7 research outputs found

    Kuksa*: Self-Adaptive Microservices in Automotive Systems

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    In pervasive dynamic environments, vehicles connect to other objects to send operational data and receive updates so that vehicular applications can provide services to users on demand. Automotive systems should be self-adaptive, thereby they can make real-time decisions based on changing operating conditions. Emerging modern solutions, such as microservices could improve self-adaptation capabilities and ensure higher levels of quality performance in many domains. We employed a real-world automotive platform called Eclipse Kuksa to propose a framework based on microservices architecture to enhance the self-adaptation capabilities of automotive systems for runtime data analysis. To evaluate the designed solution, we conducted an experiment in an automotive laboratory setting where our solution was implemented as a microservice-based adaptation engine and integrated with other Eclipse Kuksa components. The results of our study indicate the importance of design trade-offs for quality requirements' satisfaction levels of each microservices and the whole system for the optimal performance of an adaptive system at runtime

    Towards Digital Twin-enabled DevOps for CPS providing Architecture-Based Service Adaptation & Verification at Runtime

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    Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPSS) denote a service-oriented (SO) way of providing access to CPS capabilities. The design of such systems bears high risk due to uncertainty in requirements related to service function and behavior, operation environments, and evolving customer needs. Such risks and uncertainties are well known in the IT sector, where DevOps principles ensure continuous system improvement through reliable and frequent delivery processes. A modular and SO system architecture complements these processes to facilitate IT system adaptation and evolution. This work proposes a method to use and extend the Digital Twins (DTs) of IPSS assets for enabling the continuous optimization of CPS service delivery and the latter's adaptation to changing needs and environments. This reduces uncertainty during design and operations by assuring IPSS integrity and availability, especially for design and service adaptations at CPS runtime. The method builds on transferring IT DevOps principles to DT-enabled CPS IPSS. The chosen design approach integrates, reuses, and aligns the DT processing and communication resources with DevOps requirements derived from literature. We use these requirements to propose a DT-enabled self-adaptive CPS model, which guides the realization of DT-enabled DevOps in CPS IPSS. We further propose detailed design models for operation-critical DTs that integrate CPS closed-loop control and architecture-based CPS adaptation. This integrated approach enables the implementation of A/B testing as a use case and central concept to enable CPS IPSS service adaptation and reconfiguration. The self-adaptive CPS model and DT design concept have been validated in an evaluation environment for operation-critical CPS IPSS. The demonstrator achieved sub-millisecond cycle times during service A/B testing at runtime without causing CPS operation interferences and downtime.Comment: Final published version appearing in 17th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2022

    IAS: an IoT Architectural Self-adaptation Framework

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    International audienceThis paper develops a generic approach to model control loops and their interac- tion within the Internet of Things (IoT) environments. We take advantage of MAPE-K loops to enable architectural self-adaptation. The system’s architectural setting is aligned with the adaptation goals and the components run-time situation and constraints. We introduce an integrated framework for IoT Architectural Self-adaptation (IAS) where functional control elements are in charge of environmental adaptation and autonomic control elements handle the functional system’s architectural adaptation. A Queuing Networks (QN) approach was used for modeling the IAS. The IAS-QN can model control levels and their interaction to perform both architectural and environmental adaptations. The IAS-QN was modeled on a smart grid system for the Melle-Longchamp area (France). Our architectural adaptation approach successfully set the propositions to enhance the performance of the electricity trans- mission system. This industrial use-case is a part of CPS4EU European industrial innovation pro ject

