4,346 research outputs found

    Hybrid Spectral Difference/Embedded Finite Volume Method for Conservation Laws

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    A novel hybrid spectral difference/embedded finite volume method is introduced in order to apply a discontinuous high-order method for large scale engineering applications involving discontinuities in the flows with complex geometries. In the proposed hybrid approach, the finite volume (FV) element, consisting of structured FV subcells, is embedded in the base hexahedral element containing discontinuity, and an FV based high-order shock-capturing scheme is employed to overcome the Gibbs phenomena. Thus, a discontinuity is captured at the resolution of FV subcells within an embedded FV element. In the smooth flow region, the SD element is used in the base hexahedral element. Then, the governing equations are solved by the SD method. The SD method is chosen for its low numerical dissipation and computational efficiency preserving high-order accurate solutions. The coupling between the SD element and the FV element is achieved by the globally conserved mortar method. In this paper, the 5th-order WENO scheme with the characteristic decomposition is employed as the shock-capturing scheme in the embedded FV element, and the 5th-order SD method is used in the smooth flow field. The order of accuracy study and various 1D and 2D test cases are carried out, which involve the discontinuities and vortex flows. Overall, it is shown that the proposed hybrid method results in comparable or better simulation results compared with the standalone WENO scheme when the same number of solution DOF is considered in both SD and FV elements.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in the Journal of Computational Physics, April 201

    Non-Linear Shallow Water Equations numerical integration on curvilinear boundary-conforming grids

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    An Upwind Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory scheme for the solution of the Shallow Water Equations on generalized curvilinear coordinate systems is proposed. The Shallow Water Equations are expressed in a contravariant formulation in which Christoffel symbols are avoided. The equations are solved by using a high-resolution finite-volume method incorporated with an exact Riemann Solver. A procedure developed in order to correct errors related to the difficulties of numerically satisfying the metric identities on generalized boundary-conforming grids is presented; this procedure allows the numerical scheme to satisfy the freestream preservation property on highly-distorted grids. The capacity of the proposed model is verified against test cases present in literature. The results obtained are compared with analytical solutions and alternative numerical solutions

    High-order conservative reconstruction schemes for finite volume methods in cylindrical and spherical coordinates

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    High-order reconstruction schemes for the solution of hyperbolic conservation laws in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates are revised in the finite volume approach. The formulation employs a piecewise polynomial approximation to the zone-average values to reconstruct left and right interface states from within a computational zone to arbitrary order of accuracy by inverting a Vandermonde-like linear system of equations with spatially varying coefficients. The approach is general and can be used on uniform and non-uniform meshes although explicit expressions are derived for polynomials from second to fifth degree in cylindrical and spherical geometries with uniform grid spacing. It is shown that, in regions of large curvature, the resulting expressions differ considerably from their Cartesian counterparts and that the lack of such corrections can severely degrade the accuracy of the solution close to the coordinate origin. Limiting techniques and monotonicity constraints are revised for conventional reconstruction schemes, namely, the piecewise linear method (PLM), third-order weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme and the piecewise parabolic method (PPM). The performance of the improved reconstruction schemes is investigated in a number of selected numerical benchmarks involving the solution of both scalar and systems of nonlinear equations (such as the equations of gas dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics) in cylindrical and spherical geometries in one and two dimensions. Results confirm that the proposed approach yields considerably smaller errors, higher convergence rates and it avoid spurious numerical effects at a symmetry axis.Comment: 37 pages, 12 Figures. Accepted for publication in Journal of Compuational Physic

    Review of Summation-by-parts schemes for initial-boundary-value problems

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    High-order finite difference methods are efficient, easy to program, scales well in multiple dimensions and can be modified locally for various reasons (such as shock treatment for example). The main drawback have been the complicated and sometimes even mysterious stability treatment at boundaries and interfaces required for a stable scheme. The research on summation-by-parts operators and weak boundary conditions during the last 20 years have removed this drawback and now reached a mature state. It is now possible to construct stable and high order accurate multi-block finite difference schemes in a systematic building-block-like manner. In this paper we will review this development, point out the main contributions and speculate about the next lines of research in this area

    Multi-Dimensional Astrophysical Structural and Dynamical Analysis I. Development of a Nonlinear Finite Element Approach

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    A new field of numerical astrophysics is introduced which addresses the solution of large, multidimensional structural or slowly-evolving problems (rotating stars, interacting binaries, thick advective accretion disks, four dimensional spacetimes, etc.). The technique employed is the Finite Element Method (FEM), commonly used to solve engineering structural problems. The approach developed herein has the following key features: 1. The computational mesh can extend into the time dimension, as well as space, perhaps only a few cells, or throughout spacetime. 2. Virtually all equations describing the astrophysics of continuous media, including the field equations, can be written in a compact form similar to that routinely solved by most engineering finite element codes. 3. The transformations that occur naturally in the four-dimensional FEM possess both coordinate and boost features, such that (a) although the computational mesh may have a complex, non-analytic, curvilinear structure, the physical equations still can be written in a simple coordinate system independent of the mesh geometry. (b) if the mesh has a complex flow velocity with respect to coordinate space, the transformations will form the proper arbitrary Lagrangian- Eulerian advective derivatives automatically. 4. The complex difference equations on the arbitrary curvilinear grid are generated automatically from encoded differential equations. This first paper concentrates on developing a robust and widely-applicable set of techniques using the nonlinear FEM and presents some examples.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures; added integral boundary conditions, allowing very rapidly-rotating stars; accepted for publication in Ap.

    Implicit High-Order Flux Reconstruction Solver for High-Speed Compressible Flows

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    The present paper addresses the development and implementation of the first high-order Flux Reconstruction (FR) solver for high-speed flows within the open-source COOLFluiD (Computational Object-Oriented Libraries for Fluid Dynamics) platform. The resulting solver is fully implicit and able to simulate compressible flow problems governed by either the Euler or the Navier-Stokes equations in two and three dimensions. Furthermore, it can run in parallel on multiple CPU-cores and is designed to handle unstructured grids consisting of both straight and curved edged quadrilateral or hexahedral elements. While most of the implementation relies on state-of-the-art FR algorithms, an improved and more case-independent shock capturing scheme has been developed in order to tackle the first viscous hypersonic simulations using the FR method. Extensive verification of the FR solver has been performed through the use of reproducible benchmark test cases with flow speeds ranging from subsonic to hypersonic, up to Mach 17.6. The obtained results have been favorably compared to those available in literature. Furthermore, so-called super-accuracy is retrieved for certain cases when solving the Euler equations. The strengths of the FR solver in terms of computational accuracy per degree of freedom are also illustrated. Finally, the influence of the characterizing parameters of the FR method as well as the the influence of the novel shock capturing scheme on the accuracy of the developed solver is discussed