7 research outputs found

    The adoption of mobile commerce services by individuals: A Current State of the Literature

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    The lack of strong market growth in most Mobile Commerce markets indicates that improved functionality, affordability, and availability of mobile technology do not lead automatically to wide-spread adoption of these services. Therefore, developing an understanding of the factors that influence end-user (consumer) behaviour and acceptance of new mobile services is important at this early stage of the mobile evolution because consumer acceptance is a critical foundation for the continued expansion of the market for mobile services. In this paper we analyse and synthesise the existing literature which focuses on the factors that impact the adoption of mobile commerce services by individuals. We develop an innovative framework to guide this analysis and review 100 studies. Results show a clear imbalance in the existing literature and bias towards some types of adoption factors in favour of other equally important factors

    Relationships Between Healthcare Technology Experience, Acceptance, Attitudes, Self-Efficacy and Readiness in Pre-Licensure Nursing Students

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    Introduction: Technology is embedded in many aspects of healthcare. This is especially true in nursing, where technology is used daily in charting, medication administration, clinical decision-making, healthcare team communication, and information resource utilization. In nursing programs, students are exposed to healthcare technologies and expected to use them once entering the workforce. Healthcare technologies such as electronic health records (EHR), barcode medication administration, medication dispensing machines, and mobile technologies are critical to adopt to leverage their efficiencies and safety mechanisms to provide the best patient care. Despite evidence indicating the benefits of using healthcare technologies, new graduate nurses enter the workforce unprepared to use them due to a complex interaction of factors, including their acceptance of technology, attitudes toward technology, self-efficacy with using the technology, and experience with using the technology. This study aimed to investigate the factors that influence technology acceptance, attitudes, self-efficacy, and experience on technology readiness in pre-licensure nursing students applying a comprehensive approach. Furthermore, this study investigated the extent to which technology acceptance, attitudes toward technology, and technology self-efficacy mediate the relationship between technology experience and technology readiness. Methods: A convenience sample of final-term pre-licensure nursing students aged 18 years or older enrolled in four Southern Nevada Nursing schools were asked to answer items in an electronic, anonymous survey. Students selected represented those about to graduate and enter the workforce as novice nurses; thus, an understanding of their technology readiness was captured as the study outcomes. The survey consisted of questions from the following instruments and demographic information: Modified Technology Acceptance Model Questionnaire, Pretest for Attitudes Toward Computers in Healthcare v.3, Technology Self-efficacy Scale, Technology Readiness Index 2.0, modified Technology Experience Questionnaire. Results: To answer the first research question, hierarchical multiple linear regression was used to assess whether attitudes, self-efficacy, and technology acceptance predicted technology readiness while controlling for age and level of education. The significance of the regression results indicated that the variables predict technological readiness collectively, explaining 63% of the variance (F (7,72) = 21.73, p \u3c .001). To answer the second research question, three separate hierarchical multiple linear regressions were carried out to evaluate whether technology experience predicted technology acceptance, self-efficacy, and attitudes and indicated that technology experience significantly predicted both technology acceptance (F (5,80) = 3.18, p = \u3c.001) and attitudes toward technology (F (5,75) = 3.63, p = .005), explaining 13% and 12% of the variances, respectively. For the third research question, three separate mediation analyses were conducted to evaluate if technology acceptance, attitudes towards technology, or self-efficacy, mediated the link between technology experience and technology readiness and revealed that attitudes toward technology and technology acceptance mediated the direct relationship found between technology experience and technology readiness. Discussion: This study demonstrated that technology experience influences pre-licensure nursing students’ technology readiness and is further influenced by process of change feelings, such as technology acceptance and attitudes. Nursing schools are responsible for preparing competent nurse graduates to deliver safe care; therefore, it is vital that healthcare technology education is included in nursing education. The results suggest that nursing programs should establish curricula emphasizing the importance of these tools and invest in training and resources to provide more hands-on experiences