    Feature-Model-Guided Online Learning for Self-Adaptive Systems

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    A self-adaptive system can modify its own structure and behavior at runtime based on its perception of the environment, of itself and of its requirements. To develop a self-adaptive system, software developers codify knowledge about the system and its environment, as well as how adaptation actions impact on the system. However, the codified knowledge may be insufficient due to design time uncertainty, and thus a self-adaptive system may execute adaptation actions that do not have the desired effect. Online learning is an emerging approach to address design time uncertainty by employing machine learning at runtime. Online learning accumulates knowledge at runtime by, for instance, exploring not-yet executed adaptation actions. We address two specific problems with respect to online learning for self-adaptive systems. First, the number of possible adaptation actions can be very large. Existing online learning techniques randomly explore the possible adaptation actions, but this can lead to slow convergence of the learning process. Second, the possible adaptation actions can change as a result of system evolution. Existing online learning techniques are unaware of these changes and thus do not explore new adaptation actions, but explore adaptation actions that are no longer valid. We propose using feature models to give structure to the set of adaptation actions and thereby guide the exploration process during online learning. Experimental results involving four real-world systems suggest that considering the hierarchical structure of feature models may speed up convergence by 7.2% on average. Considering the differences between feature models before and after an evolution step may speed up convergence by 64.6% on average. [...

    IoT@run-time: a model-based approach to support deployment and self-adaptations in IoT systems

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    Today, most Internet of Things (IoT) systems leverage edge and fog computing to meet increasingly restrictive requirements and improve quality of service (QoS). Although these multi-layer architectures can improve system performance, their design is challenging because the dynamic and changing IoT environment can impact the QoS and system operation. In this thesis, we propose a modeling-based approach that addresses the limitations of existing studies to support the design, deployment, and management of self-adaptive IoT systems. We have designed a domain specific language (DSL) to specify the self-adaptive IoT system, a code generator that generates YAML manifests for the deployment of the IoT system, and a framework based on the MAPE-K loop to monitor and adapt the IoT system at runtime. Finally, we have conducted several experimental studies to validate the expressiveness and usability of the DSL and to evaluate the ability and performance of our framework to address the growth of concurrent adaptations on an IoT system.Hoy en día, la mayoría de los sistemas de internet de las cosas (IoT, por su sigla en inglés) aprovechan la computación en el borde (edge computing) y la computación en la niebla (fog computing) para cumplir requisitos cada vez más restrictivos y mejorar la calidad del servicio. Aunque estas arquitecturas multicapa pueden mejorar el rendimiento del sistema, diseñarlas supone un reto debido a que el entorno de IoT dinámico y cambiante puede afectar a la calidad del servicio y al funcionamiento del sistema. En esta tesis proponemos un enfoque basado en el modelado que aborda las limitaciones de los estudios existentes para dar soporte en el diseño, el despliegue y la gestión de sistemas de IoT autoadaptables. Hemos diseñado un lenguaje de dominio específico (DSL) para modelar el sistema de IoT autoadaptable, un generador de código que produce manifiestos YAML para el despliegue del sistema de IoT y un marco basado en el bucle MAPE-K para monitorizar y adaptar el sistema de IoT en tiempo de ejecución. Por último, hemos llevado a cabo varios estudios experimentales para validar la expresividad y usabilidad del DSL y evaluar la capacidad y el rendimiento de nuestro marco para abordar el crecimiento de las adaptaciones concurrentes en un sistema de IoT.Avui dia, la majoria dels sistemes d'internet de les coses (IoT, per la sigla en anglès) aprofiten la informàtica a la perifèria (edge computing) i la informàtica a la boira (fog computing) per complir requisits cada cop més restrictius i millorar la qualitat del servei. Tot i que aquestes arquitectures multicapa poden millorar el rendiment del sistema, dissenyar-les suposa un repte perquè l'entorn d'IoT dinàmic i canviant pot afectar la qualitat del servei i el funcionament del sistema. En aquesta tesi proposem un enfocament basat en el modelatge que aborda les limitacions dels estudis existents per donar suport al disseny, el desplegament i la gestió de sistemes d'IoT autoadaptatius. Hem dissenyat un llenguatge de domini específic (DSL) per modelar el sistema d'IoT autoadaptatiu, un generador de codi que produeix manifestos YAML per al desplegament del sistema d'IoT i un marc basat en el bucle MAPE-K per monitorar i adaptar el sistema d'IoT en temps d'execució. Finalment, hem dut a terme diversos estudis experimentals per validar l'expressivitat i la usabilitat del DSL i avaluar la capacitat i el rendiment del nostre marc per abordar el creixement de les adaptacions concurrents en un sistema d'IoT.Tecnologies de la informació i de xarxe