13 research outputs found

    Application of the Ordered Logit Model to Optimising Frangi Filter Parameters for Segmentation of Perivascular Spaces

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    La segmentación de los espacios perivasculares (EVP) de las imágenes de resonancia magnética (RM) del cerebro es importante para comprender el sistema linfático del cerebro y su relación con las enfermedades neurológicas. El filtro Frangi podría ser una herramienta valiosa para este propósito. Sin embargo, sus parámetros deben ajustarse en respuesta a la variabilidad en los parámetros del escáner y los protocolos de estudio. Conociendo las clasificaciones neurorradiológicas del PVS, utilizamos el modelo logit ordenado para optimizar los parámetros del filtro Frangi. El volumen de PVS obtenido se correlacionó de manera significativa y fuerte con las evaluaciones neurorradiológicas (ρ = 0.75, p <0.001 de Spearman), lo que sugiere que el modelo logit ordenado podría ser una buena alternativa a los marcos de optimización convencionales para segmentar PVS en MRI

    Application of the ordered logit model to optimising Frangi filter parameters for segmentation of perivascular spaces

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    AbstractSegmentation of perivascular spaces (PVS) from brain magnetic resonance images (MRI) is important for understanding the brain's lymphatic system and its relationship with neurological diseases. The Frangi filter might be a valuable tool for this purpose. However, its parameters need to be adjusted in response to the variability in the scanner's parameters and study protocols. Knowing the neuroradiological ratings of the PVS, we used the ordered logit model to optimise Frangi filter parameters. The PVS volume obtained significantly and strongly correlated with neuroradiological assessments (Spearman's ρ=0.75, p < 0.001), suggesting that the ordered logit model could be a good alternative to conventional optimisation frameworks for segmenting PVS on MRI


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    GP-Unet: Lesion Detection from Weak Labels with a 3D Regression Network

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    We propose a novel convolutional neural network for lesion detection from weak labels. Only a single, global label per image - the lesion count - is needed for training. We train a regression network with a fully convolutional architecture combined with a global pooling layer to aggregate the 3D output into a scalar indicating the lesion count. When testing on unseen images, we first run the network to estimate the number of lesions. Then we remove the global pooling layer to compute localization maps of the size of the input image. We evaluate the proposed network on the detection of enlarged perivascular spaces in the basal ganglia in MRI. Our method achieves a sensitivity of 62% with on average 1.5 false positives per image. Compared with four other approaches based on intensity thresholding, saliency and class maps, our method has a 20% higher sensitivity.Comment: Article published in MICCAI 2017. We corrected a few errors from the first version: padding, loss, typos and update of the DOI numbe

    Relationship Between Venules and Perivascular Spaces in Sporadic Small Vessel Diseases

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    Background and Purpose— Perivascular spaces (PVS) around venules may help drain interstitial fluid from the brain. We examined relationships between suspected venules and PVS visible on brain magnetic resonance imaging. Methods— We developed a visual venular quantification method to examine the spatial relationship between venules and PVS. We recruited patients with lacunar stroke or minor nondisabling ischemic stroke and performed brain magnetic resonance imaging and retinal imaging. We quantified venules on gradient echo or susceptibility-weighted imaging and PVS on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the centrum semiovale and then determined overlap between venules and PVS. We assessed associations between venular count and patient demographic characteristics, vascular risk factors, small vessel disease features, retinal vessels, and venous sinus pulsatility. Results— Among 67 patients (69% men, 69.0±9.8 years), only 4.6% (range, 0%–18%) of venules overlapped with PVS. Total venular count increased with total centrum semiovale PVS count in 55 patients after accounting for venule-PVS overlap (β=0.468 [95% CI, 0.187–0.750]) and transverse sinus pulsatility (β=0.547 [95% CI, 0.309–0.786]) and adjusting for age, sex, and systolic blood pressure. Conclusions— Despite increases in both visible PVS and suspected venules, we found minimal spatial overlap between them in patients with sporadic small vessel disease, suggesting that most magnetic resonance imaging-visible centrum semiovale PVS are periarteriolar rather than perivenular

    Perivascular Spaces Segmentation in Brain MRI Using Optimal 3D Filtering

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    Perivascular Spaces (PVS) are a recently recognised feature of Small Vessel Disease (SVD), also indicating neuroinflammation, and are an important part of the brain's circulation and glymphatic drainage system. Quantitative analysis of PVS on Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) is important for understanding their relationship with neurological diseases. In this work, we propose a segmentation technique based on the 3D Frangi filtering for extraction of PVS from MRI. Based on prior knowledge from neuroradiological ratings of PVS, we used ordered logit models to optimise Frangi filter parameters in response to the variability in the scanner's parameters and study protocols. We optimized and validated our proposed models on two independent cohorts, a dementia sample (N=20) and patients who previously had mild to moderate stroke (N=48). Results demonstrate the robustness and generalisability of our segmentation method. Segmentation-based PVS burden estimates correlated with neuroradiological assessments (Spearman's ρ\rho = 0.74, p << 0.001), suggesting the great potential of our proposed metho

