113 research outputs found

    Integration Of Real-Time Experiments With Internet Access

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    The revolution of Internet enabled instrumentation is emerging as a revolution in Measurement and Automation. New standards are being developed for transmitting data and connecting instruments to the Internet. The main purpose of this thesis is to design and develop a system to Integrate various Real time experiments and be able to monitor and control them over Internet using LabVIEW. LabVIEW is a graphical programming package capable of data acquisition, data analysis, data presentation and real time remote control. In this thesis a Real time system is developed which integrates several real time experiments and remote control access over Internet is provided using LabVIEW. The latest remote panel technology is used to provide the remote control access. There are four Real time instrument experiments developed in this thesis project. They are Automatic Mixing Controller, The Digital Storage Oscilloscope from Gould Instruments, Temperature Controller and an Electronic Recording Rain/Precipitation Gauge. These four instruments are connected and communicated from the main computer by external Data Acquisition Board (DAQ) for the Automatic Mixing Controller, By General Purpose Interface Board (GPIB) for the Oscilloscope, by Data Acquisition board (DAQ) for the Temperature controller and by Serial port for the Electronic Recording Rain/Precipitation Gauge. A system is developed to integrate all the applications listed above into one application and are monitored and controlled remotely over Internet using LabVIEW

    Building real-time embedded applications on QduinoMC: a web-connected 3D printer case study

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    Single Board Computers (SBCs) are now emerging with multiple cores, ADCs, GPIOs, PWM channels, integrated graphics, and several serial bus interfaces. The low power consumption, small form factor and I/O interface capabilities of SBCs with sensors and actuators makes them ideal in embedded and real-time applications. However, most SBCs run non-realtime operating systems based on Linux and Windows, and do not provide a user-friendly API for application development. This paper presents QduinoMC, a multicore extension to the popular Arduino programming environment, which runs on the Quest real-time operating system. QduinoMC is an extension of our earlier single-core, real-time, multithreaded Qduino API. We show the utility of QduinoMC by applying it to a specific application: a web-connected 3D printer. This differs from existing 3D printers, which run relatively simple firmware and lack operating system support to spool multiple jobs, or interoperate with other devices (e.g., in a print farm). We show how QduinoMC empowers devices with the capabilities to run new services without impacting their timing guarantees. While it is possible to modify existing operating systems to provide suitable timing guarantees, the effort to do so is cumbersome and does not provide the ease of programming afforded by QduinoMC.http://www.cs.bu.edu/fac/richwest/papers/rtas_2017.pdfAccepted manuscrip

    November-December 2007

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    Automated RF Over Fiber Signal Measurement System

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    The demand for lossless data at a low cost has lead its way to use fiber optic in field of RADIO FREQUENCY. This research proposes the automation technique which can be used in RF-overfiber measurements. All other automation technique used visual basic or Labview as the source, this paper uses python an open-source language to create generic automation software. Python optimized the code to run faster and gave advantage of modularity and portability. The code was successfully developed and verified by the two-different test setup, which give an accuracy of 97%

