23 research outputs found

    Efficient Humanoid Contact Planning using Learned Centroidal Dynamics Prediction

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    Humanoid robots dynamically navigate an environment by interacting with it via contact wrenches exerted at intermittent contact poses. Therefore, it is important to consider dynamics when planning a contact sequence. Traditional contact planning approaches assume a quasi-static balance criterion to reduce the computational challenges of selecting a contact sequence over a rough terrain. This however limits the applicability of the approach when dynamic motions are required, such as when walking down a steep slope or crossing a wide gap. Recent methods overcome this limitation with the help of efficient mixed integer convex programming solvers capable of synthesizing dynamic contact sequences. Nevertheless, its exponential-time complexity limits its applicability to short time horizon contact sequences within small environments. In this paper, we go beyond current approaches by learning a prediction of the dynamic evolution of the robot centroidal momenta, which can then be used for quickly generating dynamically robust contact sequences for robots with arms and legs using a search-based contact planner. We demonstrate the efficiency and quality of the results of the proposed approach in a set of dynamically challenging scenarios

    Search-based Planning for a Legged Robot over Rough Terrain

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    We present a search-based planning approach for controlling a quadrupedal robot over rough terrain. Given a start and goal position, we consider the problem of generating a complete joint trajectory that will result in the legged robot successfully moving from the start to the goal. We decompose the problem into two main phases: an initial global planning phase, which results in a footstep trajectory; and an execution phase, which dynamically generates a joint trajectory to best execute the footstep trajectory. We show how R* search can be employed to generate high-quality global plans in the high-dimensional space of footstep trajectories. Results show that the global plans coupled with the joint controller result in a system robust enough to deal with a variety of terrains

    Optimization And Learning For Rough Terrain Legged Locomotion

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    We present a novel approach to legged locomotion over rough terrain that is thoroughly rooted in optimization. This approach relies on a hierarchy of fast, anytime algorithms to plan a set of footholds, along with the dynamic body motions required to execute them. Components within the planning framework coordinate to exchange plans, cost-to-go estimates, and \u27certificates\u27 that ensure the output of an abstract high-level planner can be realized by lower layers of the hierarchy. The burden of careful engineering of cost functions to achieve desired performance is substantially mitigated by a simple inverse optimal control technique. Robustness is achieved by real-time re-planning of the full trajectory, augmented by reflexes and feedback control. We demonstrate the successful application of our approach in guiding the LittleDog quadruped robot over a variety of types of rough terrain. Other novel aspects of our past research efforts include a variety of pioneering inverse optimal control techniques as well as a system for planning using arbitrary pre-recorded robot behavior

    Motion Primitives and Planning for Robots with Closed Chain Systems and Changing Topologies

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    When operating in human environments, a robot should use predictable motions that allow humans to trust and anticipate its behavior. Heuristic search-based planning offers predictable motions and guarantees on completeness and sub-optimality of solutions. While search-based planning on motion primitive-based (lattice-based) graphs has been used extensively in navigation, application to high-dimensional state-spaces has, until recently, been thought impractical. This dissertation presents methods we have developed for applying these graphs to mobile manipulation, specifically for systems which contain closed chains. The formation of closed chains in tasks that involve contacts with the environment may reduce the number of available degrees-of-freedom but adds complexity in terms of constraints in the high-dimensional state-space. We exploit the dimensionality reduction inherent in closed kinematic chains to get efficient search-based planning. Our planner handles changing topologies (switching between open and closed-chains) in a single plan, including what transitions to include and when to include them. Thus, we can leverage existing results for search-based planning for open chains, combining open and closed chain manipulation planning into one framework. Proofs regarding the framework are introduced for the application to graph-search and its theoretical guarantees of optimality. The dimensionality-reduction is done in a manner that enables finding optimal solutions to low-dimensional problems which map to correspondingly optimal full-dimensional solutions. We apply this framework to planning for opening and navigating through non-spring and spring-loaded doors using a Willow Garage PR2. The framework motivates our approaches to the Atlas humanoid robot from Boston Dynamics for both stationary manipulation and quasi-static walking, as a closed chain is formed when both feet are on the ground

    Traversing Environments Using Possibility Graphs for Humanoid Robots

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    Locomotion for legged robots poses considerable challenges when confronted by obstacles and adverse environments. Footstep planners are typically only designed for one mode of locomotion, but traversing unfavorable environments may require several forms of locomotion to be sequenced together, such as walking, crawling, and jumping. Multi-modal motion planners can be used to address some of these problems, but existing implementations tend to be time-consuming and are limited to quasi-static actions. This paper presents a motion planning method to traverse complex environments using multiple categories of actions. We introduce the concept of the "Possibility Graph", which uses high-level approximations of constraint manifolds to rapidly explore the "possibility" of actions, thereby allowing lower-level single-action motion planners to be utilized more efficiently. We show that the Possibility Graph can quickly find paths through several different challenging environments which require various combinations of actions in order to traverse

    An optimization approach to rough terrain locomotion

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