971 research outputs found

    Applications of river formation dynamics

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    River formation dynamics is a metaheuristic where solutions are constructed by iteratively modifying the values associated to the nodes of a graph. Its gradient orientation provides interesting features such as the fast reinforcement of new shortcuts, the natural avoidance of cycles, and the focused elimination of blind alleys. Since the method was firstly proposed in 2007, several research groups have applied it to a wide variety of application domains, such as telecommunications, software testing, industrial manufacturing processes, or navigation. In this paper we review the main works of the last decade where the river formation dynamics metaheuristic has been applied to solve optimization problems

    NASA SBIR abstracts of 1991 phase 1 projects

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    The objectives of 301 projects placed under contract by the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are described. These projects were selected competitively from among proposals submitted to NASA in response to the 1991 SBIR Program Solicitation. The basic document consists of edited, non-proprietary abstracts of the winning proposals submitted by small businesses. The abstracts are presented under the 15 technical topics within which Phase 1 proposals were solicited. Each project was assigned a sequential identifying number from 001 to 301, in order of its appearance in the body of the report. Appendixes to provide additional information about the SBIR program and permit cross-reference of the 1991 Phase 1 projects by company name, location by state, principal investigator, NASA Field Center responsible for management of each project, and NASA contract number are included

    The Evolution of Reaction-diffusion Controllers for Minimally Cognitive Agents

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    Scalable Analysis, Verification and Design of IC Power Delivery

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    Due to recent aggressive process scaling into the nanometer regime, power delivery network design faces many challenges that set more stringent and specific requirements to the EDA tools. For example, from the perspective of analysis, simulation efficiency for large grids must be improved and the entire network with off-chip models and nonlinear devices should be able to be analyzed. Gated power delivery networks have multiple on/off operating conditions that need to be fully verified against the design requirements. Good power delivery network designs not only have to save the wiring resources for signal routing, but also need to have the optimal parameters assigned to various system components such as decaps, voltage regulators and converters. This dissertation presents new methodologies to address these challenging problems. At first, a novel parallel partitioning-based approach which provides a flexible network partitioning scheme using locality is proposed for power grid static analysis. In addition, a fast CPU-GPU combined analysis engine that adopts a boundary-relaxation method to encompass several simulation strategies is developed to simulate power delivery networks with off-chip models and active circuits. These two proposed analysis approaches can achieve scalable simulation runtime. Then, for gated power delivery networks, the challenge brought by the large verification space is addressed by developing a strategy that efficiently identifies a number of candidates for the worst-case operating condition. The computation complexity is reduced from O(2^N) to O(N). At last, motivated by a proposed two-level hierarchical optimization, this dissertation presents a novel locality-driven partitioning scheme to facilitate divide-and-conquer-based scalable wire sizing for large power delivery networks. Simultaneous sizing of multiple partitions is allowed which leads to substantial runtime improvement. Moreover, the electric interactions between active regulators/converters and passive networks and their influences on key system design specifications are analyzed comprehensively. With the derived design insights, the system-level co-design of a complete power delivery network is facilitated by an automatic optimization flow. Results show significant performance enhancement brought by the co-design

    Control of sectioned on-chip communication

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    Influence of computational fluid dynamics on experimental aerospace facilities: A fifteen year projection

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    An assessment was made of the impact of developments in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) on the traditional role of aerospace ground test facilities over the next fifteen years. With improvements in CFD and more powerful scientific computers projected over this period it is expected to have the capability to compute the flow over a complete aircraft at a unit cost three orders of magnitude lower than presently possible. Over the same period improvements in ground test facilities will progress by application of computational techniques including CFD to data acquisition, facility operational efficiency, and simulation of the light envelope; however, no dramatic change in unit cost is expected as greater efficiency will be countered by higher energy and labor costs

    The 1991/92 graduate student researchers program, including the underrepresented minority focus component

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    The Graduate Student Research Program (GSRP) was expanded in 1987 to include the Underrepresented Minority Focus Component (UMFC). This program was designed to increase minority participation in graduate study and research, and ultimately, in space science and aerospace technology careers. This booklet presents the areas of research activities at NASA facilities for the GSRP and summarizes and presents the objectives of the UMFC

    Faculty of Engineering and Design. Research Review

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    STUDENTS AND ACADEMICS - This publication introduces you to the department or school and then each faculty member’s research areas, research applications, and their most recent activities. A comprehensive index can be found at the back of this publication to help guide you by specific areas of interest, as well as point out interdisciplinary topics and researchers. INDUSTRY LEADERS - This publication includes information regarding specific facilities, labs, and research areas of departments and schools as well as individual faculty members and researchers. A comprehensive index can be found at the back of this publication to help guide you by specific areas of interest, as well as point out interdisciplinary topics and researchers