1,377 research outputs found


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    Behaviour recognition technology is an interdisciplinary technology, integrating many research achievements in computer vision, deep learning, pattern recognition and other fields. The key information of bone data on human behavior can not only accurately describe the motion posture of the human body in three-dimensional space, but also its rigid connection structure is robust to various external interference factors. However, the behavioral recognition algorithm is influenced by different factors such as background, light and environment, which is easy to lead to unstable recognition accuracy and limited application scenarios. To address this problem, in this paper, we propose a noise filtering algorithm based on data correlation and skeleton energy model filtering, construct a set of football player data sets, using the ST-GCN algorithm to train the skeleton characteristics of football players, and construct a behavior recognition system applied to football players. Finally, by comparing the accuracy of Deep LSTM, 2s-AGCN and the algorithm in this paper, the accuracy of TOP1 and TOP5 is 39.97% and 66.34%, respectively, which are significantly higher than the other two algorithms. It can realize the statistics of athletes and analyze the technical and tactical movements of players on the football field

    Estimation of control area in badminton doubles with pose information from top and back view drone videos

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    The application of visual tracking to the performance analysis of sports players in dynamic competitions is vital for effective coaching. In doubles matches, coordinated positioning is crucial for maintaining control of the court and minimizing opponents' scoring opportunities. The analysis of such teamwork plays a vital role in understanding the dynamics of the game. However, previous studies have primarily focused on analyzing and assessing singles players without considering occlusion in broadcast videos. These studies have relied on discrete representations, which involve the analysis and representation of specific actions (e.g., strokes) or events that occur during the game while overlooking the meaningful spatial distribution. In this work, we present the first annotated drone dataset from top and back views in badminton doubles and propose a framework to estimate the control area probability map, which can be used to evaluate teamwork performance. We present an efficient framework of deep neural networks that enables the calculation of full probability surfaces. This framework utilizes the embedding of a Gaussian mixture map of players' positions and employs graph convolution on their poses. In the experiment, we verify our approach by comparing various baselines and discovering the correlations between the score and control area. Additionally, we propose a practical application for assessing optimal positioning to provide instructions during a game. Our approach offers both visual and quantitative evaluations of players' movements, thereby providing valuable insights into doubles teamwork. The dataset and related project code is available at https://github.com/Ning-D/Drone_BD_ControlAreaComment: 15 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Multimedia Tools and Application

    MonoTrack: Shuttle trajectory reconstruction from monocular badminton video

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    Trajectory estimation is a fundamental component of racket sport analytics, as the trajectory contains information not only about the winning and losing of each point, but also how it was won or lost. In sports such as badminton, players benefit from knowing the full 3D trajectory, as the height of shuttlecock or ball provides valuable tactical information. Unfortunately, 3D reconstruction is a notoriously hard problem, and standard trajectory estimators can only track 2D pixel coordinates. In this work, we present the first complete end-to-end system for the extraction and segmentation of 3D shuttle trajectories from monocular badminton videos. Our system integrates badminton domain knowledge such as court dimension, shot placement, physical laws of motion, along with vision-based features such as player poses and shuttle tracking. We find that significant engineering efforts and model improvements are needed to make the overall system robust, and as a by-product of our work, improve state-of-the-art results on court recognition, 2D trajectory estimation, and hit recognition.Comment: To appear in CVSports@CVPR 202

    A survey of video based action recognition in sports

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    Sport performance analysis which is crucial in sport practice is used to improve the performance of athletes during the games. Many studies and investigation have been done in detecting different movements of player for notational analysis using either sensor based or video based modality. Recently, vision based modality has become the research interest due to the vast development of video transmission online. There are tremendous experimental studies have been done using vision based modality in sport but only a few review study has been done previously. Hence, we provide a review study on the video based technique to recognize sport action toward establishing the automated notational analysis system. The paper will be organized into four parts. Firstly, we provide an overview of the current existing technologies of the video based sports intelligence systems. Secondly, we review the framework of action recognition in all fields before we further discuss the implementation of deep learning in vision based modality for sport actions. Finally, the paper summarizes the further trend and research direction in action recognition for sports using video approach. We believed that this review study would be very beneficial in providing a complete overview on video based action recognition in sports

