13 research outputs found

    Colored complete hypergraphs containing no rainbow Berge triangles

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    The study of graph Ramsey numbers within restricted colorings, in particular forbidding a rainbow triangle, has recently been blossoming under the name Gallai-Ramsey numbers. In this work, we extend the main structural tool from rainbow triangle free colorings of complete graphs to rainbow Berge triangle free colorings of hypergraphs. In doing so, some other concepts and results are also translated from graphs to hypergraphs

    On vertex independence number of uniform hypergraphs

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    Abstract Let H be an r-uniform hypergraph with r ≥ 2 and let α(H) be its vertex independence number. In the paper bounds of α(H) are given for different uniform hypergraphs: if H has no isolated vertex, then in terms of the degrees, and for triangle-free linear H in terms of the order and average degree.</jats:p

    Rainbow Generalizations of Ramsey Theory - A Dynamic Survey

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    In this work, we collect Ramsey-type results concerning rainbow edge colorings of graphs