153 research outputs found

    Robust optimization in data envelopment analysis: extended theory and applications.

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    Performance evaluation of decision-making units (DMUs) via the data envelopment analysis (DEA) is confronted with multi-conflicting objectives, complex alternatives and significant uncertainties. Visualizing the risk of uncertainties in the data used in the evaluation process is crucial to understanding the need for cutting edge solution techniques to organizational decisions. A greater management concern is to have techniques and practical models that can evaluate their operations and make decisions that are not only optimal but also consistent with the changing environment. Motivated by the myriad need to mitigate the risk of uncertainties in performance evaluations, this thesis focuses on finding robust and flexible evaluation strategies to the ranking and classification of DMUs. It studies performance measurement with the DEA tool and addresses the uncertainties in data via the robust optimization technique. The thesis develops new models in robust data envelopment analysis with applications to management science, which are pursued in four research thrust. In the first thrust, a robust counterpart optimization with nonnegative decision variables is proposed which is then used to formulate new budget of uncertainty-based robust DEA models. The proposed model is shown to save the computational cost for robust optimization solutions to operations research problems involving only positive decision variables. The second research thrust studies the duality relations of models within the worst-case and best-case approach in the input \u2013 output orientation framework. A key contribution is the design of a classification scheme that utilizes the conservativeness and the risk preference of the decision maker. In the third thrust, a new robust DEA model based on ellipsoidal uncertainty sets is proposed which is further extended to the additive model and compared with imprecise additive models. The final thrust study the modelling techniques including goal programming, robust optimization and data envelopment to a transportation problem where the concern is on the efficiency of the transport network, uncertainties in the demand and supply of goods and a compromising solution to multiple conflicting objectives of the decision maker. Several numerical examples and real-world applications are made to explore and demonstrate the applicability of the developed models and their essence to management decisions. Applications such as the robust evaluation of banking efficiency in Europe and in particular Germany and Italy are made. Considering the proposed models and their applications, efficiency analysis explored in this research will correspond to the practical framework of industrial and organizational decision making and will further advance the course of robust management decisions

    Pilot3 D2.1 - Trade-off report on multi criteria decision making techniques

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    This deliverable describes the decision making approach that will be followed in Pilot3. It presents a domain-driven analysis of the characteristics of Pilot3 objective function and optimisation framework. This has been done considering inputs from deliverable D1.1 - Technical Resources and Problem definition, from interaction with the Topic Manager, but most importantly from a dedicated Advisory Board workshop and follow-up consultation. The Advisory Board is formed by relevant stakeholders including airlines, flight operation experts, pilots, and other relevant ATM experts. A review of the different multi-criteria decision making techniques available in the literature is presented. Considering the domain-driven characteristics of Pilot3 and inputs on how the tool could be used by airlines and crew. Then, the most suitable methods for multi-criteria optimisation are selected for each of the phases of the optimisation framework

    Robust optimization in data envelopment analysis: extended theory and applications.

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    Performance evaluation of decision-making units (DMUs) via the data envelopment analysis (DEA) is confronted with multi-conflicting objectives, complex alternatives and significant uncertainties. Visualizing the risk of uncertainties in the data used in the evaluation process is crucial to understanding the need for cutting edge solution techniques to organizational decisions. A greater management concern is to have techniques and practical models that can evaluate their operations and make decisions that are not only optimal but also consistent with the changing environment. Motivated by the myriad need to mitigate the risk of uncertainties in performance evaluations, this thesis focuses on finding robust and flexible evaluation strategies to the ranking and classification of DMUs. It studies performance measurement with the DEA tool and addresses the uncertainties in data via the robust optimization technique. The thesis develops new models in robust data envelopment analysis with applications to management science, which are pursued in four research thrust. In the first thrust, a robust counterpart optimization with nonnegative decision variables is proposed which is then used to formulate new budget of uncertainty-based robust DEA models. The proposed model is shown to save the computational cost for robust optimization solutions to operations research problems involving only positive decision variables. The second research thrust studies the duality relations of models within the worst-case and best-case approach in the input – output orientation framework. A key contribution is the design of a classification scheme that utilizes the conservativeness and the risk preference of the decision maker. In the third thrust, a new robust DEA model based on ellipsoidal uncertainty sets is proposed which is further extended to the additive model and compared with imprecise additive models. The final thrust study the modelling techniques including goal programming, robust optimization and data envelopment to a transportation problem where the concern is on the efficiency of the transport network, uncertainties in the demand and supply of goods and a compromising solution to multiple conflicting objectives of the decision maker. Several numerical examples and real-world applications are made to explore and demonstrate the applicability of the developed models and their essence to management decisions. Applications such as the robust evaluation of banking efficiency in Europe and in particular Germany and Italy are made. Considering the proposed models and their applications, efficiency analysis explored in this research will correspond to the practical framework of industrial and organizational decision making and will further advance the course of robust management decisions