    EKKO: an open-source RISC-V soft-core microcontroller

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (especialização em Sistemas Embebidos e Computadores)Com o surgimento da Internet das Coisas (IoT em inglês) nos últimos anos, o número de “coisas” conectadas está a crescer a um ritmo bastante rápido. Estes dispositivos tornaram-se rapidamente parte do nosso dia a dia e já podem ser encontrados nos mais diversos domínios de aplicação, tais como, telecomunicações, saúde, agricultura, e automação industrial. Devido a este crescimento exponencial, a demanda por sistemas embebidos é cada vez maior, trazendo assim diversos desafios no seu desenvolvimento. De todos os desafios, o time-to-market e os custos de desenvolvimento são de inegável importância, logo, a escolha de uma plataforma de desenvolvimento adequada é essencial no desenho destes sistemas. Devido a este novo paradigma, o grupo de investigação da Universidade do Minho onde esta dissertação se insere tem desenvolvido aplicações neste domínio. No entanto, as atuais plataformas de desenvolvimento utilizadas são complexas, têm custos associados e são de código fechado. Por estas razões, o grupo de investigação tem interesse em ter a sua própria plataforma de desenvolvimento. De modo a solucionar os problemas enumerados acima, esta dissertação tem como objetivo desenvolver uma plataforma de desenvolvimento tanto para hardware como para software. A plataforma deve ser simples de utilizar e open-source, reduzindo assim os custos e a tornando a gestão de licenças mais simples. Para além disto, o facto de o sistema ser de código aberto faz também com que este possa ser facilmente estendido e customizado de acordo com os requisitos da aplicação. Neste sentido, esta dissertação apresenta um soft-core microcontroller, o qual contem um processador RISC-V, uma RAM, uma unidade de depuração, um temporizador, um periférico I2C e um barra mento AXI. Em adição, este contem também um kit de desenvolvimento de software (SDK em inglês), o qual inclui um depurador, a opção de utilizar o sistema operativo Azure RTOS ThreadX, e outras ferramentas importantes, tornando o ciclo de desenvolvimento mais fácil, rápido e seguro.With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) in most recent years, the number of connected “things” is increasing quickly. These devices rapidly became part of our daily lives and can be found in the most different applications domains, such as telecommunications, health care, agriculture and industrial automation. With this exponential growth, the demand for embedded devices is increasing, bringing several challenges to the development of these systems. From these challenges, the time-to-market and development costs are undeniable extremely important. Thus, choosing a suitable development platform is essential when designing an embedded system. Due to this new paradigm, the University of Minho research group where this dissertation fits has been developing applications in this domain. However, the current development platforms are complex, have associated costs and are closed-source. For these reasons, the research group has interesting in having its development platform. To solve these problems, this dissertation aims to build a development platform for both hardware and software. The platform must be simple and open-source, reducing development costs and simplifying license management. Besides, due to its open nature, it will also be easier to extend and modify the system according to the application’s needs. In this context, this dissertation presents EKKO, an open-source soft-core microcontroller that contains a RISC-V core, an on-chip RAM, a debug unit, a timer and an I2C peripheral, and an AXI bus. In addition, it also contains a Software Development Kit (SDK), which includes a debugger, the option to use Azure RTOS ThreadX, and other crucial tools, turning the development cycle more accessible, faster and safer

    A proposed architecture for remote mechatronics laboratory

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    Experimentation is a very important part of education in engineering. This is also true for mechatronics engineering which is a relatively new field, combining three engineering disciplines : mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and software engineering. The equipments needed for experiments in mechatronics are generally expensive. Examples are robot manipulators, mobile robots, electrical motors, fast DSP cards, CNC machines, etc. One solution for expensive equipments is sharing theavailable equipments with other universities around the world. This relatively newconcept, called "remote laboratory", is based on the computer communication technology and the internet. With the internet, sharing the available resources with theworld costs almost nothing. In this thesis a new architecture for a remote mechatronics laboratory is proposed. The proposed architecture is original in the sense that multipleusers can use multiple experiments at the same time. The system is flexible so that new experiments can be added quite easily. In order to reduce the overall cost and increase efficiency, multithreaded programming is proposed to reduce the number of computers necessary. For flexibility, communication is done using objects. Verification of thecommunication part is done implementing the DC motor control experiment, remotely

    Side-channel Analysis of Subscriber Identity Modules

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    Subscriber identity modules (SIMs) contain useful forensic data but are often locked with a PIN code that restricts access to this data. If an invalid PIN is entered several times, the card locks and may even destroy its stored data. This presents a challenge to the retrieval of data from the SIM when the PIN is unknown. The field of side-channel analysis (SCA) collects, identifies, and processes information leaked via inadvertent channels. One promising side-channel leakage is that of electromagnetic (EM) emanations; by monitoring the SIM\u27s emissions, it may be possible to determine the correct PIN to unlock the card. This thesis uses EM SCA techniques to attempt to discover the SIM card\u27s PIN. The tested SIM is subjected to simple and differential electromagnetic analysis. No clear data dependency or correlation is apparent. The SIM does reveal information pertaining to its validation routine, but the value of the card\u27s stored PIN does not appear to leak via EM emissions. Two factors contributing to this result are the black-box nature of PIN validation and the hardware and software SCA countermeasures. Further experimentation on SIMs with known operational characteristics is recommended to determine the viability of future SCA attacks on these devices

    Data systems elements technology assessment and system specifications, issue no. 1

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    The ability to satisfy the objectives of future NASA Office of Applications Programs is dependent on technology advances in a number of areas of data systems. The technology of end-to-end data systems (space generator elements through ground processing, dissemination, and presentation, is examined in terms of state of the art, trends, and projected developments in the 1980 to 1985 timeframe. Capability is considered in terms of elements that are either commercially available or that can be implemented from commercially available components with minimal development