172 research outputs found

    Analysis of Power System Options for Rural Electrification in Rwanda

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    Masteroppgave fornybar energi- Universitetet i Agder, 2015The development of modernized energy system for developing countries especially in rural areas is constantly a considerable problem to energy utilities. The progressive use of diesel generators in rural areas as main source of electrification is continuously becoming unsuitable because of the following reasons; the diesel generator requires the fuel at every single second of operation and the maintenance of every time is needed and it is very important to worry about the instability of power generated by those generators and the accessibility of fossil fuels is still a challenge for some communities. Whereas the introduction of new technologies by using Renewable Energy systems RESs has given a hope, confidence and security in electrification of rural communities. With a combination of RETs, a traditional diesel generation and batteries, a mini power system of the combination is adequate to manage harmony in operation, therefore granting a stable means of developing electrical power system to the developing countries especially those ones in rural areas. The target of this development is the analysis of a mini hybrid power system options to come up with the best techno-economic and optimum configuration of RETs for supplying electricity to one village in Rwanda. In this development, a hybrid system with a low cost of energy is presented for electrification of one of isolated village of Burera district, in Northern Province of Rwanda. First of all, the renewable resources are determined, an assessment of the predicted village energy demand is estimated, and using the software called HOMER, a best hybrid system types is described, elements measured, and the optimization of the system configuration is done to come up with the reliable and efficient operation in order to answer to the village demand with an economical cost. The system type is discovered as follows; a micro hydropower plant, diesel generator and a compound of batteries and this is found as the best option. In detail, for the case studied the best hybrid system has the following configuration: a micro hydro power plant (MHPP) of 20 kW, the diesel generator of 10 kW and the battery bank of 55.5 kWh. The MHPP generates 99.6 % of the total output, which is approximately 198,000 kWh/yr. The diesel generator is used to supply only 0.4 % of the total generation, resulting in 207 hours of operation annually. The obtained system configuration has a rough cost of energy of 0.2 /kWhandmaybefurtherreducedto0.13/kWh and may be further reduced to 0.13 /kWh, if state subsidies become available for covering 40 – 50 % of the capital investment. It clear that this hybrid system is more economically viable whether it is operated as off-grid or grid connected

    Review of Solar PV Market Development in East Africa

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    Design of Photovoltaic System for Rural Electrification in Rwanda

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    Master's thesis Renewable Energy ENE500 - University of Agder 2017In this century of accelerated development in various domains, some African countries are still facing a challenge of lack of power due to its scarce in some places, where by the main source of power (generation of electricity) is hydro since thermal and fuel are still on a small scale. This problem results in less productivity and economic decline of some countries like Rwanda which is among African countries that are at a very high speed in development, the grid lines from distant places are stack and they are few compared to the need of electricity in all corners of the country, especially in rural areas whereby each household needs power usage instead of using local and traditional means of ironing and lighting at home. This issue can be solved using other alternative sources of Renewable Energy for rural electrification such as Photovoltaic systems. Therefore, this master’s thesis project is mainly focusing on the design of off-grid Photovoltaic systems that include an economic evaluation between the use of an individual solar home system of 200W and a village PV system of 10kW so that the satisfactory of people and the targets of the country can be easily achieved. Under this Master’s thesis work, the first part is focused on the analysis of electricity consumption based on single house owning individual solar home systems taking a case study of one village in Rwanda called Kanazi located in Eastern Province, Bugesera District, Nyamata Sector. This analysis is done through the evaluation of the average primary load profile in consecutive number of hours per day depending on the PV production capacity. The purpose of this analysis is to obtain the optimum sizing of the PV panel as well as the battery capacity that can be used for providing electricity to households. The second step is to design a village PV system with a big battery and inverter that can generate electricity for the selected village depending on the estimated the average daily load profile for a typical single house in Kanazi village. Finally, both proposed and designed systems will be compared to obtain a system that is more reliable and economical for electricity production. In this project the design and simulation tasks will be performed through the help of Homer software and Excel Software. The information about the average monthly solar radiation on the selected site and the characteristics of PV system components will be provided by different internet websites, PVGIS (Photovoltaic Geographical Information System) for Africa, different books, scientific research papers, journals and the field survey that have been conducted. Keywords: Rural electrification, Renewable Energy, Off-grid PV Systems, Grid lines, solar home systems, mini-grid systems and Homer softwar