    Service Readiness during Manufacturers’ Servitization

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    Teollisuusyritykset laajentavat tarjoomaansa palveluilla esimerkiksi erottautuakseen kilpailijoista, kasvattaakseen liikevaihtoaan ja päästäkseen lähemmäs asiakkaitaan. Tämä muutos eli palvelullistuminen ei ole yksinkertainen prosessi, vaan se voi aiheuttaa teollisuusyritykselle monia haasteita. Palveluita tarjoaville yrityksille elinehto on, että asiakkaat omaksuvat uudet palvelut, sillä asiakkaiden mielipiteet ja päätös käyttää palveluita määrittävät palvelukysynnän. Asiakkaiden tietoisuus uusista palveluista edellyttää palveluista viestimistä, joten myös yrityksen sisäisten myyjien ja jälleenmyyjien (esimerkiksi agentit) täytyy omaksua palvelut aktiiviseen myyntiportfolioonsa. Yrityksille on tärkeää huomioida asiakkaiden ja myyjien valmius omaksua palveluja, sillä toimijoiden rooleihin liittyvät muutokset ovat välttämättömiä palvelullistumisen onnistumiselle.Aiempi tutkimus on käsitellyt palvelullistumisessa ensisijaisesti valmistajan sisäisiä muutoksia ja innovaatioiden omaksumisessa lähinnä yksilön valmiutta omaksua teknologioita. Kuitenkin useat tutkimukset antavat viitteitä siitä, että yritysasiakkaiden ja myyjien täytyy palvelullistumisen yhteydessä sopeutua ja saavuttaa tietty valmius ostaa/myydä palveluita, mutta palveluiden omaksumisvalmiutta ja sen edistämistä myyjien ja asiakkaiden keskuudessa ei vielä ymmärretä riittävästi. Siksi tämä tutkimus yhdistää ainutlaatuisella tavalla innovaatioiden omaksumisen ja palvelullistumisen tutkimusalueita luodakseen ymmärrystä palveluiden omaksumisvalmiudesta asiakasyritysten ja myyjien keskuudessa. Tätä kautta tutkimus pyrkii auttamaan teollisuusyrityksiä aktivoimaan ja lisäämään palveluidensa kysyntää.Tutkimus toteutettiin haastatteluin neljänä erillisenä peräkkäisenä tapaustutkimuksena viidessä yrityksessä. Tulokset osoittavat, että palveluiden omaksumisvalmius on monitasoinen käsite ja sitä on tarkasteltava sekä yksilö- että organisaatiotasolla, jotka vaikuttavat asiakkaiden ostopäätöksiin ja myyjien päätöksiin markkinoida palveluja. Tulokset korostavat palveluiden vuorovaikutteisen luonteen vaikutusta palveluiden omaksumisvalmiuteen, sillä asiakkaiden ja sisäisten ja ulkoisten myyjien palveluiden omaksumisvalmius vaikuttaa muiden toimijoiden valmiuteen. Teollisuusyritysten olisi hyvä kohdentaa uusia edistyneitä palveluita ensin niille asiakkaille, joilla on korkeampi palveluiden omaksumisvalmius, ja pyrkiä kasvattamaan muiden palveluiden omaksumisvalmiutta.Tämä tutkimus tuo kontribuution kahteen eri tutkimusalueeseen ja käytäntöön. Se paljas-taa palveluiden ja organisaatioiden välisen liiketoiminnan erityispiirteet innovaatioiden omaksumisessa ja asemoi palveluiden omaksumisvalmiuden edellytyksenä niiden omaksumiselle. Se tunnistaa, määrittää ja täsmentää palveluiden omaksumisvalmiuden käsitteen ja osoittaa, että palveluiden interaktiivinen luonne heijastuu myös niiden omaksumisvalmiuteen. Tulokset osoittavat palveluiden omaksumisvalmiuden monimutkaisuuden ja monitasoisuuden (yksilön ja organisaation tasolla) erityisesti organisaatioiden ja niiden välisen kanssakäymisen kontekstissa, mikä poikkeaa selkeästi yksilökeskeisestä teknologisesta valmiudesta. Palvelullistumiskirjallisuuteen tämä tutkimus tuo näkemystä asiakkaan näkökulmasta, jota on tähän asti käsitelty riittämättömästi. Se näyttää omaksumisvalmiuden oleellisuuden teollisuusyrityksen palvelullistumiselle ja korostaa asiakkaiden ja myyjien palveluiden omaksumisvalmiuden välisiä sidoksia. Yrityksille tämä tutkimus tuo arvokasta tietoa palvelullistumisen haasteista, mutta myös keinoja niiden voittamiseen ja uusien palvelujen kysynnän lisäämiseen.Manufacturing companies are broadening their offering with services to differentiate from competitors, gain financial benefits, and get closer to their customers. This transition toward services (i.e., servitization) is not straightforward and can pose several challenges for manufacturers. Customer readiness to adopt services is vital to manufacturers offering services, as customers’ perceptions and decisions to start using and continuing the usage of offered services determine service demand. Business customers’ awareness about new services requires that manufacturers make the services known and available through internal (manufacturer’s own) or external (e.g., dealers and agents) salespeople. Hence, salespeople readiness to adopt services into their active selling portfolios be-comes crucial. Some of the key success factors and challenges during servitization are related to customers’ and salespeople’s changing roles. Earlier research has explored servitization changes in manufacturing companies and individuals’ readiness to adopt new technologies. The previous research is filled with indications of the importance of business customers’ and salespeople’s need to adapt to be-come ready to adopt new services. Despite this, service readiness and ways of promoting it at the manufacturers’ customer interface are poorly understood. Therefore, this study combines two separate research streams— servitization and innovation adoption—to develop an understanding about service readiness among manufacturers’ customer companies and internal and external salespeople. This study intends to help manufacturers activate and enhance demand for their new services. This research was conducted as four separate studies in a sequential design using inter-views with five manufacturers. The findings illustrate that service readiness is a multi-level concept at the individual and organizational levels, influencing the customers’ decision to purchase and the salespeople’s decisions to sell or market the services. The results demonstrate how the relational and interactive nature of services is reflected in service readiness, in that it is not created in isolation, but rather customers and internal and external salespeople can influence one another’s service readiness. Manufacturers should offer their advanced services first to those customers who are more ready and seek to enhance the readiness of the customers and salespeople who are not yet as ready. This research contributes to two different streams of the literature and has practical implications. It illuminates the specific nature of innovation adoption in business-to-business and service contexts; it also indicates that service readiness precedes service adoption. This research identifies the concept of service readiness, defines and specifies it, and the interactive nature of services is shown to characterize service readiness. The complexity and the two layers (individual and organizational) of service readiness are illustrated in an organizational and interorganizational context, differentiating it clearly from individual technology readiness. As for the servitization literature, this research provides knowledge from the customer perspective, which has been understudied previously. It depicts the relevance of service readiness as an important component in manufacturers’ servitization and highlights the interconnectedness of customer and salespeople service readiness. As for the managers, this research provides valuable insights about the challenges servitization may pose as well as ways to address these issues and thereby promote new service demand

