2 research outputs found

    Master of Science

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    thesisDiscrimination of delayed emissions from photonuclear fission events provides the necessary information for the detection of nuclear materials. The time and energy characteristics of signature signals provide unique fingerprints which can be used for the identification and quantification of fissionable isotopes using γ-ray spectroscopy. This investigation explores measurement results of β-delayed γ-rays from photofission events. During the experiment, spectroscopy measurements were taken using two high-purity germanium detectors while three separate signal processing units were used for data acquisition. Interrogation of 238U, 239Pu, and 232Th was performed using a 22 MeV pulsed bremsstrahlung photon beam. Fission fragments with energies above 3 MeV were identified as delayed-fission γ-rays unique to the fissionable materials. A numerical model of the experimental setup is also proposed as part of this research. This model is based on the Monte Carlo radiation transport code MCNPX. The data from the experiment were used to validate the numerical models. Additionally, photonuclear data libraries were tested in the numerical model for consistency and accuracy. The numerical results showed a good agreement with the experimental data, specifically the comparison of 238U. Discrepancies between the numerical results and experimental data of 232Th were observed. A new photonuclear data library from TENDL/ACE was then implemented for 232Th and the numerical results were improved. One of the main contributions of this work is the development of a reliable computational model that gives almost the same results that could be performed on a physical experimentation as a less expensive option to examine the factors that could fall behind the spectroscopy measurements

    Bridging the capability gap in environmental gamma-ray spectrometry

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    Environmental gamma-ray spectroscopy provides a powerful tool that can be used in environmental monitoring given that it offers a compromise between measurement time and accuracy allowing for large areas to be surveyed quickly and relatively inexpensively. Depending on monitoring objectives, spectral information can then be analysed in real-time or post survey to characterise contamination and identify potential anomalies. Smaller volume detectors are of particular worth to environmental surveys as they can be operated in the most demanding environments. However, difficulties are encountered in the selection of an appropriate detector that is robust enough for environmental surveying yet still provides a high quality signal. Furthermore, shortcomings remain with methods employed for robust spectral processing since a number of complexities need to be overcome including: the non-linearity in detector response with source burial depth, large counting uncertainties, accounting for the heterogeneity in the natural background and unreliable methods for detector calibration. This thesis aimed to investigate the application of machine learning algorithms to environmental gamma-ray spectroscopy data to identify changes in spectral shape within large Monte Carlo calibration libraries to estimate source characteristics for unseen field results. Additionally, a 71 × 71 mm lanthanum bromide detector was tested alongside a conventional 71 × 71 mm sodium iodide to assess whether its higher energy efficiency and resolution could make it more reliable in handheld surveys. The research presented in this thesis demonstrates that machine learning algorithms could be successfully applied to noisy spectra to produce valuable source estimates. Of note, were the novel characterisation estimates made on borehole and handheld detector measurements taken from land historically contaminated with 226Ra. Through a novel combination of noise suppression and neural networks the burial depth, activity and source extent of contamination was estimated and mapped. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that Machine Learning techniques could be operated in real-time to identify hazardous 226Ra containing hot particles with much greater confidence than current deterministic approaches such as the gross counting algorithm. It was concluded that remediation of 226Ra contaminated legacy sites could be greatly improved using the methods described in this thesis. Finally, Neural Networks were also applied to estimate the activity distribution of 137Cs, derived from the nuclear industry, in an estuarine environment. Findings demonstrated the method to be theoretically sound, but practically inconclusive, given that much of the contamination at the site was buried beyond the detection limits of the method. It was generally concluded that the noise posed by intrinsic counts in the 71 × 71 mm lanthanum bromide was too substantial to make any significant improvements over a comparable sodium iodide in contamination characterisation using 1 second counts