    Assessing the role of solar home systems in poverty alleviation : case study of Rukungiri district in Western Uganda

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    Not only does Sub-Saharan Africa have the highest number of people who live below the poverty line, the region has the lowest rate of modern energy access at 32%. The provision of modern energy access in rural un-electrified areas has the potential to contribute to alleviation of poverty. The main objective of this study has therefore been to investigate the impact of Solar Home Systems (SHSs) in poverty alleviation in Uganda. The paper focuses on the impact on four socio-economic categories namely: economic, education, health and gender equity. Our study was carried out in Kebisoni, Uganda. The main finding from our study is that access to solar power does indeed alleviate poverty. The data indicated an increase in households' disposable income due to the use of solar energy for lighting. Savings were generated from a reduced expenditure on alternative lighting fuels such as kerosene. Some households used these savings to meet medically related expenses. Furthermore, our results revealed that there was an improvement in indoor air quality. Children in solar electricity connected households benefited, as they were now able to increase their hours of study at night. Lastly, the study also revealed that access to lighting from SHSs enabled women to supplement household income by engaging in businesses

    Examining the customer journey of solar home system users in Rwanda and forecasting their future electricity demand

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    Globally, 771 million people lack access to electricity, out of which 75% live in Sub-Saharan Africa (IEA, 2020b). Electricity grid expansion can be costly in rural areas, which often have low population densities. Solar home systems (SHS) have provided people worldwide an alternative option to gain electricity access. A SHS consists of a solar panel, battery and accompanying appliances. This research aims to advance the understanding of the SHS customer journey using a case study of SHS customers in Rwanda. This study developed a framework outlining households’ pre- to post-purchase experiences, which included awareness and purchase, both current and future SHS usage and finally customers’ upgrade, switching and retention preferences. A mixed methods approach was utilised to examine these steps, including structured interviews with the SHS providers’ customers (n=100) and staff (n=19), two focus groups with customers (n=24), as well as a time series analysis and descriptive statistics of database customers (n=63,299). A convolutional neural network (CNN) was created to forecast individual SHS users’ future electricity consumption in the next week, month and three months based on their previous hourly usage. Despite the volatility of SHS usage data, the CNN was able to forecast individual users’ future electricity more accurately than the naïve baseline, which assumes a continuation of previous usage. The time series analysis revealed an evening usage peak for non-television users, whilst customers with a television experienced an additional peak around midday. SHS recommendations prior and post-purchase were common, highlighting the circular nature of the customer journey. The main purchase reason and usage activity were having a clean energy source and phone charging respectively. A better understanding of the SHS customer journey may increase the number of households with electricity access, as companies can better address the purchase barriers and tap into the power of customer recommendations

    Estudio de sistemas renovables avanzados para el desarrollo energético sostenible