    Study on cultural transformation that drives towards an effective digital transformation of Small Medium Enterprises (SME) in selected states of Malaysia

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    This research explores how organisational culture affects the adoption of digital transformation within the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in selected states of Malaysia. Although SMEs understand the need and benefits of digital transformation, their adoption rate remains low.This problem has negatively impacted most SMEs who are lagging in shifting towards digitalisation. Therefore, this research provides clarity and conceptualises a Digital Culture Transformation framework to resolve their business pain points and guide them in achieving sustainable value creation.This research adopts an exploratory sequential mixed-method research design. This research will focus on SMEs, covering both the micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur as the two states representing the highest SME population in Malaysia. This would potentially contribute more value to a significant population of business establishments in Malaysia. Based on the analysis. 98% of the SMEs agreed that the digital culture elements, i.e. Digital Vision, Innovation Culture, Agile Way of Working, Customer-centricity, Collaboration, and Digital Leadership, are vital to them. From this research, it is proven that there is a positive correlation between the digital culture elements and three core areas of value creation, which are: 1) financial performance, 2) productivity improvement,and 3) customer satisfaction. SMEs that intend to implement digital culture transformation will need to; 1) have the right attitude towards the behaviour, 2) positively influence the organisation by exerting social pressure that strengthens the digital culture, and 3) have the perceived behavioural control mainly appropriate processes, people or tools to implement the intended transformation.The main contribution of this research is threefold. Firstly, to uncover the core elements of a digital culture, which is currently an understudied subject. Secondly, to develop a culture transformation framework for the SME to achieve an effective digital transformation. Thirdly, as a contribution to the body of knowledge related to the digital transformation field of study. The direct output of this research will be the formulation of a culture transformation framework that can be adopted by SMEs. The conceptual model could serve as a critical frame of reference for Malaysia’s digital economy development plan, which subsequently supports the country's aspiration to boost its digital economy

    Determinants of behavioural intention on tax e-filing usage among corporate tax preparers in Nigeria

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    The ratio of tax revenue to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Nigeria stood at 5.7% as reported in 2017, which is small compared to the 15% minimum standard set by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for low- and medium-income economies, such as Nigeria. The low tax revenue is associated with the lack of leveraging technology to attract more taxpayers into the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) tax net. The Nigerian federal government implemented a tax e-filing system in 2014 and set a target of 100% corporate tax e-filing acceptance by 2020 in the Vision 20:2020. However, as of 31st December 2018, the acceptance rate was only 36%. Due to the low acceptance, this study seeks to investigate the determinants of behavioural intention on tax e-filing usage among corporate tax preparers in Nigeria. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was adopted and extended with new variables (perceived convenience, system quality, service quality, trust of internet system, and trust of government) to address the acceptance of e-filing in Nigerian context. The proposed model was tested using 359 usable web-based questionnaires to corporate tax preparers and analysed using PLS-SEM. Findings revealed that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, perceived convenience, and system quality significantly predict behavioural intention (BI) to use a tax e-filing system. In addition, trust in government significantly moderated the effect of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence on behavioural intention to use tax e -filing. Theoretically, there is new evidence for a construct of perceived convenience in tax e-filing settings, which is the strongest predictor of BI to use e-filing in this study. This study contributes to the literature on the significant relationship between variables studied on tax e-filing usage among corporate tax preparers. The study suggests that the Nigerian government needs to re-strategize towards sensitisation of tax preparers on the benefits of e-filing to increase the adoption rate