    Vision-based movement recognition reveals badminton player footwork using deep learning and binocular positioning

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    Coordinating dynamic interceptive actions in sports like badminton requires skilled performance in getting the racket into the right place at the right time. For this reason, the strategic movement and placement of one's feet, or footwork, is an important part of competitive performance. Developing an automated, efficient, and economical method to record individual movement characteristics of players is critical and can benefit athletes and motor control specialists. Here, we propose new methods for recording data on the footwork of individual badminton players, in which deep learning is used to obtain image coordinates (2D) of their shoes and binocular positioning to reconstruct the 3D coordinates of the shoes. Results show that the final positioning accuracy is 74.7%. Using the proposed methods, we revealed inter-individual adaptations in the footwork of several participants during competitive performance. The data provided insights on how individual participants coordinated footwork to intercept the projectile, by varying the distance traveled on court and jump height. Compared with visual observations by biomechanists and motor control specialists, the proposed methods can obtain quantitative data, provide analysis and evaluation of each participant's performance, revealing personal characteristics that could be targeted to shape the individualized training programs of players to refine their badminton footwork

    A bibliography experiment on research within the scope of industry 4.0 application areas in sports: Sporda endüstri 4.0 uygulama alanları kapsamında yapılan araştırmalar üzerine bir bibliyografya denemesi

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    Developed countries develop their production sites within the scope of industry 4.0 technology components and experience constant change and transformation to establish economic superiority. This situation allows them to produce more in various fields and thus to rise to a more advantageous position economically. Industry 4.0 technology affects areas within the scope of the sports industry such as sports tourism, athlete performance, athlete health, sports publishing, sports textile products, sports education and training, sports management and human resources, and creates an international competition environment in terms of production and performance. In this study, it is aimed to examine the researches about the usage areas of industry 4.0 in sports. From this point on, researches in the context of the subject have been presented with bibliographic method. In the conclusion section, the weaknesses and possibilities of youth sociology were discussed, and efforts were made to present a projection on what to do about the field. In this respect, a youth sociology evaluation has been tried to be made on the prominent topics, forgotten aspects and themes left incomplete in youth sociology studies. ​Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.   Özet Gelişmiş ülkeler endüstri 4.0 teknolojisi bileşenleri kapsamında üretim sahalarını geliştirmekte ve ekonomik üstünlük kurmak amacıyla sürekli değişim ve dönüşüm yaşamaktadır. Bu durum onların çeşitli alanlarda daha fazla üretmelerine dolayısıyla ekonomik yönden daha avantajlı konuma yükselmelerine olanak sağlamaktadır. Endüstri 4.0 teknolojisi spor turizmi, sporcu performansı, sporcu sağlığı, spor yayıncılığı, spor tekstil ürünleri, spor eğitimi ve öğretimi, spor yönetimi ve insan kaynakları gibi spor endüstrisi kapsamındaki alanları etkilemekte üretim ve performans yönünden ülkeler arası bir rekabet ortamı oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada endüstri 4.0’ın sporda kullanım alanları ile ilgili araştırmaların incelenmesi hedeflenmektedir. Bu noktadan hareketle konu bağlamındaki araştırmalar bibliyografik metodla ortaya konmuştur. Sonuç bölümünde ise sporda endüstri 4.0 kullanım alanları tartışılmış, alana olan katkıları ve olumuz etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. &nbsp