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La energía juega un papel fundamental en el desarrollo sostenible de las comunidades. Así, proporcionar recursos energéticos fiables, económicamente aceptables, medioambientalmente respetuosos y socialmente beneficiosos, resulta esencial para el desarrollo sostenible de las mismas. A pesar de la universalidad de dicha definición, el uso de la energía está muy vinculada al nivel de desarrollo de los países. De este modo, la problemática energética de los países desarrollados contrasta enormemente con la de los países en desarrollo. En esta tesis doctoral se ha identificado la principal problemática energética de ambas realidades: grave impacto medioambiental de los modelos de generación del transporte tradicionales en los países desarrollados y pobreza energética en los países en desarrollo. A partir del compendio de artículos científicos de esta tesis doctoral se ha caracterizado el uso de sistemas renovables avanzados que permite solucionar dicha problemática de forma sostenible. En concreto, el principal problema energético en países desarrollados ha sido tratado mediante la planificación energética y el diseño óptimo de sistemas híbridos de energías renovables (HRES por sus siglas en inglés) en electrolineras, necesarios para la introducción de vehículos eléctricos como alternativa de movilidad sostenible. Por otro lado, el estudio de metodologías de diseño óptimas de HRES off grid y de las estufas para cocinar mejoradas mediante gasificación de biomasa se ha focalizado en la inaccesibilidad eléctrica y a sistemas de cocina limpia que sufren las comunidades en desarrollo. Así, esta tesis aporta una serie de metodologías para optimizar y adecuar los sistemas renovables presentados para el desarrollo energético sostenible de las comunidades. Además, no sólo demuestra la idoneidad de estos sistemas para dicho fin, sino también su versatilidad de aplicación en función del nivel de crecimiento de las comunidades.[CA] L'energia juga un paper fonamental en el desenvolupament sostenible de les comunitats. Així, proporcionar recursos energètics fiables, econòmicament acceptables, mediambientalment respectuosos i socialment beneficiosos, resulta essencial per al desenvolupament sostenibles de les mateixes. A pesar de la universalitat d'aquesta definició, l'ús de la energia està vinculada al nivell de desenvolupament dels països. D'aquesta manera, la problemàtica energètica dels països desenvolupats contrasta enormement amb la dels països en desenvolupament. A aquesta tesis doctoral s'ha identificat la principal problemàtica energètica d'ambdues realitats: greu impacte mediambiental dels models de generació del transport tradicional en els països desenvolupats i pobresa energètica en els països en desenvolupament. A partir del compendi d'articles científics d'aquesta tesis doctoral s'ha caracteritzat l'ús de sistemes renovables avançats que permet solucionar aquesta problemàtica de manera sostenible. En concret, el principal problema energètic en països desenvolupats s'ha tractat mitjançant la planificació energètica i el disseny òptim de sistemes híbrids d'energies renovables (HRES, per les seues segles en anglès) en electrolineres, necessaris per la introducció de vehicles elèctrics com alternativa de mobilitat sostenible. D'altra banda, l'estudi de metodologies de disseny òptimes de HRES off grid i d'estufes per a cuinar millorades mitjançant gasificació de biomassa s'ha focalitzat en la inaccessibilitat elèctrica i a sistemes de cuina neta que pateixen les comunitats en desenvolupament. Així, aquesta tesis aporta una sèrie de metodologies per optimitzar i adequar el sistemes renovables presentats per al desenvolupament energètic sostenible de les comunitats. A més, no tan sols demostra la idoneïtat d'aquests sistemes per a aqueix fi, sinó també la seua versatilitat d'aplicació en funció del nivell de creixement de les comunitats.[EN] Energy plays a significant role for the sustainable development of communities. Hence, supplying reliable energy resources, which result economically acceptable, environmentally friendly and socially beneficial, arises as essential for their sustainable development. Despite the universality of such definition, the energy use is highly linked to the development degree of the countries. Thus, energy problems of developed countries sharply contrast with those of developing countries. This doctoral thesis identifies the main energy issues of both realities: severe environmental impact of energy generation models for traditional transport in developed countries and energy poverty in developing countries. The compendium of scientific papers of this doctoral dissertation characterizes the use of advanced renewable energy systems to solve such problems in a sustainable way. Namely, the main energy issue in developed countries has been addressed by means of energy planning and the optimal design of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) in electric vehicle charging stations, which ensure the introduction of electric vehicles as a sustainable mobility alternative. Moreover, the study of methodologies for the optimal design of off grid HRES and improved cooking stoves based on biomass gasification have approached the inaccessibility to electricity and to clean cooking systems that developing communities suffer. Therefore, this thesis provides a number of methodologies to optimize and adapt the presented renewable energy systems for the sustainable energy development of communities. Furthermore, it demonstrates not only the suitability of these systems for such aim, but also their versatility of application regarding the growing degree of the communities.Bastida Molina, P. (2021). Estudio de sistemas renovables avanzados para el desarrollo energético sostenible [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172548TESISCompendi

