6,265 research outputs found

    Proposal of architecture for IoT solution for monitoring and management of plantations

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    The world population growth is increasing the demand for food production. Furthermore, the reduction of the workforce in rural areas and the increase in production costs are challenges for food production nowadays. Smart farming is a farm management concept that may use Internet of Things (IoT) to overcome the current challenges of food production This work presents a systematic review of the existing literature on smart farming with IoT. The systematic review reveals an evolution in the way data are processed by IoT solutions in recent years. Traditional approaches mostly used data in a reactive manner. In contrast, recent approaches allowed the use of data to prevent crop problems and to improve the accuracy of crop diagnosis. Based on the finds of the systematic review, this work proposes an architecture of an IoT solution that enables monitoring and management of crops in real time. The proposed architecture allows the usage of big data and machine learning to process the collected data. A prototype is implemented to validate the operation of the proposed architecture and a security risk assessment of the implemented prototype is carried out. The implemented prototype successfully validates the proposed architecture. The architecture presented in this work allows the implementation of IoT solutions in different scenarios of farming, such as indoor and outdoor

    Modular sensory hardware and data processing solution for implementation of the precision beekeeping

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    ArticleFor successful implementation of the Precision Apiculture (Precision Beekeeping) approach, immense amount of bee colony data collection and processing using various hardware and software solutions is needed. This paper presents standalone wireless hardware system for bee colony main parameters monitoring (temperature, weight and sound). Monitoring system is based on Raspberry Pi 3 computer with connected sensors. Power supply is granted by the solar panel for reliable operation in places without constant source for power. For convenient data management cloud based data warehouse (DW) is proposed and developed for ease data storage and analysis. Proposed data warehouse is scalable and extendable and can be used for variety of other ready hardware solutions, using variety of data-in/data-out interfaces. The core of the data warehouse is designed to provide data processing flexibility and versatility, whereas data flow within the core is organized between data vaults in a controllable and reliable way. Our paper presents an approach for linking together hardware for bee colony real-time monitoring with cloud software for data processing and visualisation. Integrating specific algorithms and models to the system will help the beekeepers to remotely identify different states of their colonies, like swarming, brood rearing, death of the colony etc. and inform the beekeepers to make appropriate decisions/actions. This research work is carried out within the SAMS project, which is funded by the European Union within the H2020-ICT-39-2016-2017 call. To find out more visit the project website https://sams-project.eu/

    A domain-independent methodology to analyze IoT data streams in real-time. A proof of concept implementation for anomaly detection from environmental data

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    Pushed by the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm modern sensor networks monitor a wide range of phenomena, in areas such as environmental monitoring, health care, industrial processes, and smart cities. These networks provide a continuous pulse of the almost infinite activities that are happening in the physical space and are thus, key enablers for a Digital Earth Nervous System. Nevertheless, the rapid processing of these sensor data streams still continues to challenge traditional data-handling solutions and new approaches are being requested. We propose a generic answer to this challenge, which has the potential to support any form of distributed real-time analysis. This neutral methodology follows a brokering approach to work with different kinds of data sources and uses web-based standards to achieve interoperability. As a proof of concept, we implemented the methodology to detect anomalies in real-time and applied it to the area of environmental monitoring. The developed system is capable of detecting anomalies, generating notifications, and displaying the recent situation to the user

    Дигитално управление на технологични процеси в говедовъдни ферми. Oбзор

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    The article evaluates the development of the Internet of Things (I₀T), digital technologies, various types of biological and biometric sensors and blockchain technologies in dairy and beef cattle breeding. The peculiarities, tendencies and perspectives for digital transformation and digitalization of the cattle farms and complexes have been studied. Precise technologies (PFL) make it possible to collect a sufficient cloud of data in accordance with the physiological and technological requirements of the various categories of animals of the species Bos taurus and the welfare of cattle. Biological and biometric sensors help farmers to increase the quantity and improve the quality of their products. Blockchain technologies present cattle breeding in detail, as transparent, stable and predictable in the eyes of the consumer. Cattle breeding is a sub-sector of animal husbandry in which there is no integration, but flexible digital management is applied.В статията е направена оценка на развитието на Интернет на нещата(I₀T), цифрови технологии, различни видове биологични и биометрични сензори и блокчеин технологии в млечното и месодайно говедовъдство. Проучени да особеностите, тенденциите и перспективите за цифрова трансформация и дигитализация на говедовъдните ферми и комплекси. Прецизните технологии (PFL) позволяват да се събере достатъчен облак от данни, съобразен с физиологичните и технологичните изисквания на различните категории животни на вида Bos taurus и хуманно отношение към говедата. Биологичните и биометрични сензори съдействат на фермерите да увеличат количеството и да усъвършенстват качеството на произведената продукция. Блокчейн технологиите представят детайлно говедовъдството, като прозрачно, стабилно и предвидимо в очите на потребителя. Говедовъдството е подотрасъл на животновъдството, в който липсва интеграция, но се прилага гъвкаво дигитално управление