466 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Optimal Performance of Pest Image Segmentation using Non Linear Objective Assessments

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    In modern agricultural field, pest detection is a major role in plant cultivation. In order to increase the Production rate of agricultural field, the presence of whitefly pests which cause leaf discoloration is the major problem.  This emphasizes the necessity of image segmentation, which divides an image into parts that have strong correlations with objects to reflect the actual information collected from the real world. Image processing is affected by illumination conditions, random noise and environmental disturbances due to atmospheric pressure or temperature fluctuation. The quality of pest images is directly affected by atmosphere medium, pressure and temperature. The fuzzy c means (FCM) have been proposed to identify accurate location of whitefly pests. The watershed transform has interesting properties that make it useful for many different image segmentation applications: it is simple and intuitive, can be parallelized, and always produces a complete division of the image. However, when applied to pest image analysis, it has important drawbacks (over segmentation, sensitivity to noise). In this paper, pest image segmentation using marker controlled watershed segmentation is presented. Objective of this paper is segmenting the pest image and comparing the results of fuzzy c means algorithm and marker controlled watershed transformation. The performance of an image segmentation algorithms are compared using nonlinear objective assessment or the quantitative measures like structural content, peak signal to noise ratio, normalized correlation coefficient, average difference and normalized absolute error. Out of the above methods the experimental results show that fuzzy c means algorithm performs better than watershed transformation algorithm in processing pest images

    Research review on automatic detection of crop pests based on intelligent vision

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    With the continuous development of science and technology, i ntelligent technology has become one of the main trends of today’s social development. In the fi eld of agriculture, intelligent vision technology, as a new technical means, has been widely used in the automatic detection of crop pests. Through intelligent vision technology, the automatic identifi cation, classifi cation and counting of pests can be realized, and the quality and effi ciency of agricultural production can be improved. This paper will review the research on automatic detection of crop pests based on intelligent vision, aiming to provide reference and reference for the research in related fi elds

    Automatic Plant Annotation Using 3D Computer Vision

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    Improving field management by machine vision - a review

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    Growing population of people around the world and thus increasing demand to food products as well as high tendency for declining the cost of operations and environmental preserving cares intensify inclination toward the application of variable rate systems for agricultural treatments, in which machine vision as a powerful appliance has been paid vast attention by agricultural researchers and farmers as this technology consumers. Various applications have introduced for machine vision in different fields of agricultural and food industry till now that confirms the high potential of this approach for inspection of different parameters affecting productivity. Computer vision has been utilized for quantification of factors affecting crop growth in field; such as, weed, irrigation, soil quality, plant nutrients and fertilizers in several cases. This paper presents some of these successful applications in addition to representing an introduction to machine vision

    Towards Automated Weed Detection Through Two-Stage Semantic Segmentation of Tobacco and Weed Pixels in Aerial Imagery

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    In precision farming, weed detection is required for precise weedicide application, and the detection of tobacco crops is necessary for pesticide application on tobacco leaves. Automated accurate detection of tobacco and weeds through aerial visual cues holds promise. Precise weed detection in crop field imagery can be treated as a semantic segmentation problem. Many image processing, classical machine learning, and deep learning-based approaches have been devised in the past, out of which deep learning-based techniques promise better accuracies for semantic segmentation, i.e., pixel-level classification. We present a new method that improves the precision of pixel-level inter-class classification of the crop and the weed pixels. The technique applies semantic segmentation in two stages. In stage I, a binary pixel-level classifier is developed to segment background and vegetation. In stage II, a three-class pixel-level classifier is designed to classify background, weeds, and tobacco. The output of the first stage is the input of the second stage. To test our designed classifier, a new tobacco crop aerial dataset was captured and manually labeled pixel-wise. The two-stage semantic segmentation architecture has shown better tobacco and weeds pixel-level classification precision. The intersection over union (IOU) for the tobacco crop was improved from 0.67 to 0.85, and IOU for weeds enhanced from 0.76 to 0.91 with the new approach compared to the traditional one-stage semantic segmentation application. We observe that in stage I shallower, a smaller semantic segmentation model is enough compared to stage II, where a segmentation network with more neurons serves the purpose of good detection

