3 research outputs found

    Evolutionary algorithms with average crossover and power heuristics for aquaculture diet formulation

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    The aquaculture farming industry is one of the most important industries in Malaysia since it generates income to economic growth and produces main source of food for the nation. One of the pillars in aquaculture farming industries is formulation of food for the animal, which is also known as feed mix or diet formulation. However, the feed component in the aquaculture industry incurs the most expensive operational cost, and has drawn many studies regarding diet formulation. The lack of studies involving modelling approaches had motivated to embark on diet formulation, which searches for the best combination of feed ingredients while satisfying nutritional requirements at a minimum cost. Hence, this thesis investigates a potential approach of Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) to propose a diet formulation solution for aquaculture farming, specifically the shrimp. In order to obtain a good combination of ingredients in the feed, a filtering heuristics known as Power Heuristics was introduced in the initialization stage of the EA methodology. This methodology was capableof filtering certain unwanted ingredients which could lead to potential poor solutions. The success of the proposed EA also relies on a new selection and crossover operators that have improved the overall performance of the solutions. Hence, three main EA model variants were constructed with new initialization mechanism, diverse selection and crossover operators, whereby the proposed EAPH-RWS-Avg Model emerged as the most effective in producing a good solution with the minimum penalty value. The newly proposed model is efficient and able to adapt to changes in the parameters, thus assists relevant users in managing the shrimp diet formulation issues, especially using local ingredients. Moreover, this diet formulation strategy provides user preference elements to choose from a range of preferred ingredients and the preferred total ingredient weights

    Mejoramiento del recorrido de recolección de residuos sólidos ordinarios en la zona de mina sur de carbones del cerrejón, mediante la implementacion de un modelo matemático de ruteo.

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    Ingeniería IndustrialEl Trabajo de grado que se presenta a continuación tiene como objeto optimizar la ruta de recolección de Residuos sólidos ordinarios definiéndose como aquellos generados en el desempeño normal de las actividades, estos residuos se generan en oficinas, pasillos, áreas comunes, cafeterías, salas de espera, auditorios y en general en todos los sitios del establecimiento del generador, en este caso en las islas, líneas y oficinas del área de mina sur, de la empresa Carbones del Cerrejón, con el fin de reducir los costos asociados al proceso, como es el costo de combustible y mantenimiento de los compactadores recolectores de basura. Para lograr optimizar el proceso de recolección, se hará un diagnóstico y seguimiento a la ruta, para evaluar el estado del proceso, y determinar los puntos vulnerables asociados a él, así mismo luego de hacer el diagnóstico preliminar del proceso, se estudiaran los métodos relacionados al enrutamiento de vehículos, la revisión literaria por la cual se soporta el método que se utilizara en el proyecto. Luego de obtener una clara definición de los procesos, se proseguirá con el modelamiento del problema. Para esto, se realizara la matriz de distancia de cada punto del área de mina sur, las variables y los parámetros, que intervienen en el proceso, las restricciones y la función objetivo que definen y acotan el problema. Una vez modelado el problema se proseguirá con su solución, se implementara la nueva ruta de recolección, y se hará seguimiento del comportamiento, para después comparar los resultado obtenidos, con los datos que ya se tenían de la investigación, llegando a la conclusión que con la implementación de la nueva ruta determinada en el “Software Solver” se obtiene una disminución en tiempo y distancia del proceso de recolección de residuos sólidos.The degree work presented below was intended to optimizing solid waste collection routes in the area of south mine of Carbones Del Cerrejón, in order to reduce the costs associated with the process, such as the cost of fuel and maintenance collector’s trash. In order to optimize the collection process, an analysis was done which included following the route, assessing the state of the process and identifying vulnerabilities associated with it. Then the same preliminary diagnosis of the process, and related methods were studied such as vehicle routing. The literature review showed why the method used in the project is supported. After obtaining a clear definition of processes it was continued modeling of the problem. For this, the distance matrix of each point of the area of south mine, variables and parameters involved in the process, the constraints and the objective function that defines and delimit the problem was made. After modeling the problem continued with their resolution, the new collection route was implemented, and the behavior was monitored, and then compared with the results obtained with the data from previous research, concluding that the implementation of the new particular route showed a decrease in time and get away from the process of collecting solid waste

    Optimization for Decision Making II

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    In the current context of the electronic governance of society, both administrations and citizens are demanding the greater participation of all the actors involved in the decision-making process relative to the governance of society. This book presents collective works published in the recent Special Issue (SI) entitled “Optimization for Decision Making II”. These works give an appropriate response to the new challenges raised, the decision-making process can be done by applying different methods and tools, as well as using different objectives. In real-life problems, the formulation of decision-making problems and the application of optimization techniques to support decisions are particularly complex and a wide range of optimization techniques and methodologies are used to minimize risks, improve quality in making decisions or, in general, to solve problems. In addition, a sensitivity or robustness analysis should be done to validate/analyze the influence of uncertainty regarding decision-making. This book brings together a collection of inter-/multi-disciplinary works applied to the optimization of decision making in a coherent manner