    Detectability and accuracy of computational measurements of in-silico and physical representations of enlarged perivascular spaces from magnetic resonance images

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    BACKGROUND: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) visible perivascular spaces (PVS) have been associated with age, decline in cognitive abilities, interrupted sleep, and markers of small vessel disease. But the limits of validity of their quantification have not been established. NEW METHOD: We use a purpose-built digital reference object to construct an in-silico phantom for addressing this need, and validate it using a physical phantom. We use cylinders of different sizes as models for PVS. We also evaluate the influence of 'PVS' orientation, and different sets of parameters of the two vesselness filters that have been used for enhancing tubular structures, namely Frangi and RORPO filters, in the measurements' accuracy. RESULTS: PVS measurements in MRI are only a proxy of their true dimensions, as the boundaries of their representation are consistently overestimated. The success in the use of the Frangi filter relies on a careful tuning of several parameters. Alpha= 0.5, beta= 0.5 and c= 500 yielded the best results. RORPO does not have these requirements and allows detecting smaller cylinders in their entirety more consistently in the absence of noise and confounding artefacts. The Frangi filter seems to be best suited for voxel sizes equal or larger than 0.4 mm-isotropic and cylinders larger than 1 mm diameter and 2 mm length. 'PVS' orientation did not affect measurements in data with isotropic voxels. COMPARISON WITH EXISTENT METHODS: Does not apply. CONCLUSIONS: The in-silico and physical phantoms presented are useful for establishing the validity of quantification methods of tubular small structures

    Influence of threshold selection and image sequence in in-vivo segmentation of enlarged perivascular spaces

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    BACKGROUND: Growing interest surrounds perivascular spaces (PVS) as a clinical biomarker of brain dysfunction given their association with cerebrovascular risk factors and disease. Neuroimaging techniques allowing quick and reliable quantification are being developed, but, in practice, they require optimisation as their limits of validity are usually unspecified.NEW METHOD: We evaluate modifications and alternatives to a state-of-the-art (SOTA) PVS segmentation method that uses a vesselness filter to enhance PVS discrimination, followed by thresholding of its response, applied to brain magnetic resonance images (MRI) from patients with sporadic small vessel disease acquired at 3 T.RESULTS: The method is robust against inter-observer differences in threshold selection, but separate thresholds for each region of interest (i.e., basal ganglia, centrum semiovale, and midbrain) are required. Noise needs to be assessed prior to selecting these thresholds, as effect of noise and imaging artefacts can be mitigated with a careful optimisation of these thresholds. PVS segmentation from T1-weighted images alone, misses small PVS, therefore, underestimates PVS count, may overestimate individual PVS volume especially in the basal ganglia, and is susceptible to the inclusion of calcified vessels and mineral deposits. Visual analyses indicated the incomplete and fragmented detection of long and thin PVS as the primary cause of errors, with the Frangi filter coping better than the Jerman filter.COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHODS: Limits of validity to a SOTA PVS segmentation method applied to 3 T MRI with confounding pathology are given.CONCLUSIONS: Evidence presented reinforces the STRIVE-2 recommendation of using T2-weighted images for PVS assessment wherever possible. The Frangi filter is recommended for PVS segmentation from MRI, offering robust output against variations in threshold selection and pathology presentation.</p

    Perivascular spaces in the brain:anatomy, physiology and pathology

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    Perivascular spaces include a variety of passageways around arterioles, capillaries and venules in the brain, along which a range of substances can move. Although perivascular spaces were first identified over 150 years ago, they have come to prominence recently owing to advances in knowledge of their roles in clearance of interstitial fluid and waste from the brain, particularly during sleep, and in the pathogenesis of small vessel disease, Alzheimer disease and other neurodegenerative and inflammatory disorders. Experimental advances have facilitated in vivo studies of perivascular space function in intact rodent models during wakefulness and sleep, and MRI in humans has enabled perivascular space morphology to be related to cognitive function, vascular risk factors, vascular and neurodegenerative brain lesions, sleep patterns and cerebral haemodynamics. Many questions about perivascular spaces remain, but what is now clear is that normal perivascular space function is important for maintaining brain health. Here, we review perivascular space anatomy, physiology and pathology, particularly as seen with MRI in humans, and consider translation from models to humans to highlight knowns, unknowns, controversies and clinical relevance