    State-of-the-Art Report on Systems Analysis Methods for Resolution of Conflicts in Water Resources Management

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    Water is an important factor in conflicts among stakeholders at the local, regional, and even international level. Water conflicts have taken many forms, but they almost always arise from the fact that the freshwater resources of the world are not partitioned to match the political borders, nor are they evenly distributed in space and time. Two or more countries share the watersheds of 261 major rivers and nearly half of the land area of the wo rld is in international river basins. Water has been used as a military and political goal. Water has been a weapon of war. Water systems have been targets during the war. A role of systems approach has been investigated in this report as an approach for resolution of conflicts over water. A review of systems approach provides some basic knowledge of tools and techniques as they apply to water management and conflict resolution. Report provides a classification and description of water conflicts by addressing issues of scale, integrated water management and the role of stakeholders. Four large-scale examples are selected to illustrate the application of systems approach to water conflicts: (a) hydropower development in Canada; (b) multipurpose use of Danube river in Europe; (c) international water conflict between USA and Canada; and (d) Aral See in Asia. Water conflict resolution process involves various sources of uncertainty. One section of the report provides some examples of systems tools that can be used to address objective and subjective uncertainties with special emphasis on the utility of the fuzzy set theory. Systems analysis is known to be driven by the development of computer technology. Last section of the report provides one view of the future and systems tools that will be used for water resources management. Role of the virtual databases, computer and communication networks is investigated in the context of water conflicts and their resolution.https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/wrrr/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Methodology and Software for Interactive Decision Support

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    These Proceedings report the scientific results of an International Workshop on "Methodology and Software for Interactive Decision Support" organized jointly by the System and Decision Sciences Program of IIASA and The National Committee for Applied Systems Analysis and Management in Bulgaria. Several other Bulgarian institutions sponsored the workshop -- The Committee for Science to the Council of Ministers, The State Committee for Research and Technology and The Bulgarian Industrial Association. The workshop was held in Albena, on the Black Sea Coast. In the first section, "Theory and Algorithms for Multiple Criteria Optimization," new theoretical developments in multiple criteria optimization are presented. In the second section, "Theory, Methodology and Software for Decision Support Systems," the principles of building decision support systems are presented as well as software tools constituting the building components of such systems. Moreover, several papers are devoted to the general methodology of building such systems or present experimental design of systems supporting certain class of decision problems. The third section addresses issues of "Applications of Decision Support Systems and Computer Implementations of Decision Support Systems." Another part of this section has a special character. Beside theoretical and methodological papers, several practical implementations of software for decision support have been presented during the workshop. These software packages varied from very experimental and illustrative implementations of some theoretical concept to well developed and documented systems being currently commercially distributed and used for solving practical problems

    The bi-objective travelling salesman problem with profits and its connection to computer networks.

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    This is an interdisciplinary work in Computer Science and Operational Research. As it is well known, these two very important research fields are strictly connected. Among other aspects, one of the main areas where this interplay is strongly evident is Networking. As far as most recent decades have seen a constant growing of every kind of network computer connections, the need for advanced algorithms that help in optimizing the network performances became extremely relevant. Classical Optimization-based approaches have been deeply studied and applied since long time. However, the technology evolution asks for more flexible and advanced algorithmic approaches to model increasingly complex network configurations. In this thesis we study an extension of the well known Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP): the Traveling Salesman Problem with Profits (TSPP). In this generalization, a profit is associated with each vertex and it is not necessary to visit all vertices. The goal is to determine a route through a subset of nodes that simultaneously minimizes the travel cost and maximizes the collected profit. The TSPP models the problem of sending a piece of information through a network where, in addition to the sending costs, it is also important to consider what “profit” this information can get during its routing. Because of its formulation, the right way to tackled the TSPP is by Multiobjective Optimization algorithms. Within this context, the aim of this work is to study new ways to solve the problem in both the exact and the approximated settings, giving all feasible instruments that can help to solve it, and to provide experimental insights into feasible networking instances