254 research outputs found

    Application Performance Optimization in Multicloud Environment

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    Through the development and accessibility of the Internet, nowadays the cloud computing has become a very popular. Through the development and accessibility of the Internet, nowadays the cloud computing has become a very popular. This concept has the potential to change the use of information technologies. Cloud computing is the technology that provides infrastructure, platform or software as a service via the network to a huge number of remote users. The main benefit of cloud computing is the utilization of elastic resources and virtualization. Two main properties are required from clouds by users: interoperability and privacy. This article focuses on interoperability. Nowadays it is difficult to migrate an application between clouds offered by different providers. The article deals with that problem in multicloud environment. Specifically, it focuses on the application performance optimization in a multicloud environment. A new method is suggested based on the state of the art. The method is divided into three parts: multicloud architecture, method of a horizontal scalability, and taxonomy for multicriteria optimization. The principles of the method were applied in a design of multicriteria optimization architecture, which we verified experimentally. The aim of our experiment is carried on a portal offering a platform according to the users' requirements

    A Novel User Experience Cloud Computing Model for Examining Brand Image Through Virtual Reality

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    This research paper presents a novel Cloud Computing User Experience (CCUE) approach to reconstructing the brand image of traditional Shanghai cosmetic brands by leveraging virtual reality (VR) technology and user experience (UX) research. Traditional Shanghai cosmetic brands possess rich cultural heritage and unique product offerings, but often face challenges in maintaining relevance in the modern market. The proposed CCUE uses the VR technology to create immersive and interactive experiences that allow consumers to explore and engage with the brand in a virtual environment. The developed CCUE model integrates the Artificial Intelligence (AI) integrated Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) for the user-machine interaction. With the CCUE a combination of VR simulations, product showcases, and interactive storytelling, users can experience the essence and history of traditional Shanghai cosmetic brands, fostering a deep connection and emotional attachment. Additionally, UX research techniques are employed to gather user feedback and insights, enabling the refinement and optimization of the VR experience. The findings of this CCUE contribute to the field of brand reconstruction and provide practical insights for traditional brands seeking to revitalize their image in a rapidly evolving market

    Network Coding-Based Next-Generation IoT for Industry 4.0

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    Industry 4.0 has become the main source of applications of the Internet of Things (IoT), which is generating new business opportunities. The use of cloud computing and artificial intelligence is also showing remarkable improvements in industrial operation, saving millions of dollars to manufacturers. The need for time-critical decision-making is evidencing a trade-off between latency and computation, urging Industrial IoT (IIoT) deployments to integrate fog nodes to perform early analytics. In this chapter, we review next-generation IIoT architectures, which aim to meet the requirements of industrial applications, such as low-latency and highly reliable communications. These architectures can be divided into IoT node, fog, and multicloud layers. We describe these three layers and compare their characteristics, providing also different use-cases of IIoT architectures. We introduce network coding (NC) as a solution to meet some of the requirements of next-generation communications. We review a variety of its approaches as well as different scenarios that improve their performance and reliability thanks to this technique. Then, we describe the communication process across the different levels of the architecture based on NC-based state-of-the-art works. Finally, we summarize the benefits and open challenges of combining IIoT architectures together with NC techniques

    An Integrated Framework for the Methodological Assurance of Security and Privacy in the Development and Operation of MultiCloud Applications

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    x, 169 p.This Thesis studies research questions about how to design multiCloud applications taking into account security and privacy requirements to protect the system from potential risks and about how to decide which security and privacy protections to include in the system. In addition, solutions are needed to overcome the difficulties in assuring security and privacy properties defined at design time still hold all along the system life-cycle, from development to operation.In this Thesis an innovative DevOps integrated methodology and framework are presented, which help to rationalise and systematise security and privacy analyses in multiCloud to enable an informed decision-process for risk-cost balanced selection of the protections of the system components and the protections to request from Cloud Service Providers used. The focus of the work is on the Development phase of the analysis and creation of multiCloud applications.The main contributions of this Thesis for multiCloud applications are four: i) The integrated DevOps methodology for security and privacy assurance; and its integrating parts: ii) a security and privacy requirements modelling language, iii) a continuous risk assessment methodology and its complementary risk-based optimisation of defences, and iv) a Security and Privacy Service Level AgreementComposition method.The integrated DevOps methodology and its integrating Development methods have been validated in the case study of a real multiCloud application in the eHealth domain. The validation confirmed the feasibility and benefits of the solution with regards to the rationalisation and systematisation of security and privacy assurance in multiCloud systems

