7,722 research outputs found

    Current-Mode Techniques for the Implementation of Continuous- and Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Networks

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    This paper presents a unified, comprehensive approach to the design of continuous-time (CT) and discrete-time (DT) cellular neural networks (CNN) using CMOS current-mode analog techniques. The net input signals are currents instead of voltages as presented in previous approaches, thus avoiding the need for current-to-voltage dedicated interfaces in image processing tasks with photosensor devices. Outputs may be either currents or voltages. Cell design relies on exploitation of current mirror properties for the efficient implementation of both linear and nonlinear analog operators. These cells are simpler and easier to design than those found in previously reported CT and DT-CNN devices. Basic design issues are covered, together with discussions on the influence of nonidealities and advanced circuit design issues as well as design for manufacturability considerations associated with statistical analysis. Three prototypes have been designed for l.6-pm n-well CMOS technologies. One is discrete-time and can be reconfigured via local logic for noise removal, feature extraction (borders and edges), shadow detection, hole filling, and connected component detection (CCD) on a rectangular grid with unity neighborhood radius. The other two prototypes are continuous-time and fixed template: one for CCD and other for noise removal. Experimental results are given illustrating performance of these prototypes

    Asynchronous spiking neurons, the natural key to exploit temporal sparsity

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    Inference of Deep Neural Networks for stream signal (Video/Audio) processing in edge devices is still challenging. Unlike the most state of the art inference engines which are efficient for static signals, our brain is optimized for real-time dynamic signal processing. We believe one important feature of the brain (asynchronous state-full processing) is the key to its excellence in this domain. In this work, we show how asynchronous processing with state-full neurons allows exploitation of the existing sparsity in natural signals. This paper explains three different types of sparsity and proposes an inference algorithm which exploits all types of sparsities in the execution of already trained networks. Our experiments in three different applications (Handwritten digit recognition, Autonomous Steering and Hand-Gesture recognition) show that this model of inference reduces the number of required operations for sparse input data by a factor of one to two orders of magnitudes. Additionally, due to fully asynchronous processing this type of inference can be run on fully distributed and scalable neuromorphic hardware platforms

    Smart-Pixel Cellular Neural Networks in Analog Current-Mode CMOS Technology

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    This paper presents a systematic approach to design CMOS chips with concurrent picture acquisition and processing capabilities. These chips consist of regular arrangements of elementary units, called smart pixels. Light detection is made with vertical CMOS-BJT’s connected in a Darlington structure. Pixel smartness is achieved by exploiting the Cellular Neural Network paradigm [1], [2], incorporating at each pixel location an analog computing cell which interacts with those of nearby pixels. We propose a current-mode implementation technique and give measurements from two 16 x 16 prototypes in a single-poly double-metal CMOS n-well 1.6-µm technology. In addition to the sensory and processing circuitry, both chips incorporate light-adaptation circuitry for automatic contrast adjustment. They obtain smart-pixel densities up to 89 units/mm2, with a power consumption down to 105 µW/unit and image processing times below 2 µs

    Log-domain implementation of complex dynamics reaction-diffusion neural networks

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    In this paper, we have identified a second-order reaction-diffusion differential equation able to reproduce through parameter setting different complex spatio-temporal behaviors. We have designed a log-domain hardware that implements the spatially discretized version of the selected reaction-diffusion equation. The logarithmic compression of the state variables allows several decades of variation of these state variables within subthreshold operation of the MOS transistors. Furthermore, as all the equation parameters are implemented as currents, they can be adjusted several decades. As a demonstrator, we have designed a chip containing a linear array of ten second-order dynamics coupled cells. Using this hardware, we have experimentally reproduced two complex spatio-temporal phenomena: the propagation of travelling waves and of trigger waves, as well as isolated oscillatory cells.Gobierno de España TIC1999-0446-C02-02Office of Naval Research (USA