    Analyzing the Optimal Performance of Pest Image Segmentation using Non Linear Objective Assessments

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    Optimization Methods for Image Thresholding: A review

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    Setting a border with the proper gray level in processing images to separate objects from their backgrounds is crucial. One of the simplest and most popular methods of segmenting pictures is histogram-based thresholding. Thresholding is a common technique for image segmentation because of its simplicity. Thresholding is used to separate the Background of the image from the Foreground. There are many methods of thresholding. This paper aims to review many previous studies and mention the types of thresholding. It includes two types: the global and local thresholding methods and each type include a group of methods. The global thresholding method includes (the Otsu method, Kapur's entropy method, Tsallis entropy method, Hysteresis method, and Fuzzy entropy method), and the local thresholding method includes ( Ni-Black method and Bernsen method). The optimization algorithms(Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, Bat Algorithm, Modified Grasshopper Optimization, Firefly Algorithm, Cuckoo Search, Tabu Search Algorithm, Simulated Annealing, and Jaya Algorithm) used along with thresholding methods are also illustrated

    Sustainable Agriculture and Advances of Remote Sensing (Volume 2)

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    Agriculture, as the main source of alimentation and the most important economic activity globally, is being affected by the impacts of climate change. To maintain and increase our global food system production, to reduce biodiversity loss and preserve our natural ecosystem, new practices and technologies are required. This book focuses on the latest advances in remote sensing technology and agricultural engineering leading to the sustainable agriculture practices. Earth observation data, in situ and proxy-remote sensing data are the main source of information for monitoring and analyzing agriculture activities. Particular attention is given to earth observation satellites and the Internet of Things for data collection, to multispectral and hyperspectral data analysis using machine learning and deep learning, to WebGIS and the Internet of Things for sharing and publication of the results, among others

    Data Mining Using the Crossing Minimization Paradigm

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    Our ability and capacity to generate, record and store multi-dimensional, apparently unstructured data is increasing rapidly, while the cost of data storage is going down. The data recorded is not perfect, as noise gets introduced in it from different sources. Some of the basic forms of noise are incorrect recording of values and missing values. The formal study of discovering useful hidden information in the data is called Data Mining. Because of the size, and complexity of the problem, practical data mining problems are best attempted using automatic means. Data Mining can be categorized into two types i.e. supervised learning or classification and unsupervised learning or clustering. Clustering only the records in a database (or data matrix) gives a global view of the data and is called one-way clustering. For a detailed analysis or a local view, biclustering or co-clustering or two-way clustering is required involving the simultaneous clustering of the records and the attributes. In this dissertation, a novel fast and white noise tolerant data mining solution is proposed based on the Crossing Minimization (CM) paradigm; the solution works for one-way as well as two-way clustering for discovering overlapping biclusters. For decades the CM paradigm has traditionally been used for graph drawing and VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) circuit design for reducing wire length and congestion. The utility of the proposed technique is demonstrated by comparing it with other biclustering techniques using simulated noisy, as well as real data from Agriculture, Biology and other domains. Two other interesting and hard problems also addressed in this dissertation are (i) the Minimum Attribute Subset Selection (MASS) problem and (ii) Bandwidth Minimization (BWM) problem of sparse matrices. The proposed CM technique is demonstrated to provide very convincing results while attempting to solve the said problems using real public domain data. Pakistan is the fourth largest supplier of cotton in the world. An apparent anomaly has been observed during 1989-97 between cotton yield and pesticide consumption in Pakistan showing unexpected periods of negative correlation. By applying the indigenous CM technique for one-way clustering to real Agro-Met data (2001-2002), a possible explanation of the anomaly has been presented in this thesis
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