    Multicloud Resource Allocation:Cooperation, Optimization and Sharing

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    Nowadays our daily life is not only powered by water, electricity, gas and telephony but by "cloud" as well. Big cloud vendors such as Amazon, Microsoft and Google have built large-scale centralized data centers to achieve economies of scale, on-demand resource provisioning, high resource availability and elasticity. However, those massive data centers also bring about many other problems, e.g., bandwidth bottlenecks, privacy, security, huge energy consumption, legal and physical vulnerabilities. One of the possible solutions for those problems is to employ multicloud architectures. In this thesis, our work provides research contributions to multicloud resource allocation from three perspectives of cooperation, optimization and data sharing. We address the following problems in the multicloud: how resource providers cooperate in a multicloud, how to reduce information leakage in a multicloud storage system and how to share the big data in a cost-effective way. More specifically, we make the following contributions: Cooperation in the decentralized cloud. We propose a decentralized cloud model in which a group of SDCs can cooperate with each other to improve performance. Moreover, we design a general strategy function for SDCs to evaluate the performance of cooperation based on different dimensions of resource sharing. Through extensive simulations using a realistic data center model, we show that the strategies based on reciprocity are more effective than other strategies, e.g., those using prediction based on historical data. Our results show that the reciprocity-based strategy can thrive in a heterogeneous environment with competing strategies. Multicloud optimization on information leakage. In this work, we firstly study an important information leakage problem caused by unplanned data distribution in multicloud storage services. Then, we present StoreSim, an information leakage aware storage system in multicloud. StoreSim aims to store syntactically similar data on the same cloud, thereby minimizing the user's information leakage across multiple clouds. We design an approximate algorithm to efficiently generate similarity-preserving signatures for data chunks based on MinHash and Bloom filter, and also design a function to compute the information leakage based on these signatures. Next, we present an effective storage plan generation algorithm based on clustering for distributing data chunks with minimal information leakage across multiple clouds. Finally, we evaluate our scheme using two real datasets from Wikipedia and GitHub. We show that our scheme can reduce the information leakage by up to 60% compared to unplanned placement. Furthermore, our analysis in terms of system attackability demonstrates that our scheme makes attacks on information much more complex. Smart data sharing. Moving large amounts of distributed data into the cloud or from one cloud to another can incur high costs in both time and bandwidth. The optimization on data sharing in the multicloud can be conducted from two different angles: inter-cloud scheduling and intra-cloud optimization. We first present CoShare, a P2P inspired decentralized cost effective sharing system for data replication to optimize network transfer among small data centers. Then we propose a data summarization method to reduce the total size of dataset, thereby reducing network transfer

    StoreSim: Optimizing Information Leakage in Multicloud Storage Services

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    Many schemes have been recently advanced for storing data on multiple clouds. Distributing data over different cloud storage providers (CSPs) automatically provides users with a certain degree of information leakage control, as no single point of attack can leak all user's information. However, unplanned distribution of data chunks can lead to high information disclosure even while using multiple clouds. In this paper, to address this problem we present StoreSim, an information leakage aware storage system in multicloud. StoreSim aims to store syntactically similar data on the same cloud, thus minimizing the user's information leakage across multiple clouds. We design an approximate algorithm to efficiently generate similarity-preserving signatures for data chunks based on MinHash and Bloom filter, and also design a function to compute the information leakage based on these signatures. Next, we present an effective storage plan generation algorithm based on clustering for distributing data chunks with minimal information leakage across multiple clouds. Finally, we evaluate our scheme using two real datasets from Wikipedia and GitHub. We show that our scheme can reduce the information leakage by up to 60\% compared to unplanned placement

    Scheduling algorithms for efficient execution of stream workflow applications in multicloud environments

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    Big data processing applications are becoming more and more complex. They are no more monolithic in nature but instead they are composed of decoupled analytical processes in the form of a workflow. One type of such workflow applications is stream workflow application, which integrates multiple streaming big data applications to support decision making. Each analytical component of these applications runs continuously and processes data streams whose velocity will depend on several factors such as network bandwidth and processing rate of parent analytical component. As a consequence, the execution of these applications on cloud environments requires advanced scheduling techniques that adhere to end user's requirements in terms of data processing and deadline for decision making. In this paper, we propose two Multicloud scheduling and resource allocation techniques for efficient execution of stream workflow applications on Multicloud environments while adhering to workflow application and user performance requirements and reducing execution cost. Results showed that the proposed genetic algorithm is an adequate and effective for all experiments
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