2,427 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Synthesis of Cube Root Computational Circuit Using Graph Hybrid Estimation of Distribution Algorithm

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    The paper is focused on evolutionary synthesis of analog circuit realization of cube root function using proposed Graph Hybrid Estimation of Distribution Algorithm. The problem of cube root function circuit realization was adopted to demonstrate synthesis capability of the proposed method. Individuals of the population of the proposed method which represent promising topologies are encoded using graphs and hypergraphs. Hybridization with local search algorithm was used. The proposed method employs univariate probabilistic model

    Evolutionary Synthesis of Analog Electronic Circuits Using EDA Algorithms

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    Disertační práce je zaměřena na návrh analogových elektronických obvodů pomocí algoritmů s pravěpodobnostními modely (algoritmy EDA). Prezentované metody jsou na základě požadovaných charakteristik cílových obvodů schopny navrhnout jak parametry použitých komponent tak také jejich topologii zapojení. Tři různé metody využití EDA algoritmů jsou navrženy a otestovány na příkladech skutečných problémů z oblasti analogových elektronických obvodů. První metoda je určena pro návrh pasivních analogových obvodů a využívá algoritmus UMDA pro návrh jak topologie zapojení tak také hodnot parametrů použitých komponent. Metoda je použita pro návrh admitanční sítě s požadovanou vstupní impedancí pro účely chaotického oscilátoru. Druhá metoda je také určena pro návrh pasivních analogových obvodů a využívá hybridní přístup - UMDA pro návrh topologie a metodu lokální optimalizace pro návrh parametrů komponent. Třetí metoda umožňuje návrh analogových obvodů obsahujících také tranzistory. Metoda využívá hybridní přístup - EDA algoritmus pro syntézu topologie a metoda lokální optimalizace pro určení parametrů použitých komponent. Informace o topologii je v jednotlivých jedincích populace vyjádřena pomocí grafů a hypergrafů.Dissertation thesis is focused on design of analog electronic circuits using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDA). Based on the desired characteristics of the target circuits the proposed methods are able to design the parameters of the used components and theirs topology of connection as well. Three different methods employing EDA algorithms are proposed and verified on examples of real problems from the area of analog circuits design. The first method is capable to design passive analog circuits. The method employs UMDA algorithm which is used for determination of the parameters of the used components and synthesis of the topology of their connection as well. The method is verified on the problem of design of admittance network with desired input impedance function which is used as a part of chaotic oscillator circuit. The second method is also capable to design passive analog circuits. The method employs hybrid approach - UMDA for synthesis of the topology and local optimization method for determination of the parameters of the components. The third method is capable to design analog circuits which include also ac- tive components such as transistors. Hybrid approach is used. The topology is synthesized using EDA algorithm and the parameters are determined using a local optimization method. In the individuals of the population information about the topology is represented using graphs and hypergraphs.

    Design of Passive Analog Electronic Circuits Using Hybrid Modified UMDA algorithm

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    Hybrid evolutionary passive analog circuits synthesis method based on modified Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm (UMDA) and a local search algorithm is proposed in the paper. The modification of the UMDA algorithm which allows to specify the maximum number of the nodes and the maximum number of the components of the synthesized circuit is proposed. The proposed hybrid approach efficiently reduces the number of the objective function evaluations. The modified UMDA algorithm is used for synthesis of the topology and the local search algorithm is used for determination of the parameters of the components of the designed circuit. As an example the proposed method is applied to a problem of synthesis of the fractional capacitor circuit

    Evolutionary Synthesis of Fractional Capacitor Using Simulated Annealing Method

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    Synthesis of fractional capacitor using classical analog circuit synthesis method was described in [6]. The work presented in this paper is focused on synthesis of the same problem by means of evolutionary method simulated annealing. Based on given desired characteristic function as input impedance or transfer function, the proposed method is able to synthesize topology and values of the components of the desired analog circuit. Comparison of the results given in [6] and results obtained by the proposed method will be given and discussed

    Enabling High-Dimensional Hierarchical Uncertainty Quantification by ANOVA and Tensor-Train Decomposition

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    Hierarchical uncertainty quantification can reduce the computational cost of stochastic circuit simulation by employing spectral methods at different levels. This paper presents an efficient framework to simulate hierarchically some challenging stochastic circuits/systems that include high-dimensional subsystems. Due to the high parameter dimensionality, it is challenging to both extract surrogate models at the low level of the design hierarchy and to handle them in the high-level simulation. In this paper, we develop an efficient ANOVA-based stochastic circuit/MEMS simulator to extract efficiently the surrogate models at the low level. In order to avoid the curse of dimensionality, we employ tensor-train decomposition at the high level to construct the basis functions and Gauss quadrature points. As a demonstration, we verify our algorithm on a stochastic oscillator with four MEMS capacitors and 184 random parameters. This challenging example is simulated efficiently by our simulator at the cost of only 10 minutes in MATLAB on a regular personal computer.Comment: 14 pages (IEEE double column), 11 figure, accepted by IEEE Trans CAD of Integrated Circuits and System

    Fusing Dependent Decisions for Hypothesis Testing with Heterogeneous Sensors

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    In this paper, we consider a binary decentralized detection problem where the local sensor observations are quantized before their transmission to the fusion center. Sensor observations, and hence their quantized versions, may be heterogeneous as well as statistically dependent. A composite binary hypothesis testing problem is formulated, and a copula-based generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) based fusion rule is derived given that the local sensors are uniform multi-level quantizers. An alternative computationally efficient fusion rule is also designed which involves injecting a deliberate random disturbance to the local sensor decisions before fusion. Although the introduction of external noise causes a reduction in the received signal to noise ratio, it is shown that the proposed approach can result in a detection performance comparable to the GLRT detector without external noise, especially when the number of quantization levels is larg