13 research outputs found

    3D Transition Matrix Solution for a Path Dependency Problem of Markov Chains-Based Prediction in Cellular Networks

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    Handover (HO) management is one of the critical challenges in current and future mobile communication systems due to new technologies being deployed at a network level, such as small and femtocells. Because of the smaller sizes of cells, users are expected to perform more frequent HOs, which can increase signaling costs and also decrease user's performance, if a HO is performed poorly. In order to address this issue, predictive HO techniques, such as Markov chains (MC), have been introduced in the literature due to their simplicity and generality. This technique, however, experiences a path dependency problem, specially when a user performs a HO to the same cell, also known as a re-visit. In this paper, the path dependency problem of this kind of predictors is tackled by introducing a new 3D transition matrix, which has an additional dimension representing the orders of HOs, instead of a conventional 2D one. Results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the classical MC based predictors both in terms of accuracy and HO cost when re-visits are considered

    Introducing a Novel Minimum Accuracy Concept for Predictive Mobility Management Schemes

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    In this paper, an analytical model for the minimum required accuracy for predictive methods is derived in terms of both handover (HO) delay and HO signaling cost. After that, the total HO delay and signaling costs are derived for the worst-case scenario (when the predictive process has the same performance as the conventional one), and simulations are conducted using a cellular environment to reveal the importance of the proposed minimum accuracy framework. In addition to this, three different predictors; Markov Chains, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and an Improved ANN (IANN) are implemented and compared. The results indicate that under certain circumstances, the predictors can occasionally fall below the applicable level. Therefore, the proposed concept of minimum accuracy plays a vital role in determining this corresponding threshold

    Prediction of nodes mobility in 3-D space

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    Recently, mobility prediction researches attracted increasing interests, especially for mobile networks where nodes are free to move in the three-dimensional space. Accurate mobility prediction leads to an efficient data delivery for real time applications and enables the network to plan for future tasks such as route planning and data transmission in an adequate time and a suitable space. In this paper, we proposed, tested and validated an algorithm that predicts the future mobility of mobile networks in three-dimensional space. The prediction technique uses polynomial regression to model the spatial relation of a set of points along the mobile node’s path and then provides a time-space mapping for each of the three components of the node’s location coordinates along the trajectory of the node. The proposed algorithm was tested and validated in MATLAB simulation platform using real and computer generated location data. The algorithm achieved an accurate mobility prediction with minimal error and provides promising results for many applications

    Predicting Multimedia Traffic in Wireless Networks: A Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Techniques

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    Traffic engineering in networking is defined as the process that incorporates sophisticated methods in order to ensure optimization and high network performance. One of the most constructive tools employed by the traffic engineering concept is the traffic prediction. Having in mind the heterogeneous traffic patterns originated by various modern services and network platforms, the need of a robust, cognitive, and error-free prediction technique becomes even more pressing. This work focuses on the prediction concept as an autonomous, functional, and efficient process, where multiple cutting-edge methods are presented, modeled, and thoroughly assessed. To this purpose, real traffic traces have been captured, including multiple multimedia traffic flows, so as to comparatively assess widely used methods in terms of accuracy

    Predictive and core-network efficient RRC signalling for active state handover in RANs with control/data separation

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    Frequent handovers (HOs) in dense small cell deployment scenarios could lead to a dramatic increase in signalling overhead. This suggests a paradigm shift towards a signalling conscious cellular architecture with intelligent mobility management. In this direction, a futuristic radio access network with a logical separation between control and data planes has been proposed in research community. It aims to overcome limitations of the conventional architecture by providing high data rate services under the umbrella of a coverage layer in a dual connection mode. This approach enables signalling efficient HO procedures, since the control plane remains unchanged when the users move within the footprint of the same umbrella. Considering this configuration, we propose a core-network efficient radio resource control (RRC) signalling scheme for active state HO and develop an analytical framework to evaluate its signalling load as a function of network density, user mobility and session characteristics. In addition, we propose an intelligent HO prediction scheme with advance resource preparation in order to minimise the HO signalling latency. Numerical and simulation results show promising gains in terms of reduction in HO latency and signalling load as compared with conventional approaches

    Resource Allocation in Relay Enhanced Broadband Wireless Access Networks

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    The use of relay nodes to improve the performance of broadband wireless access (BWA) networks has been the subject of intense research activities in recent years. Relay enhanced BWA networks are anticipated to support multimedia traffic (i.e., voice, video, and data traffic). In order to guarantee service to network users, efficient resource distribution is imperative. Wireless multihop networks are characterized by two inherent dynamic characteristics: 1) the existence of wireless interference and 2) mobility of user nodes. Both mobility and interference greatly influence the ability of users to obtain the necessary resources for service. In this dissertation we conduct a comprehensive research study on the topic of resource allocation in the presence of interference and mobility. Specifically, this dissertation investigates the impact interference and mobility have on various aspects of resource allocation, ranging from fairness to spectrum utilization. We study four important resource allocation algorithms for relay enhanced BWA networks. The problems and our research achievements are briefly outlined as follows. First, we propose an interference aware rate adaptive subcarrier and power allocation algorithm using maximum multicommodity flow optimization. We consider the impact of the wireless interference constraints using Signal to Interference Noise Ratio (SINR). We exploit spatial reuse to allocate subcarriers in the network and show that an intelligent reuse of resources can improve throughput while mitigating the impact of interference. We provide a sub-optimal heuristic to solve the rate adaptive resource allocation problem. We demonstrate that aggressive spatial reuse and fine tuned-interference modeling garner advantages in terms of throughput, end-to-end delay and power distribution. Second, we investigate the benefits of decoupled optimization of interference aware routing and scheduling using SINR and spatial reuse to improve the overall achievable throughput. We model the routing optimization problem as a linear program using maximum concurrent flows. We develop an optimization formulation to schedule the link traffic such that interference is mitigated and time slots are reused appropriately based on spatial TDMA (STDMA). The scheduling problem is shown to be NP-hard and is solved using the column generation technique. We compare our formulations to conventional counterparts in the literature and show that our approach guarantees higher throughput by mitigating the effect of interference effectively. Third, we investigate the problem of multipath flow routing and fair bandwidth allocation under interference constraints for multihop wireless networks. We first develop a novel isotonic routing metric, RI3M, considering the influence of interflow and intraflow interference. Second, in order to ensure QoS, an interference-aware max-min fair bandwidth allocation algorithm, LMX:M3F, is proposed where the lexicographically largest bandwidth allocation vector is found among all optimal allocation vectors while considering constraints of interference on the flows. We compare with various interference based routing metrics and interference aware bandwidth allocation algorithms established in the literature to show that RI3M and LMX:M3F succeed in improving network performance in terms of delay, packet loss ratio and bandwidth usage. Lastly, we develop a user mobility prediction model using the Hidden Markov Model(HMM) in which prediction control is transferred to the various fixed relay nodes in the network. Given the HMM prediction model, we develop a routing protocol which uses the location information of the mobile user to determine the interference level on links in its surrounding neighborhood. We use SINR as the routing metric to calculate the interference on a specific link (link cost). We minimize the total cost of routing as a cost function of SINR while guaranteeing that the load on each link does not exceed its capacity. The routing protocol is formulated and solved as a minimum cost flow optimization problem. We compare our SINR based routing algorithm with conventional counterparts in the literature and show that our algorithm reinforces routing paths with high link quality and low latency, therefore improving overall system throughput. The research solutions obtained in this dissertation improve the service reliability and QoS assurance of emerging BWA networks