3 research outputs found

    Application of MIH for the Lightweight Deployment of LTE-Advanced Systems through Mobile Relaying

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    [ES] EvaluaciĂłn del uso de relays mĂłviles Wifi en tecnologĂ­a LTE-Advanced[EN] Evaluation of Wifi Mobile Relaying in LTE-Advanced SystemsGualda Romero, P. (2012). Application of MIH for the Lightweight Deployment of LTE-Advanced Systems through Mobile Relaying. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/27176.Archivo delegad

    Application of MIH for the lightweight deployment of LTE-advanced systems through mobile relaying

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    In a conventional cellular network end users connect directly to a Base Station (BS). Mobile relaying allows establishing an indirect two-hop link between the end user, called Mobile Node (MN), and the BS through a Mobile Relay (MR). This spreads out the cell coverage and increases the cell-edge throughput hence improving fairness among nodes. This article is focused on a Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) cellular network where MNs and MRs are connected through a Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) ad-hoc connection. It is proposed the use of Media Independent Handover (MIH) signaling to define an efficient dynamic routing mechanism for MR in this framework. The proposed mechanism, called MIH-Driven Relay Selection Mechanism (MIDRES), detects which is the best direct or indirect link with the BS based on information collected using MIH messages. The MNs or MRs send MIH messages when experiencing bad channel conditions, that is detected thanks to predefined thresholds. Then, the BS starts a polling process, again supported by MIH signaling, and performs optimal route selection either through the LTE-A radio interface or through a WiFi ad-hoc interface. This article examines the implementation of this mechanism and obtains the optimal thresholds that maximize operational performance. Moreover, the potential benefit of this LTE-compliant mobile relaying solution is evaluated using a calibrated simulation tool. The results show significant savings in cost of network deployment.The work of David Martin-Sacristan was supported by a FPU grant of the Spanish Ministry of Education.Cabrejas Peñuelas, J.; Gualda Romero, P.; Monserrat Del Río, JF.; Martín-Sacristán Gandía, D. (2012). Application of MIH for the lightweight deployment of LTE-advanced systems through mobile relaying. 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    Gestion du Handover dans les réseaux hétérogènes mobiles et sans fil

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    Since 1990, networking and mobile technologies have made a phenomenal unprecedented progress. This progress has been experienced on multiple fronts in parallel; especially on the application level and the user's needs one. This rapid evolution of the technology imposed a need for the existence of heterogeneous environments where the coverage is ensured throughout the different available networks. The challenge with such architecture would be to provide the user with the ability to navigate through the different available networks in a transparent and seamless fashion. However, the navigation among different types of networks is commonly referred to as vertical Handover. The IEEE 802.21 standard offers a component that is called Media Independent Handover (MIH) which has a function that provides the capability of transmitting the state of the connection of the mobile nodes from the lower to upper layers. This layer would exist between layer 2 and layer 3 within the protocol architecture. The main role of MIH is to help the mobile node transfer without interrupt among different types of networks, but the logic of selection is left without implementation. In this context, we worked on the improvement of the Handover management by proposing a new architecture, called VHMC and based on MIH by offering new methods for selecting the destination network. The first solution is a new algorithm called Multiple Criteria Selection Algorithm (MCSA) based on multiple parameters of the quality of service. We used Network Simulator (NS2) for testing our approach and study the number of lost packets and lost time during Handover. The second solution is a new model for selecting the destination network based on fuzzy logic techniques. The distinctive characteristic of this model lies in the study of genuine Handover records taken from a Lebanese mobile operator called "Alfa". A third proposed solution for network selection is based on multiple linear regression theory.Depuis les années 90, la technologie réseau et radio mobile a fait l'objet de progrès phénoménaux. Cette avancée technologique s'est faite en parallèle du côté réseau, du côté application et du coté besoin de l’utilisateur. L’évolution rapide de la technologie a eu pour conséquence l’existence d’un environnement hétérogène où la couverture est assurée par la coexistence de plusieurs types de réseaux. Le défi soulevé par cette architecture est de pouvoir naviguer entre plusieurs réseaux d’une façon transparente. La navigation entre réseaux de types différents est connue sous le nom du Handover vertical. Le standard IEEE 802.21 offre une composante appelée Media Independent Handover (MIH) qui contient une fonction capable de transmettre l’état des liens du nœud mobile depuis les couches inférieures vers les couches supérieures. MIH s’intercale entre le niveau 2 et le niveau 3 dans la pile protocolaire. Le rôle principal de MIH est d’aider le nœud mobile à faire un transfert sans coupure entre des réseaux de types différents, mais la logique de sélection est laissée sans implémentation.Dans ce contexte nous avons travaillé sur l’amélioration de la gestion du Handover en proposant une nouvelle architecture appelée VHMC et basée sur MIH offrant des nouvelles méthodes de sélection du réseau destination. La première proposition est un nouvel algorithme nommé Multiple Criteria Selection Algorithm (MCSA) basé sur plusieurs paramètres de qualité du service. Nous avons utilisé le simulateur Network Simulator (NS2) pour évaluer nos propositions en étudiant le nombre de paquets perdus et le temps de latence du Handover durant la période du transfert. La deuxième contribution est un nouveau modèle de sélection du réseau destination basé sur la technique de la logique floue. La base d’inférence, qui est l’élément central de la décision de ce modèle, est déduit grâce à une étude basée sur un nombre élevé de cas de Handover réels collectés des serveurs de la compagnie de télécommunication libanaise "Alfa". Une troisième solution est proposée à travers un nouveau modèle de sélection du réseau destination basé sur la théorie de la régression linéaire multiple