6 research outputs found

    Adaptive and Concurrent Garbage Collection for Virtual Machines

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    An important issue for concurrent garbage collection in virtual machines (VM) is to identify which garbage collector (GC) to use during the collection process. For instance, Java program execution times differ greatly based on the employed GC. It has not been possible to identify the optimal GC algorithms for a specific program before exhaustively profiling the execution times for all available GC algorithms. In this paper, we present an adaptive and concurrent garbage collection (ACGC) technique that can predict the optimal GC algorithm for a program without going through all the GC algorithms. We implement this technique in the Java virtual machine and test it using standard benchmark suites. ACGC learns the algorithms’ usage pattern from different training program features and generates a model for future programs. Feature generation and selection are two important steps of our technique, which creates different attributes to use in the learning step. Our experimental evaluation shows improvement in selecting the best GC. Additionally, our approach is helpful in finding better heap size settings for improved program execution

    Generational Garbage Collection of C++ Targeted to SPARC Architectures

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    Dynamic memory management plays a crucial role in the development of large software systems. Traditional techniques for managing dynamic memory require the programmer to free an allocated object when it is no longer required. In addition to posing an intellectual burden on the programmer, this approach has often proved error-prone. Many bugs in existing software systems are known to be caused by dynamic memory management errors. Garbage collectors free the programmer from this intellectual burden by automatically reclaiming allocated objects that are no longer in use. In systems with garbage collection, the programmer need not concern himself with releasing objects no longer in use. Most traditional garbage collectors suspend the application program during the collection process. Generational garbage collectors are known to achieve short pause times as they rely on the observation that most objects die young. They concentrate most of their efforts in reclaiming recently allocated objects, occasionally performing a complete collection. In this project, we have implemented a generational garbage collector for C++ targeted to SPARC architectures. Our technique imposes only minor restrictions on the usage of dynamic memory in C++ and runs on stock hardware. * Portions of this paper were excerpted from Code Generation to Support Efficient Accurate Garbage Collection of C++ on Stock Hardware , a paper currently being prepared for publication by Kelvin Nilsen, Ravichandran Ganesan, Satish Guggilla, Satish Kumar, and Kannan Narasimhan

    Muistin siivous

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    Tutkielmassa esitellään roskan käsite tietojenkäsittelytieteessä, roskienkeruun keskeiset käsitteet ja perusmenetelmät muunnelmineen sekä nykyaikaiset tehokkaat algoritmit. Keskipisteenä ovat kuitenkin muistinhallintatutkimuksen 2000-luvun saavutukset, tutkimusaiheet ja tutkimusvälineet. Näitä hyödyntää tutkielmassa esiteltävä uusi CBRC-roskienkeruualgoritmi. Lisäksi katsastetaan ohjelmoijan vastuu automaattisessa muistinhallinnassa sekä ohjelmoinnissa käytettävissä olevat roskienkeruutietoiset välineet eräissä ohjelmointikielissä ja –ympäristöissä (Java, .Net, C++). Avainsanat ja -sanonnat: roskienkeruu, muistinsiivous, muistinhallinta, algoritmit, ohjelmointikielet CR-luokat: D 3.4, D.4.2, D.3.

    Using Class-Level Static Properties to Predict Object Lifetimes

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    Today, most modern programming languages such as C # or Java use an automatic memory management system also known as a Garbage Collector (GC). Over the course of program execution, new objects are allocated in memory, and some older objects become unreachable (die). In order for the program to keep running, it becomes necessary to free the memory of dead objects; this task is performed periodically by the GC. Research has shown that most objects die young and as a result, generational collectors have become very popular over the years. Yet, these algorithms are not good at handling long-lived objects. Typically, long-lived objects would first be allocated in the nursery space and be promoted (copied) to an older generation after surviving a garbage collection, hence wasting precious time. By allocating long-lived and immortal objects directly into infrequently or never collected regions, pretenuring can reduce garbage collection costs significantly. Current state of the art methodology to predict object lifetime involves off-line profiling combined with a simple, heuristic classification. Profiling is slow (can take days), requires gathering gigabytes of data that need to be analysed (can take hours), and needs to be repeated for every previously unseen program. This thesis explores the space of lifetime predictions and shows how object lifetimes can be predicted accurately and quickly using simple program characteristics gathered within minutes. Following an innovative methodology introduced in this thesis, object lifetime predictions are fed into a specifically modified Java virtual machine. Performance tests show gains in GC times of as much as 77% for the “SPEC jvm98” benchmarks, against a generational copying collector

    Adaptive, application-specific garbage collection

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    In this paper, we describe a novel execution environment that can dynamically switch between garbage collection systems. As such, it enables selection of the most appropriate allocator and collector for a given application and underlying resource availability. Our system is novel in that it is able to switch between a wide range of diverse collection systems. It uses program annotations to guide selection of the collection system. In addition, it can automatically identify when to switch collectors when program execution behavior warrants it, i.e., it is adaptive. Our system introduces little overhead and accurately identifies the best collector for a wide range of benchmarks and heap sizes. 1

    Adaptive, Application-Specific Garbage Collection

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    In this paper, we describe a novel execution environment that can dynamically switch between garbage collection systems. As such, it enables selection of the most appropriate allocator and collector for a given application and underlying resource availability. Our system is novel in that it is able to switch between a wide range of diverse collection systems. It uses program annotations to guide selection of the collection system. In addition, it can automatically identify when to switch collectors when program execution behavior warrants it, i.e., it is adaptive. Our system introduces little overhead and accurately identifies the best collector for a wide range of benchmarks and heap sizes