17 research outputs found

    Challenge based modular education upscaled: piloting and evaluating an implementation procedure

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    Modular approach in education provides the advantages of student self-pacing, autonomy, and receiving frequent feedback from the instructor. In 2021, the project; CMODE-Up (an Upscaling of the earlier undertaken project Challenge-based Modular On-demand Digital Education) provided evidence-based design principles and an accompanying teacher guide for modular courses in engineering education. A next step towards actually implementing the design framework, is piloting it. In this pilot, we will ask teachers from our university to work with the framework to redesign their course into one or more challenge-based modules. We started off with a short workshop to get teachers motivated to work with us. Teachers were recruited based on willingness and experience with modular courses. During the workshop, the teachers engaged in course design exercises using the design framework. Transcibed audiotapes of the workshop discussions constituted the data for this study. To further improve the framework, the results from the workshop data were combined with results of a descriptive literature review. Relevant articles and conference preceedings were located that can shed light on issues such as design of a course with elective modules. Results collectively will lead to an adapted version of the design framework


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    This study aims at designing ICT Competences-Integrated models teaching of Theoretical Key Teaching Competences courses for English Language Education Study Program. This study employed the Designed and Development Research (DDR) model from Borg and Gall which was modified into four steps namely need analysis, design and develop prototype, evaluate prototype, and design revision. The data were four the existing models of teaching of Theoretical Key Teaching Competences courses and fourteen syllabuses from Universities having English Language Education Study Program in Indonesia. Data collecting procedures were observation, syllabuses and other related document gathering. The result of research shows that 1) the existing model of teaching integrated ICT competences into method and technique. The dominant level of ICT competences in the existing model of teaching were Technology Literacy and Knowledge Deepening, 2) The proposed models of teaching designed ICT competences integrated into all sub components of method and technique by providing five integration procedures, 3) the newly designed models of teaching accommodated the necessary ICT competences in all levels namely Technology Literacy, Knowledge Deepening, and Knowledge Creation. Besides, cognitive Approach, humanistic approach, and behavioral approach were employed for the models of teaching as English Language Teaching Methodology, Curriculum and Material Development, Language Learning Theories and Strategies and Digital Literacy in English Language Education


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    The purpose of this development research is to develop a CAI (Computer Assited Instruction) based learning product for PPKn (Pancasila and Citizenship Education) students in grade 1 and 2 elementary schools. The main discussion of PPKn learning materials includes the Pamcasila symbol and the values contained in Pancasila. This development research method uses the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Learning media development instrument products are in the form of validation results for material experts, validation sheets for media experts, validation sheets for field experts (class teachers) and questionnaires for students. The results of the development research resulted in the PPKn learning product being declared to be very suitable for use. It can be seen the results of the percentage acquisition per validator, the results of the validation of media experts obtained 83.33%, the results of the material expert validator obtained 86.67% and the results of the field expert validator (teacher) gained 87.50%. Based on the results of the trial product development of learning media to students is divided into small groups and large groups. CAI (Computer Assited Instruction) based learning media assessment related to the attractiveness of learning media. In the small group the percentage was 88% and in the large group the percentage was 92.44%. It can be concluded that the CAI (Computer Assited Instruction) learning media based on PPKn subjects are declared suitable to be used to support the learning process in Primary School

    Plataforma Moodle para el desempeño docente en servicio de educación primaria de la Red Maestros Innovadores Mensajeros del Saber-Bagua Grande

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    El objetivo del estudio fue proponer un modelo didáctico en la plataforma Moodle que favorezca el desempeño de docentes de la Red Maestros Innovadores Mensajeros del Saber de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local de Utcubamba, 2021; investigaciónde enfoque cuantitativo, diseño transversal, no experimental, descriptivo – propositivo; cuya población fue 40 profesores de primaria y 22 directivos con aula a cargo; se usó la técnica de encuesta e instrumento el cuestionario. Los resultados, en la variable Plataforma Moodle se aprecia que el 50% de docentes, se hallaron en el nivel proceso, el 43,55% en el nivel inicio y el 6,45% en el nivel logrado; y en la variable de desempeño docente en la plataforma Moodle, el 46,77%, se ubican en el nivel proceso, luego el 33,87% se ubica en el nivel de inicio y sólo el 19,35% se ubica en el nivel logrado. Conclusiones, los docentes manifiestan niveles de inicio y proceso en el conocimiento de las herramientas de la plataforma Moodle, por otro lado, se aprecia un mayor conocimiento del desempeño docente; por ello, el modelo didáctico propuesto debe permitir la adquisición de conocimientos, capacidades y competencias para el dominio de la plataforma Moodle

    Teach-To-One Blended Mathematics\u27 Impact on Middle School Students\u27 Mathematics Achievement

