3 research outputs found

    A Review on the Development of Fuzzy Classifiers with Improved Interpretability and Accuracy Parameters

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    This review paper of fuzzy classifiers with improved interpretability and accuracy param-eter discussed the most fundamental aspect of very effective and powerful tools in form of probabilistic reasoning, The fuzzy logic concept allows the effective realization of ap-proximate, vague, uncertain, dynamic, and more realistic conditions, which is closer to the actual physical world and human thinking. The fuzzy theory has the competency to catch the lack of preciseness of linguistic terms in a speech of natural language. The fuzzy theory provides a more significant competency to model humans like com-mon-sense reasoning and conclusion making to fuzzy set and rules as good membership function. Also, in this paper reviews discussed the evaluation of the fuzzy set, type-1, type-2, and interval type-2 fuzzy system from traditional Boolean crisp set logic along with interpretability and accuracy issues in the fuzzy system

    Cúmulo de partículas coevolutivo cooperativo usando lógica borrosa para la optimización a gran escala

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    A cooperative coevolutionary framework can improve the performance of optimization algorithms on large-scale problems. In this paper, we propose a new Cooperative Coevolutionary algorithm to improve our preliminary work, FuzzyPSO2. This new proposal, called CCFPSO, uses the random grouping technique that changes the size of the subcomponents in each generation. Unlike FuzzyPSO2, CCFPSO’s re-initialization of the variables, suggested by the fuzzy system, were performed on the particles with the worst fitness values. In addition, instead of updating the particles based on the global best particle, CCFPSO was updated considering the personal best particle and the neighborhood best particle. This proposal was tested on large-scale problems that resemble real-world problems (CEC2008, CEC2010), where the performance of CCFPSO was favorable in comparison with other state-of-the-art PSO versions, namely CCPSO2, SLPSO, and CSO. The experimental results indicate that using a Cooperative Coevolutionary PSO approach with a fuzzy logic system can improve results on high dimensionality problems (100 to 1000 variables).Un marco coevolutivo cooperativo puede mejorar el rendimiento de los algoritmos de optimización en problemas a gran escala. En este trabajo, proponemos un nuevo algoritmo coevolutivo cooperativo para mejorar nuestro trabajo preliminar, FuzzyPSO2. Esta nueva propuesta, denominada CCFPSO, utiliza la técnica de agrupación aleatoria que cambia el tamaño de los subcomponentes en cada generación. A diferencia de FuzzyPSO2, la reinicialización de las variables de CCFPSO, sugerida por el sistema difuso, se realizaron sobre las partículas con los peores valores de fitness. Además, en lugar de actualizar las partículas basándose en la mejor partícula global, CCFPSO se actualizó considerando la mejor partícula personal y la mejor partícula del vecindario. Esta propuesta se probó en problemas a gran escala que se asemejan a los del mundo real (CEC2008, CEC2010), donde el rendimiento de CCFPSO fue favorable en comparación con otras versiones de PSO del estado del arte, a saber, CCPSO2, SLPSO y CSO. Los resultados experimentales indican que el uso de un enfoque PSO coevolutivo cooperativo con un sistema de lógica difusa puede mejorar los resultados en problemas de alta dimensionalidad (de 100 a 1000 variables).Facultad de Informátic

    Enhancement of bees algorithm for global optimisation

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    This research focuses on the improvement of the Bees Algorithm, a swarm-based nature-inspired optimisation algorithm that mimics the foraging behaviour of honeybees. The algorithm consists of exploitation and exploration, the two key elements of optimisation techniques that help to find the global optimum in optimisation problems. This thesis presents three new approaches to the Bees Algorithm in a pursuit to improve its convergence speed and accuracy. The first proposed algorithm focuses on intensifying the local search area by incorporating Hooke and Jeeves’ method in its exploitation mechanism. This direct search method contains a pattern move that works well in the new variant named “Bees Algorithm with Hooke and Jeeves” (BA-HJ). The second proposed algorithm replaces the randomly generated recruited bees deployment method with chaotic sequences using a well-known logistic map. This new variant called “Bees Algorithm with Chaos” (ChaosBA) was intended to use the characteristic of chaotic sequences to escape from local optima and at the same time maintain the diversity of the population. The third improvement uses the information of the current best solutions to create new candidate solutions probabilistically using the Estimation Distribution Algorithm (EDA) approach. This new version is called Bees Algorithm with Estimation Distribution (BAED). Simulation results show that these proposed algorithms perform better than the standard BA, SPSO2011 and qABC in terms of convergence for the majority of the tested benchmark functions. The BA-HJ outperformed the standard BA in thirteen out of fifteen benchmark functions and is more effective in eleven out of fifteen benchmark functions when compared to SPSO2011 and qABC. In the case of the ChaosBA, the algorithm outperformed the standard BA in twelve out of fifteen benchmark functions and significantly better in eleven out of fifteen test functions compared to qABC and SPSO2011. BAED discovered the optimal solution with the least number of evaluations in fourteen out of fifteen cases compared to the standard BA, and eleven out of fifteen functions compared to SPSO2011 and qABC. Furthermore, the results on a set of constrained mechanical design problems also show that the performance of the proposed algorithms is comparable to those of the standard BA and other swarm-based algorithms from the literature