    Optimum Selection of DNN Model and Framework for Edge Inference

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    This paper describes a methodology to select the optimum combination of deep neuralnetwork and software framework for visual inference on embedded systems. As a first step, benchmarkingis required. In particular, we have benchmarked six popular network models running on four deep learningframeworks implemented on a low-cost embedded platform. Three key performance metrics have beenmeasured and compared with the resulting 24 combinations: accuracy, throughput, and power consumption.Then, application-level specifications come into play. We propose a figure of merit enabling the evaluationof each network/framework pair in terms of relative importance of the aforementioned metrics for a targetedapplication. We prove through numerical analysis and meaningful graphical representations that only areduced subset of the combinations must actually be considered for real deployment. Our approach can beextended to other networks, frameworks, and performance parameters, thus supporting system-level designdecisions in the ever-changing ecosystem of embedded deep learning technology.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (TEC2015-66878-C3-1-R)Junta de Andalucía (TIC 2338-2013)European Union Horizon 2020 (Grant 765866

    MorphIC: A 65-nm 738k-Synapse/mm2^2 Quad-Core Binary-Weight Digital Neuromorphic Processor with Stochastic Spike-Driven Online Learning

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    Recent trends in the field of neural network accelerators investigate weight quantization as a means to increase the resource- and power-efficiency of hardware devices. As full on-chip weight storage is necessary to avoid the high energy cost of off-chip memory accesses, memory reduction requirements for weight storage pushed toward the use of binary weights, which were demonstrated to have a limited accuracy reduction on many applications when quantization-aware training techniques are used. In parallel, spiking neural network (SNN) architectures are explored to further reduce power when processing sparse event-based data streams, while on-chip spike-based online learning appears as a key feature for applications constrained in power and resources during the training phase. However, designing power- and area-efficient spiking neural networks still requires the development of specific techniques in order to leverage on-chip online learning on binary weights without compromising the synapse density. In this work, we demonstrate MorphIC, a quad-core binary-weight digital neuromorphic processor embedding a stochastic version of the spike-driven synaptic plasticity (S-SDSP) learning rule and a hierarchical routing fabric for large-scale chip interconnection. The MorphIC SNN processor embeds a total of 2k leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neurons and more than two million plastic synapses for an active silicon area of 2.86mm2^2 in 65nm CMOS, achieving a high density of 738k synapses/mm2^2. MorphIC demonstrates an order-of-magnitude improvement in the area-accuracy tradeoff on the MNIST classification task compared to previously-proposed SNNs, while having no penalty in the energy-accuracy tradeoff.Comment: This document is the paper as accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems journal (2019), the fully-edited paper is available at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/876400

    A Bio-Inspired Two-Layer Mixed-Signal Flexible Programmable Chip for Early Vision

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    A bio-inspired model for an analog programmable array processor (APAP), based on studies on the vertebrate retina, has permitted the realization of complex programmable spatio-temporal dynamics in VLSI. This model mimics the way in which images are processed in the visual pathway, what renders a feasible alternative for the implementation of early vision tasks in standard technologies. A prototype chip has been designed and fabricated in 0.5 μm CMOS. It renders a computing power per silicon area and power consumption that is amongst the highest reported for a single chip. The details of the bio-inspired network model, the analog building block design challenges and trade-offs and some functional tests results are presented in this paper.Office of Naval Research (USA) N-000140210884European Commission IST-1999-19007Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC1999-082

    Second-order neural core for bioinspired focal-plane dynamic image processing in CMOS

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    Based on studies of the mammalian retina, a bioinspired model for mixed-signal array processing has been implemented on silicon. This model mimics the way in which images are processed at the front-end of natural visual pathways, by means of programmable complex spatio-temporal dynamic. When embedded into a focal-plane processing chip, such a model allows for online parallel filtering of the captured image; the outcome of such processing can be used to develop control feedback actions to adapt the response of photoreceptors to local image features. Beyond simple resistive grid filtering, it is possible to program other spatio-temporal processing operators into the model core, such as nonlinear and anisotropic diffusion, among others. This paper presents analog and mixed-signal very large-scale integration building blocks to implement this model, and illustrates their operation through experimental results taken from a prototype chip fabricated in a 0.5-μm CMOS technology.European Union IST 2001 38097Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC 2003 09817 C02 01Office of Naval Research (USA) N00014021088