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    Blended learning that integrates computer-assisted instruction with face-to-face instruction is gaining popularity in U.S. middle schools; therefore, the effectiveness of such blended learning models in improving middle school students\u27 achievement in mathematics needs to be explored. Middle school students at a public Connecticut school have shown poor performance in mathematics on a state standardized test. The local district implemented a blended learning model, Teach to One: Math (TTO), in 1 of the middle schools to improve students\u27 performance in mathematics. The theoretical framework for this study was Koehler and Mishra\u27s theory of technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge. The key research question of this study examined if there is a statistically significant mean difference in the observed growth scores of the TTO students in School A compared to non-TTO students in School B as measured by the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) mathematics assessment during the 2017-2018 school year. In this quantitative study, a quasi-experimental, nonequivalent, control- group design was used with a sample size of 1,341 participants. The archival data obtained from the local district were analyzed using an independent samples t test to determine if there was a statistically significant difference between the means of the 2 unrelated, TTO and non-TTO groups. The findings of the study indicated no significant difference between the observed growth of TTO and non-TTO students as measured by the MAP mathematics test. This study contributes to positive social change by providing data to guide the local district on whether TTO should be implemented in the other middle schools in order to improve students\u27 achievement in mathematics

    Plataforma Moodle y su incidencia en el desempeño docente en postgrado de una universidad pública de Lima, 2022

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    Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo general, analizar la relación que existe entre la plataformaMoodle y su incidencia en el desempeño docente en postgrado de una universidad públicade Lima. Para este análisis se empleó la metodología de enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, descriptivo correlacional, la muestra conformada por 20 docentes de una universidad pública, se usó la técnica de la “encuesta” y el instrumento fue el “cuestionario” para recopilar los datos, siendo validados por tres jueces, la confiabilidad del alfa de Cronbach para la variable plataforma docente de 0,935 y la variable desempeñodocente 0,959 resultados del SPSS 26 que indica que buena confiabilidad. En los resultados de la variable Plataforma Moodle se observa: 15% de docentes están enel nivel a veces, el 50% nivel casi siempre y el 25% nivel siempre; en la variable desempeño docente, el 20%, se ubican en el nivel a veces, un 55% nivel de casi siemprey el 25% nivel siempre. Los docentes manifiestan tener mayor frecuencia en los niveles casi siempre y siempre en los saberes de las herramientas de la plataforma Moodle; se afirma que la plataforma Moodle influye en el desempeño docente de posgrado de una universidad pública

    Student Engagement, Self-Regulation, Satisfaction, and Success in Online Learning Environments

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    An increasing number of higher education institutions are seeking to widen access to education using online learning environments. Transitioning to this learning modality requires institutions to focus on factors related to the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction as predictors of student academic success. Little research has been conducted on the 3 constructs and perceptions of student success in the English-speaking Caribbean. This quantitative cross-sectional study explored the relationship of the constructs and student success using the theoretical frameworks of Knowles’ adult learning theory, self-regulation theory, and constructivism. An enhanced Moore interaction model was used to design a new instrument to measure the self-reported responses of learners and faculty. This instrument was determined to be valid by content experts and reliable using statistic methods. Using the convenience sampling strategy, 385 students and 61 faculty from a regional Caribbean institution were selected. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation relationship between pairs of the constructs, and multiple linear regression relationship between the constructs and perceptions of student success. The findings showed that the construct pairs correlated significantly with each other. The findings also showed that student engagement, self-regulation, and satisfaction significantly predicted perceptions of student success. The potential findings could lead to positive social change in how universities approach the process of learning and instruction in online learning environments. The instrument might also be used as a preliminary model in higher education institutions in the Caribbean for predicting student success

    Challenges for engineering students working with authentic complex problems

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    Engineers are important participants in solving societal, environmental and technical problems. However, due to an increasing complexity in relation to these problems new interdisciplinary competences are needed in engineering. Instead of students working with monodisciplinary problems, a situation where students work with authentic complex problems in interdisciplinary teams together with a company may scaffold development of new competences. The question is: What are the challenges for students structuring the work on authentic interdisciplinary problems? This study explores a three-day event where 7 students from Aalborg University (AAU) from four different faculties and one student from University College North Denmark (UCN), (6th-10th semester), worked in two groups at a large Danish company, solving authentic complex problems. The event was structured as a Hackathon where the students for three days worked with problem identification, problem analysis and finalizing with a pitch competition presenting their findings. During the event the students had workshops to support the work and they had the opportunity to use employees from the company as facilitators. It was an extracurricular activity during the summer holiday season. The methodology used for data collection was qualitative both in terms of observations and participants’ reflection reports. The students were observed during the whole event. Findings from this part of a larger study indicated, that students experience inability to transfer and transform project competences from their previous disciplinary experiences to an interdisciplinary setting