4 research outputs found

    Softswitch Design and Performance Analysis

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    The increasing number of subscribers’ demands in telecommunication sector has motivated the operators to provide high quality of service in cost effective way. Moreover, operators need to have an open structure system so that they can move their systems to the next generation network architecture. For this purpose, Softswitch is an appropriate technology because it is a safe and cost efficient solution and though it can migrate from traditional circuit-switching based telephone system to internet protocol packet-switching based networking. Softswitch network divides the logical switch into several parts with different functions such as signaling gateway, media gateway, media server, etc. Standard communication protocols are implemented between those parts. Softswitch is software-based system to make connection between devices, and moreover to control voice calls, data and routes calls through different entities of the networks. Softswitch supports management functions such as provisioning, fault handling and reporting, billing, operational support, etc. Softswitch suitable for all types of traffic and services so it is very demanding in the competitive world of mobile operators. In this thesis, Softswitch has been studied and analyzed in details. Softswitch network consisted of different integrated modules such as transportation, calling and signaling, service application and management. Each module provides different services such as call control, routing, billing and network management. Each module is discussed from functional and service point of views. Softswitch based wireless network architecture as well as variety of service solutions is presented. Different protocol interfaces in softswitch network such as signaling system number 7 are explained. Moreover, bearer calls, independent call control protocol, gateway control protocol, IP bearer control protocol are explained as well. Variety of softswitch network architectures analysis has been done based on their performance and the applicability. Three Softswitch network architectures are proposed which are validated through simulations.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Application-layer conference trees for multimedia multipoint conferences using megaco/H.248

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    In this paper, we propose a new approach to establishing application layer conference trees for multimedia multipoint conferences on the Internet using the Megaco/H.248 protocol, a Voice over IP (VoIP) media gateway control protocol. In existing VoIP protocols (and also legacy telephone networks), a multipoint conference takes place through an MCU, and forms a star topology centered at the MCU. This paper suggests to establishing shared, cost effective conference trees for VoIP conferences. Each tree is rooted at the conference initiator, who initiates the conference, and spans over all the conference members. Tree branches grow or are trimmed dynamically and adaptively, in a way to avoid the growth of a skewed tree. We develop a simplified analytical model and conduct simulations to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach. The results show that our approach enjoys the advantage of lower join latency and better bandwidth efficiency compared to the traditional MCU approach, and is cost effective compared to a near optimal Steiner tree. © 2005 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Media handling for conferencing in MANETs

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    Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) are formed by devices set up temporarily to communicate without using a pre-existing network infrastructure. Devices in these networks are disparate in terms of resource capabilities (e.g. processing power, battery energy). Multihop Cellular Networks (MCNs) incorporate multihop mobile ad-hoc paradigms into 3G conventional single-hop cellular networks. Conferencing, an essential category of applications in MANETs and MCNs, includes popular applications such as audio/video conferencing. It is defined as an interactive multimedia service comprising online exchange of multimedia content among several users. Conferencing requires two sessions: a call signaling session and a media handling session. Call signaling is used to set up, modify, and tear down conference sessions. Media handling deals with aspects such as media transportation, media mixing, and transcoding. In this thesis, we are concerned with media handling for conferencing in MANETs and MCNs. We propose an architecture based on two overlay networks: one for mixing and one for control. The first overlay is composed of nodes acting as mixers. Each node in the network has a media connection with one mixer in the first overlay. A novel distributed mixing architecture that minimizes the number of mixers in end-to-end paths is proposed as an architectural solution for this first overlay. A sub-network of nodes, called controllers, composes the second overlay. Each controller controls a set of mixers, and collectively, they manage and control the two-overlay network. The management and control tasks are assured by a media signaling architecture based on an extended version of Megaco/H.L248. The two-overlay network is self-organizing, and thus automatically assigns users to mixers, controls mixers and controllers, and recovers the network from failures. We propose a novel self-organizing scheme that has three components: self-growing, self-shrinking and self-healing. Self-growing and self-shrinking use novel workload balancing schemes that make decisions to enable and disable mixers and controllers. The workload balancing schemes use resources efficiently by balancing the load among the nodes according to their capabilities. Self-healing detects failed nodes and recovers the network when failures of nodes with responsibilities (mixers and controllers) occur. Detection of failed nodes is based on a novel application-level failure detection architecture. A novel architecture for media handling in MCNs is proposed. We use mediator concepts to connect the media handling entities of a MANET with the media entities of a 3G cellular network. A media mediator assures signaling and media connectivity between the two networks and acts as a translator of the different media handling protocols