3 research outputs found


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    Pametni gradovi i blockchain budućnost su potencijalnih tehnoloÅ”kih rjeÅ”enja za probleme s kojima će se druÅ”tvo i graĎani susretati ili se već susreću. U radu se istražuju i teorijski opisuju pojmovi pametnih gradova i blockchain tehnologije, te se istražuju potencijalne primjene blockchaina u pametnim gradovima. U empirijskom dijelu rada provodi se istraživanje u kojem se ispituje miÅ”ljenje 45 ispitanika o pametnim gradovima i blockchainu, odnosno o tome ima li blockchain potencijal u razvoju pametnih gradova, koje su ključne prednosti blockchain tehnologije, te utjecaj blockchaina na povjerenje prema javnim institucijama i sigurnost podataka. Teorijska obrada i empirijsko istraživanje problematike ukazuju na to da je blockchain vrlo dobro rjeÅ”enje na kojem će se bazirati pametni gradovi u budućnosti, dok su trenutna rjeÅ”enja nedovoljno sigurna, previÅ”e su centralizirana i podložna su manipulaciji postojećih podataka čime se naruÅ”ava integritet sustava.Smart cities and blockchain are the future of potential technological solutions to problems that society and citizens will face or are already facing. The paper investigates and theoretically describes the concepts of smart cities and blockchain technology, and investigates potential applications of blockchain in smart cities. In the empirical part of the paper, a survey is conducted in which the opinion of 45 respondents is taken on smart cities and blockchain, and whether blockchain has potential in the development of smart cities, what are the key advantages of blockchain technology, and the impact of blockchain on trust in public institutions and data security. Theoretical and empirical research of the problem indicate that blockchain is a very good solution on which smart cities will be based in the future, while current solutions are insufficiently secure, too centralized and subject to manipulation of existing data, which violates system integrity


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    Pametni gradovi i blockchain budućnost su potencijalnih tehnoloÅ”kih rjeÅ”enja za probleme s kojima će se druÅ”tvo i graĎani susretati ili se već susreću. U radu se istražuju i teorijski opisuju pojmovi pametnih gradova i blockchain tehnologije, te se istražuju potencijalne primjene blockchaina u pametnim gradovima. U empirijskom dijelu rada provodi se istraživanje u kojem se ispituje miÅ”ljenje 45 ispitanika o pametnim gradovima i blockchainu, odnosno o tome ima li blockchain potencijal u razvoju pametnih gradova, koje su ključne prednosti blockchain tehnologije, te utjecaj blockchaina na povjerenje prema javnim institucijama i sigurnost podataka. Teorijska obrada i empirijsko istraživanje problematike ukazuju na to da je blockchain vrlo dobro rjeÅ”enje na kojem će se bazirati pametni gradovi u budućnosti, dok su trenutna rjeÅ”enja nedovoljno sigurna, previÅ”e su centralizirana i podložna su manipulaciji postojećih podataka čime se naruÅ”ava integritet sustava.Smart cities and blockchain are the future of potential technological solutions to problems that society and citizens will face or are already facing. The paper investigates and theoretically describes the concepts of smart cities and blockchain technology, and investigates potential applications of blockchain in smart cities. In the empirical part of the paper, a survey is conducted in which the opinion of 45 respondents is taken on smart cities and blockchain, and whether blockchain has potential in the development of smart cities, what are the key advantages of blockchain technology, and the impact of blockchain on trust in public institutions and data security. Theoretical and empirical research of the problem indicate that blockchain is a very good solution on which smart cities will be based in the future, while current solutions are insufficiently secure, too centralized and subject to manipulation of existing data, which violates system integrity


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    Pametni gradovi i blockchain budućnost su potencijalnih tehnoloÅ”kih rjeÅ”enja za probleme s kojima će se druÅ”tvo i graĎani susretati ili se već susreću. U radu se istražuju i teorijski opisuju pojmovi pametnih gradova i blockchain tehnologije, te se istražuju potencijalne primjene blockchaina u pametnim gradovima. U empirijskom dijelu rada provodi se istraživanje u kojem se ispituje miÅ”ljenje 45 ispitanika o pametnim gradovima i blockchainu, odnosno o tome ima li blockchain potencijal u razvoju pametnih gradova, koje su ključne prednosti blockchain tehnologije, te utjecaj blockchaina na povjerenje prema javnim institucijama i sigurnost podataka. Teorijska obrada i empirijsko istraživanje problematike ukazuju na to da je blockchain vrlo dobro rjeÅ”enje na kojem će se bazirati pametni gradovi u budućnosti, dok su trenutna rjeÅ”enja nedovoljno sigurna, previÅ”e su centralizirana i podložna su manipulaciji postojećih podataka čime se naruÅ”ava integritet sustava.Smart cities and blockchain are the future of potential technological solutions to problems that society and citizens will face or are already facing. The paper investigates and theoretically describes the concepts of smart cities and blockchain technology, and investigates potential applications of blockchain in smart cities. In the empirical part of the paper, a survey is conducted in which the opinion of 45 respondents is taken on smart cities and blockchain, and whether blockchain has potential in the development of smart cities, what are the key advantages of blockchain technology, and the impact of blockchain on trust in public institutions and data security. Theoretical and empirical research of the problem indicate that blockchain is a very good solution on which smart cities will be based in the future, while current solutions are insufficiently secure, too centralized and subject to manipulation of existing data, which violates system integrity