60,823 research outputs found

    Some isomorphisms for the Brauer groups of a Hopf algebra

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    Using equivalences of categories we provide isomorphisms between the Brauer groups of different Hopf algebras. As an example, we show that when k is a field of characteristic different from 2 the Brauer groups BC(k,H_4,r_t) for every dual quasitriangular structure r_t on Sweedler's Hopf algebra H_4 are all isomorphic to the direct sum of (k,+) and the Brauer-Wall group of k. We provide an isomorphism between the Brauer group of a Hopf algebra H and the Brauer group of the dual Hopf algebra H^* generalizing a result of Tilborghs. Finally we relate the Brauer groups of H and of its opposite and co-opposite Hopf algebras.Comment: 23 pages, minor changes, one reference adde

    Intergenerationeel project Linkeroever, Antwerpen

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    Design: De Smet Vermeulen architecten Call by the Chief Architect of Flanders (2005) Master plan (2006): Technum, De Smet Vermeulen architecten, Architecten de vylder vinck taillieu, Tom Thys architectenCommissioned by Antwerpen Lerende Stad, Antwerpen Zorgbedrijf, THV IGLOProgramme: children’s day­care centre, residential care centre, service flats and shops on the square Completion: 2014Ontwerp: De Smet Vermeulen architecten Open Oproep Vlaams Bouwmeester (2005) Masterplan (2006): Technum, De Smet Vermeulen architecten, Architecten de vylder vinck tallieu, Tom Thys architectenOpdrachtgever: Antwerpen Lerende Stad, Antwerpen Zorgbedrijf, THV IGLOProgramma: kinderdagverblijf, woonzorgcentrum, serviceflats en winkels aan het pleinOplevering: 201

    Stratigraphy of an Early-Middle Miocene sequence near Antwerp in northern Belgium (southern North Sea Basin)

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    The lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of a temporary outcrop in the Antwerp area is described. The deposits can be attributed to the Kiel Sands and the Antwerpen Sands members, both belonging to the Lower and Middle Miocene Berchem Formation. Invertebrate and vertebrate macrofossils are abundantly present. The molluscan fauna compares well to former findings in the Antwerpen Sands Member. It can be concluded that the studied sequence is continuously present in the Antwerp area, and thickens in a northward direction. The study of the marine mammal fauna shows that eurhinodelphinids are the most common fossil odontocete (toothed-bearing cetaceans) in the Antwerpen Sands Member, associated here with kentriodontine, physeteroid, squalodontid, mysticete (baleen whales) and pinniped (seals) fragmentary remains. Both the molluscan fauna and the organic-walled palynomorphs indicate for the Antwerpen Sands Member deposition in a neritic, energetic environment, which shallowed upwards. The dinoflagellate cysts indicate that the Antwerpen Sands Member was deposited during late Burdigalian to Langhian times

    Het Allerheiligenklooster van de Antwerpse augustijnen (prov. Antwerpen): archeologische en fysisch-antropologische gegevens

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    In het voorjaar van 2002 voerde de Afdeling Archeologie van de Stad Antwerpen een noodonderzoek uit op de terreinen van het augustijnen- of Allerheiligenklooster langs de Kammenstraat in Antwerpen. Aanleiding hiervoor vormden graafwerken met het oog op de omvorming van de Sint-Augustinuskerk tot Augustinus Muziekcentrum (AMUZ). Naast resten van het klooster werden enkele laaten postmiddeleeuwse kuilen en een Gallo-Romeins crematiegraf ontdekt. Deze bijdrage behandelt de archeologische en fysisch-antropologische gegevens van de kloosterfase3. Als inleiding schetsen we het historisch kader van de augustijnen in Antwerpen en van de omgeving van het Allerheiligenklooster. Vervolgens bundelen we de archeologische gegevens van het eerste veldonderzoek, waarbij de aandacht zich richt op de kloostergraven. Tot slot stellen we de resultaten van het fysisch-antropologisch onderzoek van het skeletmateriaal voor, gevolgd door een probleemstelling rond de sterfteleeftijd

    How to incorporate the spatial dimension within destination choice models? The case of Antwerpen

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    This paper considers different alternatives for including spatial aspects within the activity-based approach for modeling destination choices. The study area is the urban agglomeration of Antwerpen (Belgium); the city and its suburbs are considered. Individual travel surveys are used. The paper pays particular attention to the inclusion of space within the decision context by including specific land-use explanatory variables generated by Geographical Information Systems. A preliminary geographical analysis is performed in order to represent the city by a limited set of destinations (n = 33) and to characterize those zones in terms of land use. Discrete choice modelling is used: each individual faces the total set of spatial destination alternatives. Several modelling approaches are explored and compared in terms of utility function (for instance Box-Cox; random coefficients) and in terms of global formulation (multinomial logit versus nested logit). The mixed nested logit formulation is selected as best and the parameter estimations are interpreted; it shows the importance of space within destination choices. This paper provides a useful background for decision-makers and planners of transportation policy related to individual mobility patterns. Keywords Discrete choice model, activity-based approach, GIS, land use, urban mobility, Antwerpen