    Fast human behavior analysis for scene understanding

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    Human behavior analysis has become an active topic of great interest and relevance for a number of applications and areas of research. The research in recent years has been considerably driven by the growing level of criminal behavior in large urban areas and increase of terroristic actions. Also, accurate behavior studies have been applied to sports analysis systems and are emerging in healthcare. When compared to conventional action recognition used in security applications, human behavior analysis techniques designed for embedded applications should satisfy the following technical requirements: (1) Behavior analysis should provide scalable and robust results; (2) High-processing efficiency to achieve (near) real-time operation with low-cost hardware; (3) Extensibility for multiple-camera setup including 3-D modeling to facilitate human behavior understanding and description in various events. The key to our problem statement is that we intend to improve behavior analysis performance while preserving the efficiency of the designed techniques, to allow implementation in embedded environments. More specifically, we look into (1) fast multi-level algorithms incorporating specific domain knowledge, and (2) 3-D configuration techniques for overall enhanced performance. If possible, we explore the performance of the current behavior-analysis techniques for improving accuracy and scalability. To fulfill the above technical requirements and tackle the research problems, we propose a flexible behavior-analysis framework consisting of three processing-layers: (1) pixel-based processing (background modeling with pixel labeling), (2) object-based modeling (human detection, tracking and posture analysis), and (3) event-based analysis (semantic event understanding). In Chapter 3, we specifically contribute to the analysis of individual human behavior. A novel body representation is proposed for posture classification based on a silhouette feature. Only pure binary-shape information is used for posture classification without texture/color or any explicit body models. To this end, we have studied an efficient HV-PCA shape-based descriptor with temporal modeling, which achieves a posture-recognition accuracy rate of about 86% and outperforms other existing proposals. As our human motion scheme is efficient and achieves a fast performance (6-8 frames/second), it enables a fast surveillance system or further analysis of human behavior. In addition, a body-part detection approach is presented. The color and body ratio are combined to provide clues for human body detection and classification. The conventional assumption of up-right body posture is not required. Afterwards, we design and construct a specific framework for fast algorithms and apply them in two applications: tennis sports analysis and surveillance. Chapter 4 deals with tennis sports analysis and presents an automatic real-time system for multi-level analysis of tennis video sequences. First, we employ a 3-D camera model to bridge the pixel-level, object-level and scene-level of tennis sports analysis. Second, a weighted linear model combining the visual cues in the real-world domain is proposed to identify various events. The experimentally found event extraction rate of the system is about 90%. Also, audio signals are combined to enhance the scene analysis performance. The complete proposed application is efficient enough to obtain a real-time or near real-time performance (2-3 frames/second for 720×576 resolution, and 5-7 frames/second for 320×240 resolution, with a P-IV PC running at 3GHz). Chapter 5 addresses surveillance and presents a full real-time behavior-analysis framework, featuring layers at pixel, object, event and visualization level. More specifically, this framework captures the human motion, classifies its posture, infers the semantic event exploiting interaction modeling, and performs the 3-D scene reconstruction. We have introduced our system design based on a specific software architecture, by employing the well-known "4+1" view model. In addition, human behavior analysis algorithms are directly designed for real-time operation and embedded in an experimental runtime AV content-analysis architecture. This executable system is designed to be generic for multiple streaming applications with component-based architectures. To evaluate the performance, we have applied this networked system in a single-camera setup. The experimental platform operates with two Pentium Quadcore engines (2.33 GHz) and 4-GB memory. Performance evaluations have shown that this networked framework is efficient and achieves a fast performance (13-15 frames/second) for monocular video sequences. Moreover, a dual-camera setup is tested within the behavior-analysis framework. After automatic camera calibration is conducted, the 3-D reconstruction and communication among different cameras are achieved. The extra view in the multi-camera setup improves the human tracking and event detection in case of occlusion. This extension of multiple-view fusion improves the event-based semantic analysis by 8.3-16.7% in accuracy rate. The detailed studies of two experimental intelligent applications, i.e., tennis sports analysis and surveillance, have proven their value in several extensive tests in the framework of the European Candela and Cantata ITEA research programs, where our proposed system has demonstrated competitive performance with respect to accuracy and efficiency