424 research outputs found

    Network service chaining with efficient network function mapping based on service decompositions

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    Network Service Chaining (NSC) is a service concept which promises increased flexibility and cost-efficiency for future carrier networks. The two recent developments, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN), are opportunities for service providers to simplify the service chaining and provisioning process and reduce the cost (in CAPEX and OPEX) while introducing new services as well. One of the challenging tasks regarding NFV-based services is to efficiently map them to the components of a physical network based on the services specifications/constraints. In this paper, we propose an efficient cost-effective algorithm to map NSCs composed of Network Functions (NF) to the network infrastructure while taking possible decompositions of NFs into account. NF decomposition refers to converting an abstract NF to more refined NFs interconnected in form of a graph with the same external interfaces as the higher-level NF. The proposed algorithm tries to minimize the cost of the mapping based on the NSCs requirements and infrastructure capabilities by making a reasonable selection of the NFs decompositions. Our experimental evaluations show that the proposed scheme increases the acceptance ratio significantly while decreasing the mapping cost in the long run, compared to schemes in which NF decompositions are selected randomly

    Intelligent artificial ants based feature extraction from wavelet packet coefficients for biomedical signal classification

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    In this paper, a new feature extraction method utilizing ant colony optimization in the selection of wavelet packet transform (WPT) best basis is presented and adopted in classifying biomedical signals. The new algorithm, termed Intelligent Artificial Ants (IAA), searches the wavelet packet tree for subsets of features that best interact together to produce high classification accuracies. While traversing the WPT tree, the IAA takes into account existing correlation between features thus avoiding information redundancy. The IAA method is a mixture of filter and wrapper approaches in feature subset selection. The pheromone that the ants lay down is updated by means of an estimation of the information contents of a single feature or feature subset. The significance of the subsets selected by the ants is measured using linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classifier. The IAA method is tested on one of the most important biosignal driven applications, which is the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) problem with 56 EEG channels. Practical results indicate the significance of the proposed method achieving a maximum accuracy of 83%. ©2008 IEEE

    Matheuristics: using mathematics for heuristic design

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    Matheuristics are heuristic algorithms based on mathematical tools such as the ones provided by mathematical programming, that are structurally general enough to be applied to different problems with little adaptations to their abstract structure. The result can be metaheuristic hybrids having components derived from the mathematical model of the problems of interest, but the mathematical techniques themselves can define general heuristic solution frameworks. In this paper, we focus our attention on mathematical programming and its contributions to developing effective heuristics. We briefly describe the mathematical tools available and then some matheuristic approaches, reporting some representative examples from the literature. We also take the opportunity to provide some ideas for possible future development

    A General Large Neighborhood Search Framework for Solving Integer Programs

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    This paper studies how to design abstractions of large-scale combinatorial optimization problems that can leverage existing state-of-the-art solvers in general purpose ways, and that are amenable to data-driven design. The goal is to arrive at new approaches that can reliably outperform existing solvers in wall-clock time. We focus on solving integer programs, and ground our approach in the large neighborhood search (LNS) paradigm, which iteratively chooses a subset of variables to optimize while leaving the remainder fixed. The appeal of LNS is that it can easily use any existing solver as a subroutine, and thus can inherit the benefits of carefully engineered heuristic approaches and their software implementations. We also show that one can learn a good neighborhood selector from training data. Through an extensive empirical validation, we demonstrate that our LNS framework can significantly outperform, in wall-clock time, compared to state-of-the-art commercial solvers such as Gurobi

    Vertical decomposition with Genetic Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignment

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    Many Bioinformatics studies begin with a multiple sequence alignment as the foundation for their research. This is because multiple sequence alignment can be a useful technique for studying molecular evolution and analyzing sequence structure relationships.In this paper, we have proposed a Vertical Decomposition with Genetic Algorithm (VDGA) for Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA). In VDGA, we divide the sequences vertically into two or more subsequences, and then solve them individually using a guide tree approach. Finally, we combine all the subsequences to generate a new multiple sequence alignment. This technique is applied on the solutions of the initial generation and of each child generation within VDGA. We have used two mechanisms to generate an initial population in this research: the first mechanism is to generate guide trees with randomly selected sequences and the second is shuffling the sequences inside such trees. Two different genetic operators have been implemented with VDGA. To test the performance of our algorithm, we have compared it with existing well-known methods, namely PRRP, CLUSTALX, DIALIGN, HMMT, SB_PIMA, ML_PIMA, MULTALIGN, and PILEUP8, and also other methods, based on Genetic Algorithms (GA), such as SAGA, MSA-GA and RBT-GA, by solving a number of benchmark datasets from BAliBase 2.0.The experimental results showed that the VDGA with three vertical divisions was the most successful variant for most of the test cases in comparison to other divisions considered with VDGA. The experimental results also confirmed that VDGA outperformed the other methods considered in this research

    Data-driven Algorithm for Scheduling with Total Tardiness

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    In this paper, we investigate the use of deep learning for solving a classical NP-Hard single machine scheduling problem where the criterion is to minimize the total tardiness. Instead of designing an end-to-end machine learning model, we utilize well known decomposition of the problem and we enhance it with a data-driven approach. We have designed a regressor containing a deep neural network that learns and predicts the criterion of a given set of jobs. The network acts as a polynomial-time estimator of the criterion that is used in a single-pass scheduling algorithm based on Lawler's decomposition theorem. Essentially, the regressor guides the algorithm to select the best position for each job. The experimental results show that our data-driven approach can efficiently generalize information from the training phase to significantly larger instances (up to 350 jobs) where it achieves an optimality gap of about 0.5%, which is four times less than the gap of the state-of-the-art NBR heuristic

    Insight on Effectiveness of Frequently Exercised PQ Classification Techniques

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    The growing demands of global consumer market in green energy system have opened the doors for many technologies as well as various sophisticated electrical devices for both commercial and domestic usage. However, with the increasing demands of energy and better quality of services, there is a significant increase in non-linearity in load distribution causing potential effect on the Power Quality (PQ). The harmful effects on PQ are various events e.g. sag, swell, harmonics etc that causes significant amount of system degradation. Therefore, this paper discusses various significant research techniques pertaining to the PQ disturbance classification system introduced by the authors in the past and analyzes its effectiveness scale in terms of research gap. The paper discusses some of the frequently exercised PQ classification techniques from the most relevant literatures in order to have more insights of the techniques