety and Security System in Lapland is one of the projects of Multidimensional Tourism Institute. The theory base focuses on safety and security and planning them in the region. The theory base covers also safety management, crisis management, risk management, networks and forecasting of risks. Multiple literature and internet sources were used as data. Half structured interview was used as the research method. The interview questionnaire was different to authorities, organizations, educational institutions of tourism and border authorities. Nine representatives of Salla’s tou-rism were interviewed. The data base consists of the answers of the inter-views. The answers were analyzed by content analysis method. The authorities and organizations of Salla believe that a regional safety plan is useful and necessary. The safety plan needs to be uniform and known in the whole region to cover tourists’ safety. A crisis management plan, risk management plan, resources management plan and description of Salla’s tourism safety network should be included in the regional safety plan. A frame for the regional safety plan was produced as a result of this study. Tourism Safety and Security System in Lapland will continue making the regional safety plan together with the authorities and organizations of Salla

    The Effect of Cross-functional Integration on Organizational Performance: A Look at Collaboration, Coordination, and Communication

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    Cross-functional integration (CFI) in organizations involves a sequence of integrated tasks and activities across multiple departments and units. Modern organizations are hierarchical and have separated functional departments. This may lead to limited reciprocal communication and poor coordination. Work is often divided, categorized, and poses a challenge for CFI personnel to be practical. This challenge continues as technology and organizational structures change. This study is to investigate the effect of CFI on organization performance. The study also looked at CFI from a triadic level of analysis, a broader perspective involving several functional units and processes within the organization. Specifically, this study examines how collaboration, coordination, and communication as the three core processes of CFI impact organization performance and develops a research model based on Tushman & Nadler’s (1978) information processing framework. The study also incorporates the organizational structure (OS) by testing the moderated effect between CFI and performance. We tested the model via a survey that included 325 completed survey responses from online participants. The results showed a strong positive impact of collaboration, coordination, and communication on performance. Also, the study revealed that organizational structure partially moderates the relationships between CFI and performance. There was a strong interaction effect on the relationship between coordination and performance, and communication and performance. No relationship was found between collaboration and performance when the organizational structure is included. Implications of these findings are discussed, along with suggestions for future research