    A review of renewable off-grid mini-grids in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is home to 75% of the world’s unelectrified population, and approximately 500 million of these live in rural areas. Off-grid mini-grids are being deployed on a large scale to address the region’s electrification inequalities. This study aims to provide a comprehensive review of the research on the off-grid renewable mini-grids in SSA. The study covers the current status of the level of deployment of off-grid mini-grids. It also reviews multi-criteria decision-making models for optimizing engineering, economics, and management interests in mini-grid siting and design in SSA. The statuses of financing, policy, and tariffs for mini-grids in SSA are also studied. Finally, the current status of energy justice research in respect of mini-grids in SSA is reviewed. The study shows the important role of decentralized renewable technologies in the electrification of SSA’s rural population. Within a decade since 2010, the rural electrification rate of SSA has increased from 17% to 28%, and 11 million mini-grid connections are currently operational. Despite these gains, the literature points to several injustices related to the present model by which SSA’s renewable mini-grids are funded, deployed, and operated. Hence, several recommendations are provided for the effective application of the energy justice framework (EJF) for just and equitable mini-grids in SSA

    Scaling up off-grid solar energy access through improved understanding of customers’ needs, aspirations and energy use of decentralised (SMART) Solar Home Systems – a case study of BBOXX customers in Rwanda

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    In the fast-growing market of decentralised energy systems, stand-alone PV Solar Home Systems (SHSs) are among modern solutions which have quickly grown in numbers across the unelectrified parts of the world, substituting often polluting, expensive and inefficient sources like candles, kerosene or battery-powered torches used for lighting homes and businesses. Little research has been done to understand behavioural aspects of energy use among SHSs adopters. This case study aims to address this gap in the body of knowledge regarding energy use behaviour, needs and aspirations, focusing on SHSs users in Rwanda through both qualitative and quantitative research methods. It applies the Three-Dimensional Energy Profile framework to explore the needs, aspirations and energy use at a household level, with a recognition of differences among genders, different poverty groups and various system packages consisting of a diverse range of appliances. Time factor is considered to better understand whether and how needs and energy consumption change over time, demonstrating that energy use is dynamic and power consumption does not increase in a linear manner. Further findings reveal a substantial decrease in the use of candles, kerosene and batteries for lighting, with continued fuel stacking practices post-SHS adoption. Business applications are basic, as are the needs in terms of the most-desired appliances, which cover lighting, phone charging, access to information and entertainment, and other daily use appliances, such as shavers and irons. Aspirational level of access to energy services has the potential to be met by SHSs with increased availability and affordability of super energy efficient appliances, and appropriate business models. This can enhance the already significant impact on HHs, which has a well-defined gender dimension, with women benefiting the most. Policy and regulatory frameworks remain an important factor in scaling up off-grid energy access as key market enablers, channels of awareness-raising and trust-building among off-grid communities

    Renewables 2024 Global Status Report Collection, Energy Demand

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    The transition to renewable energy in buildings, industry, transport, and agriculture is falling behind, with 12.7% of energy in these sectors coming from renewables. Despite the urgent need for targeted policies, progress is slow: by 2023, only 13 countries had comprehensive renewable energy policies across all key sectors. This report, the second module in REN21’s Renewables 2024 Global Status Report (GSR) collection, demonstrates the disconnect between energy supply and demand that is currently slowing the energy transition. The message is clear: accelerating renewables adoption in critical sectors like buildings, industry, transport, and agriculture is essential for emissions reduction and economic prosperity. Without significant demand-side advancements, a shift to a renewable-based energy system and economy remains out of reach
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